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49 Cards in this Set

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In scientific usage, any insect with piercing-sucking mouthparts and a half-wing design is a ____.
Spiders, ticks, scorpions, and daddy longlegs are classified as____.
The exoskeleton of an arthropod is composed of ____.
The unusual cartilaginous fish that lack jaws are the lamprey and ____.
A faceted eye composed of many independent lenses and "retinas" is a ____.
compound eye
The largest known fish is the ____.
whale shark
A median fin on top of a fish's body is a ____.
dorsal fin
The large fin at the rear of a fish that serves as the fish's propeller and rudder is the ____.
caudal fin
The portion of an insect's body that contains the heart and much of the digestive, respiratory, and excretory system is the _____.
Where are the wings of an insect attached?
What is the front body segment of a spider?
An immature form of an insect that looks much like an adult but has different body proportions and lacks wings is a ____.
The organs on each side of a fish's head that allow the fish to extract oxygen from the water are the ____.
Animals without backbones are called ____.
The egg-laying female in a colony of bees or ants is the ____.
The sperm-containing fluid produced by a male fish is called ____.
The two major groups of fish ate the cartilaginous fish and _____ fish.


The vanelike projections from the front of the gill arches that protect the gills by straining debris from the water are the ____.
gill rakers
The small, bony plates embedded in a fish's skin that act as a protective covering are called ____.
includes the most common social insects
contains the true bugs
have toothlike projections on their mouthparts
have wings covered in tiny scales
includes pestilent insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and gnats
have hard, shell-like forewings
Egg laying by fish is called ____.


The w-shaped bands in which a fish's muscles are arranged are ____.
The gill cover on each side of a fish's head is an _____.
What structure is NOT found in most cartilaginous fish?
swim bladder
What are excretory organs of a crayfish?
green glands
What organ that allows a fish to sense faint vibrations and pressure changes in the water?
lateral line
What group of odd-looking cartilaginous fish have gill covers?
What are the leg-like appendages on either side of a spider's mouth with which it handles its food?
What group includes lobsters, crayfish, and shrimp?
How many chambers does a fish's heart have?
What is the largest group of arthropods?
Which of a fish's three main body regions contains the most fins?
Unlike spiders, scorpions do not make silk. what organ is found in spiders but NOT in scorpions?
The codling moth is a common pestilent insect whose larvae infest apples and other fruits. one method of controlling the codling moth is to use preparations containing the virus CpGV, which can cause a fatal infection in codling moth larvae. which type of insect control is using CpGV to control the codling moth?
biological control
What statement is true of both a typical spider and typical insect's anatomy?
Air enters the body through spiracles and is distributed by tracheae.
What BEST explains why a bottom-dwelling fish, such as a flounder, does not need a swim bladder?
The swim bladder allows the fish to adjust its buoyancy.
Invertebrates with jointed appendages are ____.
Fast-moving arthropods that typically have 30-50 legs and have only one pair of legs on each body segment are ____.
A newly-hatched treehopper resembles an adult but is smaller and lacks wings. with every molt, the treehopper grows closer to the adult size and shape. it gains wings in the final molt. treehoppers undergo ____ metamorphosis.
The especially hard outer shell of a crustacean that covers the gills and protects the internal organs is the ____.


The males in a colony of bees, ants, or wasps are ____.
Another name for fish eggs is ____.
The abdominal appendages of crayfish and other crustaceans are ____.



Explain why blood flow in an insect can be much less vigorous than blood flow in a mammal. include a description of the insect circulatory system in your answer.

The insect circulatory system consists of the hear, aorta, and blood. Blood flows into the heart through small openings called ostia. The ostia has valves that let blood to enter the heart but prevents it from escaping. Contractions of the heart pump the blood to the head through the aorta, which is the insect's only blood vessel. The blood travels back to the heart by flowing through the body cavity, supplying nutrients and removing wastes as it bathes the organs.
A mammal's blood must flow vigorously to provide oxygen; otherwise, the cells would quickly die from lack of oxygen. In contrast, an insect's blood does not supply oxygen to the cells. Since the cells do not depend on the blood for oxygen, the blood can flow much less vigorously and still keep the cells supplied with needed nutrients.