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156 Cards in this Set

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Suicidal or self-mutilating acts are common for those diagnosed with ________________
Borderline Personality Disorder

Suicidal or self-mutilating acts are common for those diagnosed with ________________

Borderline Personality Disorder

Although Cluster __ personality disorders involve symptoms that are described as odd or eccentric, these symptoms normally are not of sufficient intensity to include delusions and hallucinations.

Cluster A personality disorders

Psychopaths show ________ than nonpsychopaths in stressful situations.

Less anxiety

According to the DSM-5, ____________ disorders are enduring and inflexible patterns of thinking and behaving that cause distress either for the person or for other people.


What diagnosis is given when symptoms of different personality disorders are mixed together?

Other specified personality disorder

Individuals diagnosed with ___________ personality disorder are often in trouble with the law or unemployed and may have spent long periods incarcerated in prisons or being homeless.

Antisocial personality disorder

What has been found, in terms of treatment, for narcissistic personality disorder?

There are not established therapies.

Both adoptive and biological children of parents with antisocial personality disorder show higher risk, indicating that ___________ factors are the cause

Both genetic and environmental

___________ personality disorder involves social deficits and discomfort combined with distortions of perception and cognition and eccentric behavior

Schizotypal personality disorder

What is characterized by unstable relationships and emotions?

Borderline personality disorder

In _____________, there is both a strong and persistent cross-gender identification and a persistent discomfort with one's assigned sex.

Gender dysphoria

The defining pattern of __________ disorder is the recurrent fantasy, urge, or behavior of exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger.


A person who experiences intense sexual arousal from rubbing his genitals against a stranger's buttocks in a crowded room then fleeing from the scene would likely fit into the criteria for __________ disorder

Frotteuristic disorder

Several of the ___________ are criminal offenses in addition to mental disorders.

Paraphilic disorders

In terms of successful treatment of sexual dysfunctions, there is solid evidence for the ________ approach


Into what three general categories does the DSM-5 divide the psychosexual disorders?

Sexual dysfunctions, paraphilias, and gender identity disorders.

In _________ disorder, sexual interest becomes focused on non-living objects which the individual uses in sexual contexts.


What is an aversion therapy in which imagery of the paraphiliac act is paired with an anxiety-inducing or nausea-inducing verbal description?

Covert sensitization

Which of the following are associated with intense urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving unusual targets of sexual arousal?


In the DSM-5, a __________ is either a disturbance in a person's sexual response or an experience of sexual pleasure.

Sexual dysfunction

Catatonia refers to disturbances in ____________

motor function

Chip was hospitalized with hallucinations, delusions, flat affect, and verbal incoherence. All symptoms disappeared within 4 months. Most likely, what did his treatment team agree upon as a DSM-5 diagnosis?

Schizophreniform disorder

David repeatedly imitates the movement of others. What is this condition called?


Schizophrenia exists in all cultures, however, which of the following varies widely from culture to culture?

Incidence rate

What is a serious and irreversible side effect of phenothiazines?

Tardive dyskinesia

In ___________ hallucinations, the false feeling concerns touch or something just beneath the skin.


What is a tendency toward loose, disjointed expression in speed that impairs communication in psychotic speech?

Loosening of associations

Symptoms such as impairment in self care, restricted range of emotion, and poverty of speech content are considered ________ evidence of psychosis.

Indirect or negative

What are observable traits that can serve as biomarkers for a disorder?


Individuals with schizophrenia tend to avoid close interpersonal relationships, spend much of their time alone, and retreat more and more into their own fantasy world. What is this withdrawal?

Both physical and psychological

The persecutory subtype of delusional disorder may be difficult to differentiate from __________ disorder.

Paranoid personality

What are the most commonly reported hallucinations in schizophrenia?


Symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and grossly impaired speech or movements are considered _______________ evidence of psychosis

Direct or positive

A psychotic speaker may employ _________, which involves the use of a word because of its sound.


What is a false belief that is firmly held, contrary to the consensus of other people?

A delusion

What is a term for severe psychological disturbance involving personality disorganization and loss of contact with reality?


How does delusional disorder differ from schizophrenia?

Patients with delusional disorder behave relatively normally.

What can elicit a psychosis that can be indistinguishable from acute paranoid schizophrenia?

Amphetamine drugs

Currently the diagnosis of schizophrenia requires _______ psychotic symptoms during a one-month active phase, one of which must be delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech.


In ___________ hallucinations, the person appears to have a faulty interpretation and monitoring of self-talk.


What is the hypothesis that depression is caused by a deficiency of norepinephrine and serotinin in the brain?

The monoamine hypothesis

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder requires temper outbursts to occur in ______________.

at least two settings.

Dixie has been fatigued, tired, and has had difficulty with concentrating for the past three weeks. She is preoccupied with personal failure and her worthlessness, and blames herself for any non-positive event she encounters. She has even thought about suicide, although she doesn't have a specific plan for it. What DSM-5 criteria does Dixie meet?

Major depressive episode

What kind of episode is characterized by excessive elation, irritability, talkativeness, flight of ideas, and accelerated speech and motor behavior?


What is a side effect of electroconvulsive therapy that is a significant problem for some patients?

Memory loss

A distinction must be made between a major depressive episode and the normal depressive symptoms associated with __________.


Those who become depressed after stressful life events are considered to suffer from __________ depression.


What do all antidepressant medications work to increase?

Levels of neurotransmitters within the synaptic cleft

What may happen when infants are separated from their mothers for long periods in their first year of life?

They may develop signs of depression.

What is a view that depression is caused by a pessimistic causal style that emphasizes internal, stable, and global factors?

The attribution model of depression

What is the lifetime prevalence for mood disorders in the population?


Although males complete suicide more often, females make nearly _________ as many suicide attempts.


What involves hypomanic symptoms that may not meet the full criteria for a hypomanic episode, which also alternate with depressive symptoms that also do not meet the full criteria for a major depressive episode?

Cyclothymic disorder

What is one way that persistent depressive disorder differs from major depression?

Persistent depressive disorder usually lasts longer.

What is the theory that depression is caused by lack of connection between responses and their outcomes?

Learned helplessness.

Anorexia nervosa commonly occurs in conjunction with other mental disorders, most often ___________ disorders

Mood or anxiety

What is functional dysphagia?

An anticipatory conditioned response of food avoidance

For those with breathing-related sleep disorders, what breathing difficulty most often disrupts sleep?

Sleep apnea

In which of the following do individuals awake from slow-wave, non-REM sleep abruptly, usually with a cry or panicky scream, and are generally unresponsive to efforts by others to awaken them?

Sleep terrors

For those individuals diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, __________ produce greater improvements in both binge-eating and purging than ____________.

Antidepressant medications; placebos

For those with insomnia disorder, younger people report __________ asleep and older people report ___________ asleep.

Problems falling; difficulty remaining

In which pattern of anorexia nervosa does the individual regularly consume food, often in large quantities, and then compensates by inducing vomiting or misusing laxatives, enemas, or diuretics?

Binge-eating/purge type.

Bulimia nervosa is often referred to as the "binge-purge" disorder. Why is this misleading?

There are other ways to compensate for binges that do not involve purging.

In ___________, individuals repeatedly regurgitate and re-chew their food, without the experience of nausea associated with the process.

Rumination disorder.

What disorder experiences repeated, irrepressible attacks of unintended sleep?


For those with _________ nervosa, perceptions of body image are distorted so much so that individuals feel fat even when weight is significantly below normal.


What does pica involve?

Eating non-nutritive subtances

The naturally-occurring hormone _________ has been shown to improve sleep with few side effects and no withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation.


In the __________ pattern of anorexia nervosa, the individual diets, fasts, or exercises excessively.

Restricting type

How does binge-eating disorder differ from bulimia nervosa?

For binge-eating disorder, the binges are not followed by compensatory behaviors.

How was the world "bedlam" derived?

St. Mary's at Bethlehem Hospital the public could buy tickets to see the antics of inmates.

For practical and ethical reasons, much of the subject matter of abnormal psychology must be studied by ______ methods.


Hugo has recently been experiencing random thoughts of violence, which usually involve those individuals that Hugo is rather close emotionally. These thoughts have created a substantial amount of subjective distress for Hugo. Is this an example of abnormal behavior?


In epidemiological research, which of the following is true?


Involuntary muscular twitching, usually involving the facial muscles
General Paresis
Characterized by delusions of grandeur, dementia, progressive paralysis, caused by a sexually transmitted spirochete.
What is Abasia?
The inability to walk.
A condition that includes emotional arousal and physical symptoms which seem to have no organic basis.
What is the organic view based upon?
The belief that abnormal behavior is caused primarily by biological factors.
The use of tools to make a sizable hole in the skull to release demonic spirits
Benjamin Rush, founder of American psychiatry, advocated these as effective treatments of abnormal behavior
Spinning of patients on boardsBloodlettingTranquilizing chairs
Launched a campaign against the inhumane conditions in asylums
Dorothea Dix
What does a paradigm provide?
A framework with which to view a phenomenon, as well as the vocabulary to use in reference to the subject. A "norm"
When the entirety of one side of the body becomes insensitive.
According to Freudian theory, the part of the mind where instinctual impulses originate
In ACT therapy, patients are taught to recognize the presence of certain bothersome emotions (such as depression/anxiety) and do what?
Accept their occurrence without becoming overwhelmed by them
An irrational emotional reaction of a patient to the therapist, in which early attitudes toward parents are shifted toward the therapist?
Which therapies are considered the most effective psychological interventions for a number of psychological disorders?
Continued gradual exposure to an anxiety-producing stimuli for treatment
Systematic desensitization
A rare form of mental retardation caused by a recessively inherited error in protein metabolism
Antidepressant drugs were accidentally discovered during the investigations for treating
According to the biological model, what is the fundamental cuase of mental disorders?
Physiological conditions in the brain
Potential long-term side effect of phenothiazine treatment of schizophrenia, which involves rhythmical stereotyped movements and lip-smacking?
Tardive dyskinesia
The most widely used personality inventory in the field of abnormal psychology
MMPI-2Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
How many medical/biological tests are there that can confirm or verify the vast proportion of specific DSM-5 diagnoses?
Diagnosis of a mental disorder relies heavily on
Culture-bound syndromes
Forms of psychological problems that are highly specific to certain cultural groups
According to the DSM-5, what is a level 1 assessment?
A brief survey of several symptom domains
According to the DSM-6, what is a level 2 assessment?
An in-depth assessment of a specific disorder area
____________ and ____________ tend to be the two basic types of personality tests
Projective tests and personality inventories
In a test to become admitted to psychiatric hospitals, Rosenhan and his seven confederates complained of __________
hearing voices
Psychological tests are standardized procedures for obtaining a sample of _____________ from which inferences can be made about the person's general psychological functioning.
Standardized intelligence test
Stanford-Binet Test
Disorder that involves social and emotional disturbance and withdrawal toward adult caregivers following a history of inadequate care
Reactive attachment disorder
What happens in the alarm stage of General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)?
Physical resources are mobilized following the recognition of the stress event
What are processes whereby equilibrium or balance is maintained in a dynamic system?
Homeostatic mechanisms
A therapeutic technique in which the person is made to confront the stimuli that arouses anxiety until the anxiety extinguishes.
In the diathesis-stress model of mental disorders, how is the predisposition for a particular disorder considered?
It could be biological, genetic, or psychological in origin.
The most direct regulatory of calming physical reactions such as blood pressure decreasing and slowing of the heartbeat.
Parasympathetic nervous system
An orphaned child having no fear of unfamiliar adults, approaching them all enthusiastically and with big hugs, wandering off with adults she does not know.
Disinhibited social engagement disorder
According to the DSM-5, when could the dysfunction seen in PTSD be especially severe and long-lasting?
When the precipitating stressor is intentional and interpersonal.
Medications for choice for both ASD and PTSD?
What are the psychological interventions that appear to be most effective as treatments for PTSD?
Cognitive-behavioral therapies.
Hoarding seems to _________ with each decade of life.
A patient cannot make himself go to interviews he has been offered. He fears appearing stupid and incompetent and that the employer will notice that he is trembling. He's sick for days whenever an interview is scheduled.
Social anxiety disorder
When is the only time that a specific phobia is diagnosed?
When it lasts at least six months, and interferes significantly with a person's life or is associated with marked distress.
People who are preoccupied with what they consider a defect in their appearance.
Body dymorphic disorder
A child who speaks quite often suddenly becoming mute in new situations, choosing instead to point.
Selective mutism
Pulling out hairs when stressed.
Worrying uncontrollably about contracting some disease from touching doorknobs in public place, combating this anxiety by counting footsteps.
Irrational fear of brown beetles
For a DSM-5 diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder, what criteria must the obsessions and compulsions meet?
Time consuming, occupying at least one hour per day
What disorder is characterized by recurrent, spontaneous, and unexpected panic attacks along with anxiety about future attacks and their consequences?
Panic disorder
Disorder in which people invent or exaggerate their symptoms for no obvious reason or motive other than from playing sick
Factitious disorder
What will a person suffering from dissociative amnesia likely forget?
Their name
What disorder involves the persistent or recurrent feelings of detachment or separation from one's self?
Depersonalization/derealization disorder
Obvious lack of concern about one's symptoms
La belle indifference
Referring to a notion that psychic energy or stress may be changed into physical symptoms
How is generalized amnesia defined?
As a complete loss of memory for one's life history and one's identity.
Used to uncover unconscious memories and bring them to the surface, what does the typical (but unproven) therapy of dissociative amnesia involve?
Hypnosis together with free association
_______ involve certain altered states of consciousness and disruptions of memory and identity
Dissociative disorders
What doe people with dissociative identity frequently report?
Histories of childhood physical and sexual abuse.
The lack of feeling or numbness in an area of the hand and wrist
Glove amnesia
What are disorders in which some aspect of personal memory or experience is kept from conscious awareness called?
Dissociative disorders
The inability to make speech sounds, without any apparent physical basis
Axis I
Clinical disorders-Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia
Axis II
Personality Disorders and Mental RetardationBorderline PD, Antisocial PD, etc
Axis III
General Medical ConditionsHigh blood pressure, sprained ankle
Axis IV
Psychosocial and Environmental CausesRecent divorce, loss of job, homelessness
Axis V
Global assessment of functioningNumber 1 to 100 summarizing one's functioning and symptoms
Provisional Diagnosis
used when the client most likely fits diagnostic criteria but that criteria is not yet confirmed
By history
DX is based on past records
By self-report
DX is based on client report but not yet verified
Criteria not met, but client has some characteristics
Other Specified Disorders (AXIS)
has some criteria but insufficient symptoms to qualify for that DX (when only 3 of four symptoms are met, Other Specified Panic Disorder)
Unspecified Disorders
Symptoms that aren't specific enough to allow for a clear DX

This is the term for when children with neurodevelopmental disorders go to class with neurotypical peers


This type of delusion means that you believe that actors on TV and any song you hear actually contains hidden messages for you

Delusions of reference

Words that the speaker invents


His theory of depression included the idea of learned helplessness


These disorders first begin in the womb when the central nervous system is still forming

neurodevelopmental disorders

His experiment involved having mentally healthy men and women pretend to be insane by stating that they heard voices saying strange words


This treatment is very effective for individuals with psychosis because it encourages those clients to accept that hallucinations will always exist.


His work & notes are the basis for the first DSM


Therapy in which blue lights are used to effectively treat individuals with seasonal depression.

Photo light therapy.