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99 Cards in this Set

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What is a sentence?
A group of words that expresses a complete thought.
What are the two parts of a sentence?
A subject and a predicate.
What is the complete subject?
Includes all the words that tell whom or what the sentence is about.
What is the complete predicate?
Includes the verb and all the words that complete the verb's meaning.
What is the simple subject?
The main word or words in the complete subject.
What is the simple predicate?
(or verb) is the main word or words in the complete predicate.
What is a verb?
A word used to express an action, a condition, or state of being.
What is a compound subject?
Is made up of two or more subjects that share the same verb.
What is a compound verb?
Is made up of two or more verbs that have the same subject.
What types of sentences are there?
Declarative ( . )
Interrogative ( ? )
Imperative ( . or ? )
Exclamatory ( ! )
What is a subject compliment?
A word or group of words that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject.
What is a predicate noun?
Follows a linking verb and defines or renames the subject.
What is a predicate adjective?
Follows a linking verb and describes a quality of the subject.
What is a direct object?
A word or group of words that names the receiver of the action.
What is an indirect object?
A word or group of words that ells to whom or what (or for whom or what) an action is performed.
What is a sentence fragment?
A part of a sentence that is written as if it were a complete sentence.
What is a run-on?
Two or more sentences written as though they were a single sentence.
What is a noun?
A word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
What is a common noun?
A general name for a person, place, thing, or idea. Not usually capitalized.
What is a proper noun?
A name of a particular person, place, thing, or idea. Are always capitalized.
What is a concrete noun?
A thing that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted.
What is an abstract noun?
Names an idea, feeling, quality, or characteristic.
What is a collective noun?
A word that names a group of people or things.
What does a singular noun name?
One person, place, thing, or idea.
What does a plural noun name?
More than one person, place, thing, or idea.
The plural irregulars:
Singular: man | child | foot | mouse
Plural: men | children | feet | mice
What is a possessive noun?
Shows ownership or relationship.
What is a compound noun?
Made of two or more words used together as a single noun.
What can a noun be used for?
A noun can be used as a subject of a sentence or it can work as a complement.
What is an object of a preposition?
The noun or pronoun that follows the proposition.
What is an appositive?
A noun or pronoun that identifies or renames another noun or pronoun.
What is an appositive phrase?
Is made up of an appositive and its modifiers.
What is a pronoun?
A word that is used in place of a noun or another pronoun.
What are personal pronouns?
'We', 'I', 'she', 'them', and 'it' are all personal pronouns.
What is a subject pronoun?
Used as the subject of a sentence or as a predicate pronoun after a linking verb.
What is an object pronoun?
Can be used as a direct object, an indirect object, or an object of a preposition.
What is a possessive pronoun?
Is a personal pronoun used to show ownership or relationship.
What is a reflexive pronoun?
Refers to the subject and directs the action of the verb back to the subject.
What is an intensive pronoun?
Emphathizes a noun or another pronoun within the same sentence.
What is a verb?
A word used to express an action, a condition, or a state of being.
What is a direct object?
A noun or pronoun that names the receiver of a verb's action.
What is an indirect object?
It tells "to what" or "who" or "for what" or "whom" an action is done.
What is a transitive verb?
An action verb that has a direct object.
What is an intransitive verb?
An action verb that does not have a direct object.
What is a subject compliment?
A word that is a linking verb connects its subject to.
What is a predicate noun?
A noun that follows a linking verb and identifies, renames, or defines the subject.
What is a predicate adjectives?
An adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies the subject.
What are the basic forms of a verb?
The present, the present participle, the past, and the past participle.
Examples of the forms of the verbs?
Present: sail
Present Participle: are sailing
Past: sailed
Past Participle: have sailed
What is a regular verb?
A verb whose past and past participle are formed by adding -ed or -d to the present.
What are irregular verbs?
Verbs whose past and past participle forms are not made by adding -ed or -d to the present.
What is a verb tense?
A verb form that shows the time of an action or condition.
What are the three simple tenses?
The present, the past, and the future.
What is the present tense of a verb?
The present principle part.
What is the past tense of a verb?
The past principle part.
What is the future tense of a verb?
Add will to the present principal part.
What is an adjective?
A word that modifies, or describes, a noun or a pronoun.
What is an article?
A, an, and the.
What is a proper adjective?
Formed from a proper noun. Are always capitalized.
What is a predicate adjective?
An adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the verb's subject.
What is a demonstrative pronoun?
This, that, these, and those. Can be used as adjectives.
What is a possessive pronoun?
My, our, your, her, his, its, and their. Can be used as adjectives.
What is an indefinite pronoun?
All, each, both, few, most, and some. Can be used as adjectives.
What is an adverb?
A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
What is an intensifier?
Adverbs that modify adjectives or other adverbs. Usually placed before the word they modify. They usually answer the question "to what extent".
When do you use the comparative form?
When you compare a person or thing with one other person or thing.
When do you use the superlative form?
When you compare someone or something with more than one other person or thing.
What is the difference between good and well?
Good = adjective (modifies a noun/pronoun).
Well = usually an adverb (modifying a verb), or sometimes an adjective [health-wise].
What is the difference between real or really?
Real = adjective (modifies a noun/pronoun).
Really = adverb (modifies a verb/adverb/adjective).
What is a negative word?
A word that implies that something does not exist or happen.
What is a double negative?
Two negative words that are used where only one is needed.
What do you capitalize when you write?
- People's names and initials.
- Titles and abbreviations of titles.
- Titles of heads of state, royalty, or nobility when in front of a name.
- Words indicating family relations.
- The pronoun "I".
- Religious, sacred days/writings.
- Nationalities.
What do you capitalize in sentences?
- First word in every sentence.
What do you capitalize in poems?
- Traditionally, the first word of each line.
When do you capitalize with quotations?
- The first word of a quote if it begins with a complete sentence.
What do you capitalize in outlines?
- The first word of each entry.
- The letters that introduce major subsections.
What do you capitalize in a letter?
- The first word in the greeting & closing of a letter.
What do you capitalize in a title?
- First word.
- Last word.
- All other important words.
When do you use a period in a sentence?
- End of a statement.
- End of a command.
- End of an indirect question.
- End of most abbreviations/initials.
When do you use question marks in a sentence?
- End of an interrogative sentence.
When do you use exclamation points in a sentence?
- End of an exclamatory sentence.
- After an interjection.
When do you use exclamation points in a sentence?
- End of an exclamatory sentence.
- After an interjection.
When do you use a comma in a sentence?
- Before a conjunction that joins independent clauses in a compound sentence.
- In a series, whenever the reader is confused.
- Between 2+ adjectives modifying the same noun.
When do you use a comma in an introductory phrase?
After the phrase to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
When do you use a comma with interrupters?
To set off words that interrupt or break the flow of thought in a sentence.
When do you use a comma with direct addresses?
To set off nouns of direct addresses.
When do you use commas in dates, addresses, and letters?
Between city & state, between day & year, after greeting, after town and state, after city and country, after day and year, after closing.
When do you use quotation marks?
At the beginning and end of a direct quotation.
When do you question/exclamatory marks with quotations?
Quotation is a question/exclamation: Inside the closing quotation mark.
Quoted words are part of a question/exclamation: Outside of closing quotation mark.
What is a semicolon?
Separates elements in a sentence.
What is a colon?
Indicates that a list follows.
When do you use a semicolon?
- Join parts of a compound sentence.
- Parts of a compound sentence where clauses are too long and complicated or when they contain commas.
When do you use a colon?
- Introduce a list of items.
- After formal greeting in a letter.
- Between hours and minutes in time.
When do you use hyphens?
- Part of a word must be carried over from one line to the next.
- Certain compound words.
- Numbers twenty-one to ninety-nine.
- Spelled out fractions.
When do you use dashes?
Show an abrupt break in thought.
When do you use parentheses?
To set off material that is loosely related to the rest of the sentence.
When do you use apostrophes?
- Form the possessive.
- In contractions
- ' + s to form the plural of something.
When do you use quotation marks in punctuating titles?
- Set off the titles of short works.
When do you use italics for punctuating titles?
- Longer Works and names of ships, trains, spacecraft, or airplanes.