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61 Cards in this Set

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The Two-Messenger Theory of hormone action describes the action of
Protein hormones
a) steroid hormones
b) prostaglandins
c) lipid hormones
d) protein hormons
The hormone produced by the ovaries or testes that inhibits the secretion of PSH is:
a) estrogen
b) inbibin
c) testosterone
d) progesterone
The hormone that brings about sleep is:
a) melatonin
b) epinephrine
c) insulin
d) cortisol
Which statement is NOT true of hormone effects on the liver?
insulin causes the liver to change glycogen to glucose.
a) insulin causes the liver to change
glycogen to glucose.
b) cortisol causes the liver to store
glucose as glycogen.
c) glucagon causes the liver to change
glycogen to glucose.
d) epinephrine causes the liver to
change glycogen to glucose.
Which statement is NOT true of hormone effects on bones?
GH decreases the rate of mitosis in growing bones.
a) GH decreases the rate of mitosis in
growing bones.
b) PTH increases the reabsorption of
calcium from bones.
c) calcitonin decrease the reabsorption
of calcium from bones.
d) GH and thyroxine increase the rate
of protein synthesis in growing
Which statement is NOT true of the hormones of the anterior pituatary gland?
FSH and LH are called gonadotropic hormones because their target organs are the kidneys.
a) TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to
secrete thyroxime and T3.
b) ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex
to secrete cortisol.
c) these hormones are secreted in
response to releasing hormones from
the hypothalamus.
d) FSH and LH are called gonadotropic
hormones because their target organs
are the kidneys.
Which hormone is NOT paired with its correct stimulus for secretion?
a) calcitonin--hypercalcemia
b) insulin--hypoglycemia
c) PTH--hypocalcemia
d) glucagon--hypoglycemia
Which statement is not true of the functions of hormones in stress situations?
epinerphrine causes the liver to change
glucose to glycogen.
a) cortisol has an anti-flammatory
b) norepinephrine causes vasoconstric-
tion throughout the body and raises
blood pressure.
c) epinerphrine increases heart rate and
decreases peristalsis.
d) epinerphrine causes the liver to
change glucose to glycogen.
Which statement is NOT true of the hormones of the posterior pituitary gland?
these hormones are actually produced by the thalamus.
a) ADH is secreted during states of dehydration.
b) oxytocin causes release of milk from the mammary glands.
c) the target organs of ADH are the kidneys.
d) these hormones are actually produced by the thalamus.
Which statment is NOT true of the locations of endocrine glands?
the thyroid gland is superior to the larynx on the front of the trachea.
a) the pancreas is located between the duodenum and the spleen.
b) the thyroid gland is superior to the larynx on the front of the trachea.
c) the adrenal glands are superior to the kidneys.
d) the pituitary gland hangs by a stalk from the hypothalamus.
Which statment is NOT true of hormone effects on reproduction?
secondary sex characteristics in men and women are regulated by the testosterone and progesterone.
a) PSH initiates production of ova or sperm cells.
b) LH stimulate ovulation in women.
c) LH stimulate secretion of testosterone in men.
d) secondary sex characteristics in men and women are regulated by the testosterone and progesterone.
Which statement is NOT true of the mechanisms of hormone action?
steroid hormones exert their effects by increasing the process of mitosis
a) the presence of specific receptors determines which hormones a cell will respond to
b) steroid hormones exert their effects by increasing the process of mitosis
c) in the Two-Messenger Theory, the first messenger is the hormone
d) in the Two-Messenger Theory, the second messenger is cyclic AMP that activates cellular enzymens
The hormone that increases the rate of cell division is:
growth horomone
a) thyroxine
b) calcitonin
c) insulin
d) growth horomone
The two hormones that regulate blood calcium level are:
calcitonin and growth hormone
a) insulin and glucagon
b) parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
c) calcitonin and growth hormone
d) parathyroid hormone and thryroxine
The hormone that initiates egg sperm production is:
FSH(Follicle-stimulating hormone)
a) FSH
b) LH
c) estrogen
d) testosterone
In men, the hormone necessary for maturation of sperm is:
a) testosterone
b) FSH
c) LH
d) aldosterone
In women, the hormone that causes ovulation is:
a) PSH
b) LH
c) estrogen
d) progesterone
The hormone that increases protein synthesis and the use of all three food types for energy is:
a) insulin
b) glucagon
c) growth hormone
d) thyroxine
The hormone that slows peristalsis and dilates the bronchioles is:
a) glucagon
b) cortisol
c) epinephrine
d) thyroxine
The hormone that has an anti-inflammatory effect is:
a) epinerphrine
b) adlosterone
c) cortisol
d) calcitonin
The hormone that increases water reabsorption by the kidneys is:
ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone)
a) PTH
b) oxytocin
c) calcitonin
d) ADH
The hormone that increases calcium reabsorption by the kidneys is:
PTH (Parathyroid Gland)
a) aldosterone
b) ADH
c) calcitonin
d) PTH
The hormone that increases sodium reabsorption by the kidneys is:
a) aldosterone
b) ADH
c) PTH
d) cortisol
In women, the two hormones that promote growth of blood vessels in the endometrium are:
estrogen and progesterone
a) FSH and estrogen
b) estrogen and progesterone
c) LH and progesterone
d) FSH and LH
In women, the hormone that promotes growth of the corpus luteum is:
LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
a) progesterone
b) estrogen
c) LH
d) FSH
The hormone that stimulates milk production in the mammary gland is:
a) oxytocin
b) estrogen
c) progesterone
d) prolactin
The hormone that increases the use of fats and excess amino acids for energy while sparing glucose for use by the brain is:
a) epinephrine
b) cortisol
c) thyroxine
d) insulin
The hormone that causes strong contractions of the uterus during labor is:
a) estrogen
b) prolactin
c) oxytocin
d) progesterone
The hormones that help maintain normal blood pressure by maintaining normal blood volume are:
ADH (Antideuritic hormone) and aldosterone
a) ADH and aldosterone
b) aldosterone and thyroxin
c) insulin and cortisol
d) ADH and oxytocin
Localized hormones that are synthesized from the phospholipids of cell membranes are called:
a) steroids
b) amines
c) prostaglandins
d) proteins
Steriod hormones are believed to exert their effect by stimulating the synthesis of :
a) fats
b) glycogen
c) proteins
d) DNA for cell division
The hormone that lowers blood glucose level by enabling cells to take in glucose is:
a) glucagon
b) cortisol
c) insulin
d) growth hormone
Two hormones that cause the liver to change glycogen to glucose are:
glucagon and epinephrine
a) insulin and cortisol
b) glucogan and epinephrine
c) thryoxine and insulin
d) insulin and epinephrine
The hormone that increases sodium reabsorption by the kidneys is:
a) aldostrerone
b) ADH
c) PTH
d) cortisol
Which statement is NOT true of hormone effects on the kidneys?
aldosterone decreases the reabsorption of sodium ions
a) PTH increases reabsorption of calcium ions.
b) ADH increases reabsorption of water
c) aldosterone decreases the reabsorption of sodium ions
d) aldosterone increases the excretion of potassium ions.
What is the function of the Integumentary System?
Name two organs located in that system.
A barrier to pathogens, prevents excessive water loss

skin, hair
What is the function of the Skeletal System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Support body and protects organs.

bones, ligaments
What is the function of the Muscular System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Moves the skeleton, produces heat

muscles, tendons
What is the function of the Nervous System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Interprets sensory information
Regulates body movement

brain, nerves
What is the function of the Endocrine System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Regulates body functions by horomones.

Thyroid gland, Pituitary gland
What is the function of the Circulatory System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Transports oxygen and nutrients, removes waste.

heart, blood
What is the function of the Lymphatic System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Returns tissue fluid to blood, destroys pathogens that enter body.

spleen, lymph nodes
What is the function of the Respiratory System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Exchanges oxygen and Carbon dioxide between air and blood.

lungs, trachea
What is the function of the Digestive System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Breakdowns food to energy.

stomach, colon
What is the function of the Urinary System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Removes waste from blood, regulates PH of blood.

kidneys, urinary bladder
What is the function of the Reproductive System?
Name two organs located in that system.
Produce eggs and sperm.

Women - ovaries, uterus
Men - testes, prostate gland
What are the most abundant tissues in the body?
Connective tissues
Where are female organs located in the body.
Pelvis Cavity
What body cavity contains the following:
Cranial cavity, Foramen magnum and spinal cavity?
Dorsal Cavity
What main cavity are the following cavities located in:
Thoracic cavity, Diaphragm, Abdominal cavity, Pelvic cavity
Ventral Cavity
Name major muscles of the body and tell where they are located.
Trapezius - down the middle of the back
Deltoid - shoulder
Latissimus dorsi - across the back
Triceps brachii - inside of upper arm
Brachioradialis - inside of lower arm
Gluteus medius - between hip and buttocks
Gluteus maximus - buttocks
Biceps femoris - back of thigh
Gastrocnemius - calf of leg
What is the function of an antagonistic muscle? Give and example.
Muscles that have opposing functions to extend and flex.

Bicep and Tricep
What are the bones in the palm of the hand?
Two major layers of of the skin.
epidermus and dermis
What is the bone on the inside of hand between the thumb and the wrist?

What other parts organ parts are located there?

Artery, Vein and Nerve (where blood pressure is taken)
What gland is an exocrine as well as an endocrine gland?

Endocrine (ductless glands)
Exocrine (digestive)
What is the medical term for nearsightedness?
What part of the eye detects light?

What part detects colors?
What is the first stage of mitosis?
PROPHASE, metaphas, anaphase, telophase.
Are DNA and RNA the same?
DNA = Genic Code
RNA = Protein Synthesis
What is the smallest living organism in the human being?
The Cell.