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303 Cards in this Set

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Neural tissue contains two cell types, called?
neurons and neuroglia
What percentage of the eyeball is protected by the bony orbit?
Neurons contain projections called?
axons and dendrites
The chromosomes are located in what part of the cell?
Myelinated nerves are surrounded by a sheath manufactured by a form of nervous tissue called ___ cells.
What is the bony socket in the skull where the eye is located?
Neuroglia cells have a number of basic functions. Which of the following is NOT one of these functions?
facilitate electrical impulses through neurons
The chromosomes are located in what part of the cell?
How many basic functions do neuroglia have?
In the front of the lens is a clear fluid called?
aqueous humor
Bundles of myelinated nerves are refered to as?
white matter
How many chromosomes are there in a normal mature human cell?
What is the gap between nerve cells called?
The jellylike fluid that cannot be replaced if the globe ruptures and the fluid leaks out is called?
vitreous humor
Electrical impulses travel down the nerve and trigger the release of chemicals known as?
What muscle is attached to the base of the hair that pulls the hair perpendicular to the surface of the skin?
arrector pili muscle
Neurotransmitters are contained within the?
synaptic vesicles
The inner surface of the eyelids and the exposed surface of the eye itself are covered by a delicate membrane called the?
The central nervous system includes how many cranial nerves?
The number of chromosomes in each sex cell is called the ___ number.
How many pairs of spinal nerves exit the spinal cord via the vertebral column as part of the peripheral nervous system?
The white of the eye that extends over the surface of the globe is called the?
The nervous system is divided into a number of systems. Which of the following is NOT one of these systems?
involuntary nervous system
How many chromosomes are there in a normal mature human cell?
The fight-or-flight response is part of which nervous system?
autonomic nervous system
What part of the eye is pigmented and give the eye its color?
Collectively, the midbrain, pons, and medulla are called the?
brain stem
The union of the sperm and egg results in the formation of a?
Numerous folds greatly increase the surface area of the cortex. These folds are called?
The opening in the center of the iris that allows light to move to the back of the eye is called the?
Which lobe of the brain is responsible for processing visual information?
Which is NOT a location where the apocrine sweat glands usually open into hair follicles?
Which lobe plays an important role in hearing and memory and is separated from the rest of the cerebrum by a lateral fissure?
The optic nerve passes through what opening into the brain?
optic foramen
The most inferior portion of the diencephalon is vital in control of many bodily functions including the heart rate, digestion, and temperature regulation. What is that portion of the diencephalon called?
Which of the following does NOT help to hold the ovaries in place?
endometrial wall
The inferior portion of the midbrain coordinates heart rate, blood vessel diameter, swallowing, vomiting, and coughing and is called the?
Images are transmitted to the brain, where they are converted into conscious images in the?
visual cortex
The outer membrane covering the central nervous system is called?
dura mater
The number of chromosomes in each sex cell is called the ___ number.
CSF is manufactured in what part of the brain?
Tears produced in the lacrimal gland drain through the?
punctum lacrimale
Portions of the cerebrum and diencephalon influence emotions, motivation, mood, and sensations of pain and pleasure; this is called the?
limbic system
What gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone on a monthly basis?
pituitary gland
The spinal cord leaves the skull through a large opening at the base of the skull known as the?
foramen magnum
Which area of the tongue senses bitter?
___ fibers carry sensory information from the periphery and back of the brain.
It is a warm summer day and you arrive on the scene of an injured motorcyclist. The patient is in great pain and you see patches of bloody spots on his left arm and leg. You are told that the driver laid the cycle down at a relatively low speed in order to avoid hitting another another vehicle that ran a stop sign. The motorcyclist was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and sustained road rash on his left side when he slid to a stop on the pavement. You observe a considerable amount of skin has been scraped off. How would you classify this road rash injury?
___ fibers carry motor impulses from the brain to the fibers of the peripheral nervous system.
Which area of the tongue senses sweet?
An area of the skin supplied by a given pair of spinal sensory nerves is called a(n)?
During what process does an immature diploid oocyte undergo a series of cell divisions to form a final haploid ovum?
The brachial plexus consists of which spinal nerves?
C5 to T1
What is the sense of taste called?
Which plexus innervates the diaphragm?
The union of the sperm and egg results in the formation of a?
The ___ nerve supplies the deltoid and teres minor muscles?
The ear is divided into three anatomic parts. The exterior portion of the tympanic membrane is in which part of the ear?
What nerve innervates the diaphragm?
Where does fertilization of an ovum by a sperm usually occur?
fallopian tube
The largest peripheral nerve in the body is the?
sciatic nerve
The ear is divided into three anatomic parts. The ossicles are in which part of the ear?
The oculomoter nerve innervates the muscles that cause motion of the eyeballs and upper lids; this nerve is also referred to as the ___ cranial nerve.
Most feedback mechanisms in the human body are?
The V cranial nerve supplies sensation to the scalp, forehead, face and lower jaw via three branches and provides motor innervation to the muscles of the throat and inner ear; this nerve ear is also called the ___ nerve.
Vibrations stimulate hair movements, which in turn form nerve impulses that travel to the brain via the auditory canal. Where does this stimulation occur?
organ of Corti
The ___ nervous system is responsible for slowing the heart and respiratory rate, constricting pupils and increasing digestive system activity.
The expanded area of the peritoneal cavity into which each fallopian tube opens is called the?
A cholinergic fiber secretes?
How many small bones are there on the inner side of the tympanic membrane of the ear?
Acetylcholine is normally rapidly destroyed by an enzyme called?
Which of the following does NOT help to hold the ovaries in place?
endometrial wall
Which adrenergic receptor is responsible primarily affects the lungs, causing bronchodilation?
Movement of the oval window causes fluid in what part of the ear to vibrate?
Which adrenergic receptor effects occur in the peripheral blood vessels, causing vasoconstrictions?
What shape is the uterus?
You are on the scene with a 65 yo man who has sustained a severe lac to the hand and lost what appears to be at least a pint of blood. The bleeding is controlled and your partner is getting a SAMPLE history while you obtain VS. The heart rate is 72, and you are surprised that the pt is not tachy, until your partner tells you he is on what type of medication?
beta blocker
The kinetic labyrinth system senses movement of which part of the body?
What regulates the function of the pituitary?
At the scene of a MVC, an unconscious pt who has sustained significant trauma to the head has no pupillary response when a light is shown in either eye. What cranial nerve has been affected by the head trauma?
The kinetic labyrinth system is comprised of three semicircular canals in the bony labyrinth of the ear, each in what relationship to the others?
right angle
On the scene of a pt with a sports injury the pt has reportedly sustained an injury to the wrist and forearm. The pt manifests a wrist drop that is characteristic sign of injury to which nerve?
What is the top segment of the uterus called?
Computer 4-5 hours a day doing billing?
carpal tunnel
What is the fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the ear?
Touch a hot pot of coffee and retract fast?
flexor reflex
What gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone on a monthly basis?
pituitary gland
You respond to a pt in a nursing home, and while getting a SAMPLE history you are told about a subarachnoid hemorrhage that occurred a few years before. Where did that hemorrhage occur?
between the arachnoid and pia mater
The static labyrinth system senses the position of the head to gravity or?
linear acceleration/deceleration
Right sided deficit = what side stroke?
Which of the following is NOT a ligament that holds the uterus in place?
peritoneal ligament
Stroke signs go away?
Olfactory receptor cells line what region of the nose?
upper posterior
What layer of the GI system is made up of smooth muscle that contracts progressively from the esophagus to the colon?
You respond to a call at a gym, for an individual who reportedly has been taking anabolic steroids for an extended period of time. Before you get to the patient, you are informed that he is experiencing side effects typical for someone who has taken large quantities of anabolic steroids. How do you expect this patient to be acting?
aggressive and violent
What are the progressive contractions that propel food through the GI system called?
The utricle and the saccule contain a specialized patch of tissue called the?
The spleen is located in the ___ quad?
left upper
What is the middle layer of the uterine wall called?
The liver is located in the ___ quad?
right upper
Scent impulses travel to the olfactory cortex of the brain via the olfactory?
The gallbladder is located in the ___ quad?
right upper
During what process does an immature diploid oocyte undergo a series of cell divisions to form a final haploid ovum?
During the digestion process, where in the digestive tract is water absorbed?
Which of the following does the skin's receptors NOT sense?
The innermost portion of the GI system is the?
The innermost layer of the uterus is divided into how many layers?
The pyloric sphincter is located b/w the?
stomach and duodenum
Pain felt at a different site from that of the injured or diseased part of the body is called?
referred pain
The bottom of the abdominal cavity is formed by the?
Where are ceruminous glands located?
The salivary glands include all EXCEPT the ___ gland?
You are assessing a patient who fell. When examining her head you observe there is an opaque covering in the lens of the left eye that may have obscured her vision and contributed to the fall. You suspect that this problem with the left eye is a?
The primary enzyme in saliva, salivary amylase, breaks starches and other polysaccharides into?
simple sugars
If fertilization does not occur during a menstrual cycle, a series of hormonal changes causes the remnants of the follicle to be sloughed. This sloughed material is now referred to as the?
corpus luteum
The espohagus is ___ to the trachea?
Certain conditions result in excess skin sensitivity, especially to touch or cold. What is the general term for this phenomenon?
The muscular rings that regulate the movement of material in and out of the esophagus are the?
esophageal sphincters
Where does fertilization of an ovum by a sperm usually occur?
fallopian tube
The stomach is located in the?
left upper quad
How many days long is the average menstrual cycle?
In the stomach, food is churned and mixed with digestive juices, forming a semiliquid mass called?
Each nail contains three parts. Which of the following is NOT one of the parts?
The thick folds of the stomach wall are called?
What is the female's first menstrual cycle?
What is the thick ring of smooth muscle between the stomach and the small intestine called?
pyloric sphincter
The expanded area of the peritoneal cavity into which each fallopian tube opens is called the?
Which type of cells in the glands of the stomach produce HCl to digest food?
parietal cells
The zygote usually implants into the uterine wall how many days after fertilization?
Pepsin, which is an enzyme found in the stomach, is important in the initial breakdown of?
The integumentary system is the body's largest organ system and accounts for what percentage of body weight?
Hormones produced by the endocrine cells of the stomach and intestine have significant effects on the motility of substances. Gastrin has what effect on stomach secretions and emptying?
What is the outer group of cells of the zygote called?
The second portion of the small intestine after it leaves the stomach is the?
What shape is the uterus?
Peptidases break down?
The placenta is attached to what surface?
The common bile duct and the hepatic duct drain into the opening of the duodenum at the?
ampulla of Vater
What portion of the pituitary gland is directly connected to and continuous with the brain?
The colon consists of how many portions?
The process of fetal development is stimulated by production of what hormone?
human chorionic gonadotropin hormone
What part of the large intestine extends upward from the cecum?
ascending colon
What is the top segment of the uterus called?
The two circular sphincters of the anal canal are the?
internal and external
A thin mucous membrane that covers the vaginal opening is called the?
The reservoir for bile, a digestive enzyme, is the?
The hypodermis is the layer of soft tissue immediately below the?
Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the liver?
removal of red blood cells
The clitoris contains erectile tissue known as?
corpus cavernosus
The spleen has a vital role in?
fighting infection
Which of the following is NOT a ligament that holds the uterus in place?
peritoneal ligament
Which of the following is NOT made by the pancreas?
The milk produced in the female breast druing childbearing is stored in the?
lactiferous sinuses
___ is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins.
Insulin is secreted by what cells of the islets of Langerhans?
beta cells
Which organ occupies the retroperitoneal space?
What causes the scrotum to contract in cold weather causing it to become firm and wrinkled?
dartos muscle
The parts of the peritoneum that hold the abdominal organs in place are called the?
What is the middle layer of the uterine wall called?
Diverticulitis is an infection of weak spots in the ___.
The process of spermatogenesis takes how many days?
McBurney's point
An erector muscle is attached to the base of the hair; it pulls the hair perpendicular to the surface of the skin in response to what?
Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause diffuse abdominal pain in multiple quadrants?
Spermatozoa undergo a final maturation process in the?
You respond to a call for a pt who was involved in a fight. He reportedly was struck in the abdomen with a baseball bat with considerable force. As expected, the pt is in considerable pain and is showing s/s consistent with shock. What is one of the most significant long term issues that may affect the recovery of this patient?
The innermost layer of the uterus is divided into how many layers?
Which sense will the paramedic most likely NOT use when assessing a patient with a possible GI bleed?
Blood vessels and nerves of the penis run along the?
dorsal side
What is the building or constructive phase, in which smaller molecules are converted to larger molecules?
The adrenalin (epinephrine) released in times of stress mediates which body response?
What salivary enzyme hydrolyzes starch into maltose?
Where is MOST of the fluid portion of the semen produced?
seminal vesicles
Small sugars attach to carrier molecules and pass through the intestinal mucosal cell membrane via?
facilitated diffusion
If fertilization does not occur during a menstrual cycle, a series of hormonal changes causes the remnants of the follicle to be sloughed. This sloughed material is now referred to as the?
corpus luteum
Some glucose is stored as glycogen in what organ?
What is the normal human gestation period following implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall?
266 days
What molecule forms the energy food for all of the body's functions?
Adrenocorticotropic hormone is stimulated by which of the following?
trauma/major surgery
Cellular respiration takes place in what intracellular organelle?
Audible fetal heart tones are noted on Doppler ultrasound in which trimester?
Lactic acid waste products are produced during what process?
anaerobic metabolism
How many days long is the average menstrual cycle?
What is the process of metabolization of foodstuffs into energy to be stored?
Kreb's cycle
Lungs of a fetus become capable of repiration and produce surfactant in which trimester?
Regulation of body temperature is under the primary control of what part of the brain?
The lunula of the finger nail is best described as the?
white crescent-shaped structure at the base
Heat is dissipated from the body via a number of mechanisms. Which of the following is NOT one of the mechanisms?
The average duration of labor for the first pregnancy is how many hours?
About 75% of all body fluid is?
What is the female's first menstrual cycle?
Intravascular fluid and interstitial fluid make up approximately how much of the total body fluid?
The placenta is expelled uring what stage of labor?
Which part of the brain triggers the release of antidiuretic hormone as a result of decreased body fluid?
pituitary gland
The outer layer of the epidermis is called the?
stratum corneum
Which of the following is NOT a function of the kidneys?
regulate temperature
The opening between the right and left atria of the fetal heart is called the?
foramen ovale
A protective layer of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds each kidney is called the?
renal capsule
The zygote usually implants into the uterine wall how many days after fertilization?
What is the outer portion of the kidney called?
renal cortex
At birth, vascular changes affect atrial pressure. What is the correct change in these pressure?
decreased right and increased left atrial pressure
The functional unit of the kidney is called the?
Prolactin plays a role in?
production of milk in women
Within the Bowman's capsule is a ball of capillaries called a?
What is contained in chromosomes and carries and so-called genetic code?
The blood is filtered in the filtration membrane. Which of the following is NOT reclaimed from or excreted into the urine as part of that process?
What is the outer group of cells of the zygote called?
Electrolytes, chlorine, and sodium are transported actively, requiring?
Each sex cell (sperm and ovum) contains a haploid number of chromosomes, which is how many chromosomes each?
What hormone is produced by the cells of the juxtagomerular apparatus when the blood pressure is low?
You respond to an address well-known to EMS because it is the home of a diabetic patient who frequently calls for assistance. The patient is found to have diabetic ketoacidosis, as determined by an elevated blood sugar level. Which of the following is a presenting problem of this patient that is typically treated by EMS?
A lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) results in production of which of the following?
large volume of dilute urine
What zygote combination results in a male embryo?
The thick-walled, hollow tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder are called?
The placenta is attached to what surface?
The micturition reflex happens when what occurs to the urinary bladder?
An observable chracteristic of an organism that results from genetic composition and environmental factors is a/an?
The narrowest portion of the entire urethra in the male is the?
external urethral orifice
What is the MOST important mineralocorticoid?
The female urethra is fused with which wall of the vagina?
Which of the following diseases is autosomal recessive?
sickle cell anemia
Moves into blood
The process of fetal development is stimulated by production of what hormone?
human chorionic gonadotropin hormone
How is water affected in the kidney when the level of aldosterone is decreased?
A 24-year-old woman has severe abdominal pain. During the assessment and SAMPLE history you determine that she is a few weeks late on her menstrual cycle and is tachycardic and diaphoretic. The MOST likely diagnosis is?
ectopic pregnancy
Each kilocalorie represents the amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1 kilogram of water from?
14.5 to 15.5
Which of the following is NOT one of the three major female hormones?
The loss of moisture from the skin and the lungs during respiration accounts for about 25% of heat loss. What is this process called?
Vaginitis is a nonspecific term for an infection that is often caused by?
sexually transmitted disease
At room temp, what percentage of heat dissipation is by radiation and convection?
A thin mucous membrane that covers the vaginal opening is called the?
As the ambient temperature approaches body temperature, which mechanism of heat dissipation is no longer effective?
The leading cause of death in women is?
breast cancer
At high ambient temperatures, what is the only effective method of heat dissipation?
Growth hormone (somatotropin) stimulates growth in most tissues, especially?
long bones
Which of the following has nephrons that are NOT selectively permeable in order to help maintain homeostasis?
Testicular torsion has classic signs and symptoms. Which of the following is NOT one of the classic signs or symptoms?
radiating abdominal pain
Diabetes insipidus does what to pts urine output and thirst?
large volume of urine and intense thirst
The clitoris contains erectile tissue known as?
corpus cavernosus
What is the normal range for the pH of urine?
What is the name of the inner layer of the epidermis that is a single layer of cells and in which cells division occurs frequently?
stratum germinativum
The milk produced in the female breast druing childbearing is stored in the?
lactiferous sinuses
Which hormone is secreted by the neurohypophysis?
What causes the scrotum to contract in cold weather causing it to become firm and wrinkled?
dartos muscle
Which of the following decreases the secretion of growth hormone?
high blood glucose levels
The process of spermatogenesis takes how many days?
Which of the following is one of the functions of the integumentary system?
maintain water balance
Spermatozoa undergo a final maturation process in the?
You have been called to an industrial accident where a worker has sustained a burn to the arm that appears to have extended to the hypodermis. How should this burn be classified?
full thickness
Blood vessels and nerves of the penis run along the?
dorsal side
The pancreas is an organ belonging to which two body systems?
endocrine and digestive systems
Where is MOST of the fluid portion of the semen produced?
seminal vesicles
What hormones does the pancreas produce?
insulin and glucagon
What is the normal human gestation period following implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall?
266 days
Dead cells from the stratum corneum continuously slough off. How are these cells replenished?
new cells push up from stratum germinativum
Audible fetal heart tones are noted on Doppler ultrasound in which trimester?
The thyroid gland contains numerous small cavity glands called follicles that are filled with?
Lungs of a fetus become capable of repiration and produce surfactant in which trimester?
___ is/are above the muscle layer within the subcutaneous tissue.
The average duration of labor for the first pregnancy is how many hours?
What is the protein that is responsible for the strength and permeability of the epidermis?
The placenta is expelled during what stage of labor?
A patient tells you that he has just been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Which of the following signs would you NOT expect this patient to have?
low heart rate
The opening between the right and left atria of the fetal heart is called the?
foramen ovale
There are usually how many parathyroid glands embedded in the posterior portion of each lobe of the thyroid?
At birth, vascular changes affect atrial pressure. What is the correct change in these pressure?
decreased right and increased left atrial pressure
In the pancreas, amino acids are metabolized into ___ to be used as energy.
proteins and glucose
What is contained in chromosomes and carries and so-called genetic code?
You are called to a residence for a pediatric patient who is reported to be "sick" and requires transport to the hospital. When you arrive at the residence you are presented with a patient who has a round "moon face," is obese, has vital signs that show high blood pressure, and is exhibiting some emotional problems. You suspect that this patient may be suffering from?
Cushing's syndrome
Each sex cell (sperm and ovum) contains a haploid number of chromosomes, which is how many chromosomes each?
Merocrine sweat glands produce a solution containing?
salt and urea
What zygote combination results in a male embryo?
The dermis is located immediately above subcutaneous tissue and contains?
dense and irregular connective tissue
An observable chracteristic of an organism that results from genetic composition and environmental factors is a/an?
Parathyroid hormone maintains normal levels of which mineral in the human body?
Which of the following diseases is autosomal recessive?
sickle cell anemia
As a rule, all hormones, except for thyroid hormones, bind to receptors located where?
surface of the cell
A 24-year-old woman has severe abdominal pain. During the assessment and SAMPLE history you determine that she is a few weeks late on her menstrual cycle and is tachycardic and diaphoretic. The MOST likely diagnosis is?
ectopic pregnancy
Glucagon stimulates the breakdown of?
glycogen and glucose
Vaginitis is a nonspecific term for an infection that is often caused by?
sexually transmitted disease
Which of the following is NOT one of the nerve receptors contained by the skin?
The leading cause of death in women is?
breast cancer
Which large gland is situated at the base of the neck and consists of two lobes?
Testicular torsion has classic signs and symptoms. Which of the following is NOT one of the classic signs or symptoms?
radiating abdominal pain
In what type of wound are flaps of skin and tissue torn loose or pulled off completely?
Sebaceous glands are especially abundant in what area of the body?
The endocrine system primarily releases what into the bloodstream?
What cells contribute to skin color by producting a dark pigment?
Both T3 and T4 are essential for?
growth in children
The adrenal cortex is divided into how many sections?
Preparations of oxytocin are used as part of the labor and delivery process. Which of the following is NOT one of the uses of this hormone?
terminate labor
Hair aids in?
thermal regulation
Nails are made of what substance?
The pituitary gland is known as a(n) ___ gland.
Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) in high concentrations has what impact on blood vessels and blood pressure (BP)?
constricts vessels and raises BP
What is a wound with a smooth or jagged edge?
Together with sweat, sebum does what?
protects the skin
Exocrine glands secrete substances through?
Cerumen is a component of?
The adrenal glands are located?
on top of the kidneys
The adrenal glands are vital in maintaining the body's balance of?
water and salt
With hyperparathyroidism, a patient can have hypocalcemia that can result in painful muscle spasms called?