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77 Cards in this Set

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5 main types of blood vessels







Carry blood away from the heart

Large - elastic and leave the heart

Medium - muscular



Smallest arteries


Thin walls

Gas substances between blood and tissue


Smallest veins


Convey blood from tissues to the heart


Formation of blood vessels

3 layers of blood vessel

Tunica Interna -Epithelial inner lining

Tunica Media - Middle layer consisting of smooth muscle and elastic connective tissue

Tunica Externa - Connective tissue covering

Lumen of blood vessel

Interior opening

Layers of tunica interna 2-3

Endothelium - simple squamous

Basement membrane - collagen base for endothelium

Internal elastic lamina (in arteries only) - thin sheet of elastic fiber resembling Swiss cheese

Tunica media

Muscular and connective tissue

Relatively thick layer

Smooth muscle cells - vasoconstriction/vasodilation- like ring around finger

External elastic lamina - Substantial elastic fibers

Tunica externa

Elastic and collagen fibers

Numerous nerves

Vaso vasorum - Tiny blood vessels in largest blood vessels

Anchors blood vessel to surrounding tissue

Precapillary sphincter

Distal most muscle cell of the arterioles

Monitors blood flow to capillary


Opposition to blood flow due to friction between blood and the walls of blood vessels


High - can stretch easily without tearing

Arteries have high compliance

Elastic arteries

Largest arteries in body

Aorta pulmonary trunk

Branches of aorta

Vessel walls are relatively thin

Well defined internal and external elastic lamellae

Help propel blood onward while ventricle is relaxing - pressure reservoir

Pressure reservoir

Elastic fibers of elastic arteries hold mechanical energy as they stretch

Muscular arteries

Smooth muscle

Fewer elastic fibers

Walls are relatively thick

Vasoconstriction and vasodilation

Well defined internal elastic lamellae

Thin external elastic lamellae

Called distributing arteries

Tunica externa thicket that tunica media

Tunica externa contains fibroblasts collagen and elastic fibers oriented longitudinally


Union of the branches of two or more arteries supplying the same body region

Can also occur between veins arterioles and venules

Collateral circulation

Alternative route of blood flow to a body part through an anastomosis

End arteries

Do not anastemose

Obstruction equals death to organ


Small arteries



Thin tunica interna

Thin internal elastic lamellae at terminal end

One or two layers of cells in the tunica media

Tunica externa consists of areolar connective tissue with abundant unmyelinated sympathetic nerves

Key role in regulating resistance-resistance vessels


Terminal end region of arterioles

Tapers toward capillary junction


Smallest blood vessels

Extensive network to make contact with body’s cells

Primary function is exchange of substances between blood and interstitial fluid

Exchange vessels

More near areas of High metabolic activity

Lack tunica media and tunica externa

Postcapillary venule

Venule that receives blood from a capillary


Flow of blood into postcapillary venule

Capillary bed

Network of 10-100 capillaries that arise from a single metateriole

Two ways that blood can travel through a capillary network from an arteriole into a venule



3 types of capillaries

Continuous capillaries

Fenestrated capillaries


Intercellular clefts

Gaps between neighboring endothelial cells

Continuous capillaries

Most common

Endothelial cells form a continuous tube interrupted only by intercellular clefts

Found in central nervous system, lungs, muscle tissue and skin

Fenestrated capillaries

Plasma membranes of endothelial cells have fenestrations

Found in kidneys, villi of the small intestine, choroid plexus of ventricles in brain, ciliary processes of the eyes, most endocrine glands


Wider and more winding

Large fenestrations in endothelial cells

Incomplete or absent basement membrane

Large intercellular clefts that proteins and sometimes blood cells pass through from tissue into blood stream

Ex red blood cells from red bone marrow

Specialized lining cells adapted to particular tissue

Venules Characteristics

thin walls

do not readily maintain shape

drain capillary blood and return flow of blood back toward the heart

Postcapillary Venules

smallest venules

receive blood directly from capilaries

have looslely organized intercellular junctions and thus are very porous

significant exchange of nutrients/wastes and white blood cell emigration

highly distensable (expandable)

Muscular Venules

have two layers of circularly arranged smooth muscle cells

exchange with interstitial fluid can no longer occur

highly distensable (expandable)

Is the tunica interna thicker in veins or arteries


is the tunica media thicker in veins or arteries

+ 1 other difference

much thicker in arteries

little smooth muscle and elastic fibers in veins

Special features of veins

not built to withstand high pressure

lack internal or external elastic laminae

lumen of a vein is larger than that of a comparable artery

often appear collapsed (flattened) when sectioned

blood pressure is lower in veins

have valves that prevent backflow

How does blood move through the veins

pumping action of heart

contraction of skeletal muscles

Vascular Sinus

Vein with a thin endothelial wall that has no smooth muscle to alter its diameter.

surrounding dense connective tissure replaces the tunica media and tunica externa in providing support

ex. dural venous sinuses (supported by dura mater) and coronary sinus of the heart

Are there more veins or arteries

There are more veins

some veins are paired and accompany medium to small sized muscular arteries -- anastomotic veins

Superficial Veins - course through the subcutaneous layer -- arteries do not

Capillary Exchange

movement of substances between blood and interstitial fluid

3 basic mechanisms of capilary exchange



Bulk Flow

Substances that move through diffusion is capillary exchange

oxygen - lipid bilayer

carbon dioxide - lipid bilayer

glucose - intercellular clefts and fenestrations

amino acids - intercellular clefts and fenestrations

steroid hormones - lipid bilayer

proteins and blood cells - sinusoids


substances in blood plasma enclosed with tiny pinocytic vesicles

endocytosis and exocytosis

ex. insulin and certain antibodies

Bulk Flow

- passive process which large number of ions, molecules or particles in a fluid move together in the same direction

movement from area of high pressure to low pressure

for regulation of volume


Pressure driven movement of fluid and solutes from blood capillaries into interstitial fluid


pressure driven movement of fluid and solutes from interstitial fluid into blood capilaries

Two pressures that promote filtration

Blood Hydrostatic Pressure - heart pump

Interstitial Fluid Osmotic Pressure

Net Filtration Pressure

balance of blood hydrostatic pressure and interstitial fluid osmotic pressure and blood colloid osmotic pressure and interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure

- determines fluid volume change


Blood Hydrostatic Pressure

pressure that water in blood plasma exerts on blood vessel walls

Interstital Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure

Pull on fluids from capillaries into interstital fluid from colloids suspended in IF.

Typically minimal

Pressure that promote reabsorption

Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure

force caused by the colloidal suspension of large proteins in plasma

3 determinants of blood pressure

cardiac output

blood volume

vascular resistance

Systolic blood pressure

highest BP during systole

Diastolic Blood Pressure

lowest BP during diastole

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)

average blood pressure in arteries

MAP=diastolic BP + 1/3 (systolic BP - Diastolic BP)

ie a third of the way from diastolic to systolic

Cardiac Output

Heart Rate * Stroke Volume

How does CO affect MAP

CO ^ = MAP ^

Vascular Resistance

Opposition to blood flow due to friction between blood and the walls of blood vessels

3 determinants of Vascular Resistance

1. Size of the lumen (small = resistance)

2. Blood Viscosity (Greater = resistance)

3. Total Blood Vessel Length (longer = resistance)

How does BP change through the system

Back (Definition)

Cross Sectional Area

Increases each time an artery branches

Total area that blood can flow through

Velocity of Blood flow

volume of blood that flows through any tissue in a given time period

What is the relationship of velocity of blood flow to cross sectional area


As Cross Sectional Area increases, velocity of blood flow decreases

Think of capillaries, blood flow through capillaries is very slow to allow time for filtration and absorption

Circulation Time

time required for a drop of blood to pass from the right atrium and return

at rest, typically one minute

Things contorlled by the cardiovascular center neurons

heart rate, contractility of ventricles, blood vessel diameter, vasoconstriction, vasodilation

3 main types of sensory receptors that provide input to the CV center




autonomic nervous system regulation of blood flow/blood pressure

sympathetic impulses reach heart via cardiac accelerator nerves, increase heart rate and contractility

parasympathetic stimulation follows vagus nerves, decrease heart rate

Vasomotor Nerves

receive input from CV centre

- Spinal Cord

- Thoracic and first two lumbar spinal nerves

- sympathetic trunk ganglia

-sympathetic nuerons innervate blood vessels in viscera and peripheral areas

- especially skin and abdominal areas

Vasomotor tone

moderate state of tonic contraction or vasoconstrictions

sets resting level of systemic vascular resistance

Hormones that effect blood pressure

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system (RAA)

Epinephrine and norepinephrine


Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

Local Control of Blood Flow by Tissues


in capillary bed

local changes regulate vasomotion

vasodilators start dilation of arterioles and relaxation of precapillary sphincters increase blood flow, increase O2 level

vasoconstrictors constrict arterioles and contract precapillary sphincters, decrease blood flow and decrease O2 level

Physical changes that cause autoregulation

Warming, Cooling

Stretching - stretching decreases, smooth muscle relaxing increases

Vasoldilating and Vasoconstricting Chemicals that effect autoregulation

secreted by cells




Lactic Acid

Adenosine from ATP

Nitric Oxide NO


thromboxane A2

superoxide radiclals

Serotonin (from platelets)


O2 level effect in pulmonary vs systemic circulations

Systemic - low O2 causes dilation

Pulmonary - low O2 causes constriction