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24 Cards in this Set

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Not taking sides in a conflict. During the Revolutionary War, 1/3 of the colonists were nertrals, 1/3 were patiots who wanted independence, and 1/3 were loyalists who wanted to remain part of the British Empire
Part soldiers who wil fight for whichever side that will pay them.
Lexington and concord
First battle of the Revolutionary war on April 19,1775. Minutemen were waiting at Lexington for the British who were marching on concord to take away colony store piles of guns and ammunition. No one knows who fired the first shot, but the Revolutionary war was started.
Shot around the world
The first shot fired at lexington which started the Revolutionary war for independace and self goverment. This idea of freedom and the right to choose ones own government has gone on the spreed to other people all over the world.
Continental army
The second continental congress created the continental army and selected george washington to lead the army in the Revolutionary war against the british.
To enlist soldiers in the army
To leave without permission
Deborah sampson
A massachusetts teenager who watched her brothers and friends go off to war. Wanting to join the army herself, she disguised herself as a boy and enlisted.
Thomas paine
Published a pamphlet titled common sense the pamphlet moved many American colonists toward independace.
Benidict arnold
General in the continental army who gave the plans for west point to british. Became know as the greatest traitor in American hostory.
Patrick henry
A young member of the House of Burgesses who persuaded the colonists to take action against the British. Became famous for the statement "Give me liberty or give me death"
Declaration of independance
Document written by Thomas jefferson declaring the united states as an independant nation,and starting that all men have the basic rights of life;liberty,and the persuit of happiness.
Natual rights
Liberties granted by god to which all people are entitled as huma beings;first discused by john locke, these right include life,liberty and property
During the Revolutionary war,Germany mercanarys were hired by the british to fight the American colonists. The colonist hated the hessians solders.
A continuass rise in the price of goods and services.
An act of war when one nation close anotherseas port and alowes no ships in or out.
A private ship armed with canons and sent out to capture every trading ships.
loyalist/ tories
English colonist sympathetic or loyal to the British during the Revolutionary war;also know as loyalists.
Guerilla warfare
A hit and run technique used in fighting a war;fighting by small bands of worriers using tactics such as sudden ambushes.
Green mountin boys
Soldjers who were trained to defend there country. led by Eathan allen.
A surprise attack
John paul jones
When the British captured asked jones if he was ready to surrender and he stated i have not yet begun to fight.
Treaty of Paris
The peace treaty signed by Britan and the US which aficialy ended the Revolutionary war and gave the United states independace from Britan
When the continental congress official approved the peace treaty giving the US independance