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44 Cards in this Set

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Describe a Dissociative experience
where the individual feels sensations of detachment, slight alterations in consciousness, identity or reality.
What was hysterical neurosis attributed to?
Somatoform and dissociative disorders. or physical symptoms without any real organic cause.
List the five basic somatoform disorders
somatization disorder,
conversion disorder
pain disorder
body dysmorphic disorder
What is hypochondriasis
the sever anxiety on the possibility of having a serious disease.
What are the 6 Criteria for Hypocondriasis?
1. Preoccupation with fears and ideas of having a serious disease, based on misinterpretations of bodily symptoms.
2. Preoccupations persists despite medical reassurance.
3. The belief is not delusional nor is it concerned with appearance.
4. Preoccupation causes distress, socially, occupationally, or other important areas.
5. Duration is 6 months.
6. Not accounted for by:
Generalized Anxiety,
Panic Disorder,
Major Depression
seperation anxiety,
or another somatoform disorder.
Disease conviction is associated with what Disorder?
Hypochondriasis most commonly occurs with what other mental disorder?
Panic Disorder
What are the common symptomatic concerns associated with Panic Disorder,
and what of Hypochondriasis?
Panic Disorder: concerns arise of 10-15 sympathetic nervous system response.

while Hypochondriasis has a much wider range.
What is Chinese anxiety disorder in which individuals believe their genitals are receding back into their bodies?
What is the Sex Ratio for Hypchondriasis?
Indian disorder regarding the loss of semen
Symptoms include, dizzyness, weakness and fatigue.
What are two factors of genetic contributions in Hypochondriasis
1. That of inherited hypersensitivity to external stimuli
2. Learning from parents about voicing concern of symptoms, and also being rewarded for such.
What are some treatments for Hypochondriasis?
Cognitive Behavioral therapy
and also SSRI's (specifically fluoxetine)
What the the initial name given to those with Somatization disorder?
Briquet's Syndrome
(from 1859-1980)
What are the 2 major criteria for somatization disorder
1. History of physical complaints that start from before age 30 and several years of seeking aid or having impairment.

2. a history of four symptoms must be met:
a. four pain symptoms (different areas)
b. two gastrointestinal symptoms
c. one sexual symptom
d. one pseudoneurological symptom
How many symptoms must undifferentiated somatization disorder patient have?
Four to Six symptoms
What other disorder does somatization share a heritable genetic pattern with?
Antisocial personality disorder.
Somatization disorder seems to run mostly on the female side of families while ASPD on the male.
What is the link between somatization disorder and ASPD?
A Disinhibition syndrome characterized by impulsive behaviour.

More specifically the attainment of short term goals at the expense of long term goals.
WHat are some treatments included for somatization disorder
Using a "main" physician to oversee all complaints first.

Second, group behavioral therapy has been proven beneficial.
WHat is astasia-abasia (a type of conversion disorder)
The gradual paralysis and inability to walk.
What is globus hystericus (another type of conversion disorder)
The sensation of a lump in the throat that makes it difficult to swallow, eat or sometimes talk.
What are the six criteria for Conversion Disorder?
1. One or more symptoms or deficits in voluntary motor movement or sensory function.
2. Psychological factors are judged to be associated (previous life stressors)
3. Symptoms are not intentional or feigned
4. After proper investigation, there are not physical conditions.
5. Symptoms cause distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning
6. Symptoms not limited to pain or sexual dysfunction or during somatization disorder.
How can one distinguish between malingering and Conversion disorder?
There are three
1. La belle indifference
2. Usually occur after marked stress
3. Unaware of ability to function normally.
Another name for "Manchausen syndrome by proxy" and what is it?
Factitious disorder by proxy,
The extent to where voluntarily creating illness for no other reason than attention, which is then extended to making other members of family sick. Example Mother making child sick.
Name Freud's four basic processes associated with conversion disorders
1. First event occurs that is unacceptable unconciously.
2. The event is then repressed
3. Event or unconcious dissonance continues to surge until it is converted to physical symptom to relieve pressure. (primary Gain)
4. The symptoms gain attention from other individuals and reinforce the disorder (secondary Gain).
What are some methods of treatment for conversion disorders?
reliving past experience (catharsis)
eliminating secondary gain, attentional reward.
Why was pain disorder decided to be left within the DSM IV category of Somatoform disorder?
Due to the prevalence of individuals who presented with pain disorder after a strong psychological contribution.
What are the criteria for Pain Disorder?
There are 5
1.Observance of pain in one or more anatomical sites.
2. Pain causes clinically significant distress
3. Psychological factors preceding the event has an important role.
4. Symptom is not intentional or feigned.
5. Pain is not due to mood, anxiety, psychotic nor does it meet criteria for dyspareunia.
How does one tell that a pain symptom is actually physically based?
The pain symptoms are described as coming from a localized and specific area.
The description has more sensory words to describe it
Also the patient is able to identify activities that increase or decrease the symptoms of pain.
What is the other diagnosis given to individual with Body dysmorphic disorder?
The other diagnosis given is that of delusional disorder: somatic type.
But this is only applied if the beliefs are of delusional standards
What culture does taijin kyofushin come from and what is it?
Is typically from Japan.
It is the anxiety directed towards bad breath or body odours. This then inhibits individuals from interacting in social situations.
What other disorder is Body Dysmorphic disorder similar to?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
What are some drugs that can help treat BDD and OCD?
What are some treatments?
SSRI's such as clomipramine and fluvoxamine.
Exposure and response therapy (this was seen as most effective)
Name the four dissociative disorders
depersonalization disorder
dissociative amnesia
dissociative fugue
dissociative trance
What other disorder's criteria falls closely to that of depersonalization disorder?
Acute stress disorder.
Name the four criteria for depersonalization disorder.
1. Feelings of detachment from self, observing from an outside perspective
2. During episode, reality remains intact
3. Causes distress or impairs social occupational or other important ares.
4. not due to schizophrenia, panic disorder, acute stress disorder or another dissociative disorder. Not due to drugs or medical conditions (temporal lobe epilepsy)
What are the criteria for dissociative amnesia
1. episodes of inability to recall personal information, usually of traumatic nature
2. not due to dissociative identity disorder, dissociative fugue, PTSD, acute stress disorder, somatization disorder, drugs or medical disorder (head trauma)
3. clinical distress, impairment in social occupations or important areas of life
Name the four criteria associated with Dissociative Fugue
1. Sudden disappearance and trip, with inability to recall anything
2. confusion about personal identity,
3. Not due to: Dissociative identity disorder, drugs or medical condition (temporal lobe epilepsy)
4. Causes distress or impairment of social, occupational, or important ares of life.
What is the inuit name for dissociative fugue.
Name the four criteria for Dissociative Identity Disorder
1. Has two or more distinct identities or personality states.
2. At least two of the personalities recurrently take control
3. Person has inability to recall important information not accounted for by normal forgetting
4. Not due to drugs, general medical condition.
What is the sociocognitive model of Dissociative Identitiy Disorder?
The influence of the therapist influences or reinforces the individual to form fragmented identities and early trauma.
What are some distinguishing factors associated with real DID?
-Changes in Optical functioning
-Differences in Galvanic Skin Response
-Different EEG waves
-Activity in hippocampus and temporal lobes after a switch
What is the autohypnotic model of DID
people who are suggestible may be able to use dissociation as a defense against extreme trauma
What is one neurological disorder associated with DID?
seizure disorders, namely tat effecting the temporal lobe.