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43 Cards in this Set

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One idea that attempts to reconcile the Bible and evolution is __?__.

theistic evolution

Which geologist popularized uniformitarianism?

Charles Lyell

The hypothetical time scale that supposedly charts both the earth's history and the sequence of the rock layers in the earth's crust is the __?__.

geologic column

Fossils that extend through several strata are __?__ fossils.


The supposed starting point of cosmic evolution is __?__.

the big bang

The idea that the fittest and strongest of each species are more likely to survive and reproduce than weaker of unfit members of the species is __?__.

natural selection

What is the sudden appearance of life in the fossil record called?

Cambrian explosion

How often can science make authoritative statements about the origin of the earth?


Which scientist first suggested that many catastrophes have shaped Earth's geological features?

Georges Cuvier

What is the belief that the universe and life originated by natural processes over billions of years?


Which of the following was a badly crushed "Homo habilis" skull that scientists found in Kenya?

Skull 1470

The belief that God called the universe and all that is in it into existence out of nothing is __?__.

special creation

The principle of __?__ states that the same scientific laws in operation today have existed throughout the earth's history.


From longest to shortest, the time periods into which evolutionists divide the geologic column are __?__, eras, __?__, and __?__.

eons, periods, epochs

When an organism shows no change between its appearance in the fossil record and at the present day, scientists refer to this as __?__.


The false belief that all geological processes have always proceeded at the same rate is known as __?__.


The idea that one or more catastrophes are primarily responsible for Earth's geological features is __?__.


Charles __?__ popularized evolution with his book "On the Origin of Species".


The evolutionary hypothesis that states that new kinds of organisms arise quickly because of rapid genetic changes is __?__.

punctuated equilibrium

A fossil that is considered characteristic of a specific period is a __?__.

index fossil

The study of fossils is __?__.


The size of the portion of the skull that contains the brain is the __?__.

cranial capacity

Another name for transitional forms is __?__.


"missing link" thought to be a transitional form between amphibians and reptiles


"missing link" thought to be a transitional form between reptiles and birds


deep-sea fish thought to be the ancestor of the first amphibians


"missing link" thought to be a transitional form between fish and tetrapods


Where in the earth's crust is the geologic column found in its entirety?


What is the most famous australopithecine?

Lucy (or Australopithecus afarensis)

How many years ago did the Flood probably occur?

5000-6000 years

Does the geological record support and confirm the Genesis Flood?


What is the radiometric dating method used on organic materials?

carbon-14 dating

What term refers to the gap formed when continuous strata are missing one or more layers?


What are the preserved remains of plants, animals, or humans in sedimentary rock?


modern man's classification

Homo sapiens

human "ancestor" reconstructed from a few teeth and bone fragments


Java man

Homo erectus

"southern apes"


chimpanzeelike "missing link" called "handy man"

Homo habilis

fossil lost during World War II

Peking man

"upright man"

Homo erectus

human "ancestor" who was fully human but probably had rickets

Neanderthal man

Essay: Explain how using the order of fossils in the geologic column to support evolution is an example of circular reasoning.

Answers should include the following ideas:

The "age" of fossils in a rock is used to determine the age of the rock.

Arranging the rocks in order from "oldest" to "youngest" shows the supposed sequence of evolution.

The supposed stage of evolution is used to determine the "age" of fossils in a rock.

Although the order of fossils in the geologic column appears to show evolution, using the geologic column to support evolution is circular reasoning because the order of fossils is based on the assumption of evolution.