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210 Cards in this Set

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CSS Psuedo class. Denotes an unvisited link


where a:link selects all unvisited links

CSS Pseudo class. Denotes visited links


where a:visited selects all visited links.

CSS Psuedo. Denotes an active link when


active means that the mouse button is pressed down and a:active selects all active links.

Denotes a link the mouse cursor is over


when a:hover selects the link the mouse is over.

Denotes an element that has focus


when input:focus selects the input that has focus.

Focus = input where active = a href

Denotes an option button or check box element whose checked attribute is set,


where input[type='checkbox']:checked selects all checkboxes that are selected

Denotes an element whose lang attribute is set to language


when p:lang(en) selects all paragraphs and the lang attribute starts with en

Pseudo class that provides negation


Provides negation when div:not("#mainContainer") selects all <div> elements except the <div> element whose id is mainContainer.

Selects the nth child of a parent if the formula is an integer value.


For example, li:nthchild(3) selects the third list item. Note that the number is one-based, not zero-based. This pseudo class is powerful.

Selects the nth child of a parent if the formula is an integer value.


For example, li:nth-last-child(3) selects the third list item from the end of the list. Note that the number is one-based, not zero-based.

Selects elements that are the only child of the parent.


Selects elements that are the only child of the parent and have the specified type


Selects the first element of the specified type


_____ _______ classify elements based on something other than name, attributes, or content and, usually, something that cannot be deduced from the DOM tree

Pseudo classes

______ _______ are abstractions of the document tree that provide access to information that is not directly available in the DOM tree.

Pseudo elements

You cannot group pseudo elements in the same selector as you can, for example, pseudo classes, in which you might combine a:hover and a:active as a:hover:active. You cannot use pseudo elements in inline styles. You cannot use pseudo elements in the selector chain to help you find other elements such as descendants.

Psuedo element. Selects first line

::first-line Selects the first line where p::first-line selects the first line of each para-graph. You can apply a different style to the first line of a paragraph.

Psuedo element. Selects first letter

::first-letter Selects the first letter where p::first-letter selects the first letter of each paragraph. You can apply a different style to the first letter of a paragraph. This option is useful when you want to create a large first letter.

Pseudo element. Inserts generated textual content inside the element .

::before Inserts generated textual content inside the element where p::before{ content: "Note: "; } inserts "Note: " into each paragraph directly before the existing content. In addition to adding the textual content, you can provide a style for the content

Pseudo element. Inserts generated textual content inside each element...different than before

::after Inserts generated textual content inside each element when p::after{ content: "Done!"; } inserts "Done!" into each paragraph directly after the existing content. In addition to adding the textual content, you can provide a style for the textual content when p::after{ content: "Done!"; color: red;} sets the color of "Done!" to red.

When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which event is raised when an error occurs that prevents the completion of the request operation?


In methods associated with an object's prototype, what does the JavaScript keyword this reference?

the object itself

Which CSS selector will match the first label in a table, whether or not it is preceded by other elements?

table label:first-of-type

When using jQuery, which CSS pseudo selector will match all <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6> elements?


Which character group matches any upper or lower-case letter in a regular expression?



Do it...

Which CSS selector will match the third row of a standard table with id tbl1?

table#tbl1 tr:nth-child(3)

Which CSS property specifies the number of columns across which a content block stretches?


Which property of the ajax method handles an AJAX request even if an error occurs on the server or in the data?


Which character class matches any non-white-space character in a regular expression?


Example of web worker (pg 405)

from the myWork.js file :

self.onmessage = function (e) {

for (c in e.data) {




how to stop a web worker?

calling the worker:terminate() method from the creator or calling the close() method inside the worker itself

Which object is available to determine the URL of a web worker JavaScript file?


When using Flexbox, which CSS property specifies how elements are split across the layout based on available space?


Which property indicates whether an AJAX request using the ajax method is up to date?


Which JavaScript property controls the capitalization of letters within an HTML element?


Which HTML5 API is an optional, bi-directional protocol for exchanging data?


Look up web socket protocol

Which character class matches any white-space character in a regular expression?


Which JavaScript keyword invokes the constructor of a method?


Which CSS property specifies whether a background is tiled and how it is tiled?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which event is raised once after a successful load of the data?


Look into XMLHttpRequest stuff


Which CSS pseudo class targets an element when a user clicks on that element?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which event is raised repeatedly as data is loaded successfully?


Which property indicates whether an AJAX request using the ajax method is synchronous?


Look into Ajax request material


Which two methods associate events with JavaScript callback functions?

addEventListener and attachEvent

Given the expression (true) ? 0 : -1, what is the result of its evaluation?


Which value of the position property will position element content relative to its containing element?


In the GeoLocation API, which JavaScript method invokes a callback only once when the current geographic location is detected on the client's device?


In JavaScript error-handling, which block will execute when an error occurs in statements within a try block?


Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that has the data-type attribute set to template?


In a web worker, which event is used to receive data from a Web application or another web worker?


Which character matches the beginning of an input string in a regular expression?


Which Object method invokes the constructor of a method?


Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that has the data-type attribute?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which readyState property value indicates that all data has been received?


What are the list of readyState codes?

0 - Uninitialized - open method not yet called

1 - Loading - send method not yet called

2 - Loaded - send method called, headers and status available

3 - Interactive - Downloading; the response properties hold the partial data

4 - Completed - all operations are finished

Which quantifier character matches the previous element zero or more times in a regular expression?


Which Microsoft-proprietary CSS rule is used in conjunction with the @media rule to force page content dimensions?


Which character class matches any non-decimal character in a regular expression?


What is the ternary operator?

if (x == true) { z = 1} else { z =2}

Ternary would be z = (x ? 1 : 2);

Which HTML5 semantic element is intended for the title at the top of a page and/or section?


look into HTML5 semantic elements


Which character matches the end of an input string in a regular expression?


In the Visual Studio Modify Style dialog box, which category contains formatting properties for text?


Look into Visual Studio Modify Style shtuff


Which input element should you use to retrieve a fully qualified web address in a text box?

<input type="url" />

When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which readyState property value occurs after the send method is invoked but before data has been received?


Which global JavaScript method will return true if a specified value cannot be represented in a numeric format?


In a web worker, which method is used to send data to a Web application or another web worker?


Which JavaScript property can apply an underscore, over-line, or line-through to text within an HTML element?


Which method prevents capturing or bubbling of an event beyond the current capturing object?


Which statement is used to generate an error in JavaScript?


Which CSS modifier in a user style declaration will override an author style declaration?


Look up user style vs author style css declaration


Which CSS pseudo class targets an element when a user moves over that element?


Which CSS property indicates the horizontal spacing for the first line of text?


Which CSS property is used to create rounded corners on a border?


Which two JavaScript graphical methods are required to create a multi-point closed path on a canvas?

beginPath and closePath


LOOK INTO JavaScript graphical methods


In AppCache, which section specifies a resource filename or directory and a fallback if the resource is unavailable?


Look into offline application HTTP cache (pg 607)


What is the purpose of the JavaScript statement var ns = (function() {...})();?

The namespace ns is created using the module pattern.

Which method supports the synchronous loading and execution of other JavaScript files in a web worker?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which readyState property value indicates a request has been opened, but the send method is not yet invoked?


When using CSS Regions, which CSS property specifies an object in which to push the external content?


Which value for the CSS property -ms-wrap-flow will allow text to wrap the left side of an exclusion?


Which JavaScript graphical method is used to create a pie slice on a canvas?


Which CSS selector will match the last row of a standard table with id tbl1?

table#tbl1 tr:nth-last-child(1)

Which value of the position property will position element content relative to the browser window?


Which character class matches any word character in a regular expression?


Which CSS modifier in an author style declaration will override other author style declarations in other stylesheets?


Given the statement for (var i =0; i < 10; i++){...}, how many times will the enclosed code execute?


Which two JavaScript functions convert encoded codes to special characters?

decodeURI and decodeURIComponent

Which quantifier expression matches the previous element at least two times, but no more than five times, in a regular expression?


Which JavaScript function converts special characters to encoded codes for use within a URL?


Which CSS property determines the horizontal alignment of text within an element?


When using CSS Regions, which CSS property specifies the object that populates the element?




Which attribute will add controls for playback and sound volume to a <video> element?


Which character is used as an escape character for special or literal characters in regular expressions?


Which attribute specifies an example prompt for a user when using an input element?


Which CSS property specifies the amount of space between the element and other elements?


Which value of the position property will position element in the normal text flow?


Which input element should you use to retrieve a telephone number in a text box?

<input type="tel" />

Which jQuery method will return the name and value for form elements in JSON format?


look up how this is used

In the Visual Studio Modify Style dialog box, which category contains settings that affect how content is displayed within the element?


Which attribute indicates a value must be specified for an input element before submitting the form?


Which statement exits from a case and continues execution after the switch statement ends?


Which JavaScript object represents the HTML5 GeoLocation API?


Which property affects a control's display and determines whether the control is responsive to user events?


In callback methods, what does the JavaScript keyword this reference?

the object that invoked the callback

Which jQuery method in the JSON plugin will take a JSON object and return its string representation?


In the Visual Studio Modify Style dialog box, which category contains text properties relating to horizontal and vertical spacing and alignment?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which readyState property value indicates that some data has been received, but the responseText or responseBody properties are unavailable?


Which CSS property specifies the number of columns explicitly without relying on the column-width property?


Which HTML5 API stores data for a Web page or entire sites?

Web Storage

Which character class matches any decimal digit in a regular expression?


When using a media element, which attribute will start playing a video as soon as it is ready?


Which quantifier expression matches the previous element five times in a regular expression?


What is the order of the three statements in JavaScript error-handling?

1. try
2. catch
3. finally

Which value for the CSS property -ms-wrap-flow will allow text to wrap the right side of an exclusion?


When using a media element, which attribute will load a video while the page loads?


Which CSS property specifies how to handle content that expands beyond the boundaries of an element?


Which JavaScript object stores data for the document across all sessions without expiration?


Which CSS selector will match the second label on a page?


Which function specifies a gradient based on a circular pattern for the CSS property background-image?


Which value of the position property will position element content relative to the default position within the normal text flow?


Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that is an immediate child of an article with the front-page class applied?

article.front-page > p

Which jQuery method retrieves form values using URL encoding?


Which CSS rule specifies property states for each stage in an animation?


Which CSS rule is used to define a style rule set for a specific type of device?


Which JavaScript DOM method will wrap the element in which it is invoked with the element specified as its argument?


Which object is available to determine browser information in a web worker?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which event is raised when the readyState property changes from uninitialized to an open request, receiving some data and/or complete data?


Which three aspects of a web application are inaccessible to web workers?

DOM, Local Storage, and window object

attributes you define or author defimed attributes

expando attribute

hyperlink targets

_blank, _parent,_self,_top,<iframe_name>

Which three aspects of a web application are inaccessible to web workers?

DOM, Local Storage and window object

Which notation should you use for accessing properties of objects and sub-objects declared in JSON syntax?

dot notation

Which HTML5 semantic element encloses a section of hyperlinks intended for site navigation?

< nav >

In JavaScript error-handling, which optional block will execute whether or not an error occurs within a try block?


In AppCache, which section lists explicit resources that will be cached by filename or directory?


look into AppCache


Which SVG element is used to create a square?


Which comparison operators test for equality without type conversion?

identity operators (=== and !==)

In JavaScript error-handling, which block surrounds statements that may cause an error?


Which HTML5 semantic element groups related information, such as articles, into a general theme?


Which statement uses an initial expression in parentheses and checks for equality on a case-by-case basis?


When using normal style declarations, which style declaration will have precedence: user or user agent?


Which HTML5 semantic element is intended for supplemental information outside of a specific article or section, such as a sidebar, pull-quote, or advertisement?


Which input element should you use to retrieve a number from 1 to 10 using a slider?

<input type="range" min="1" max="10" />

Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that has the data-type attribute set to a value that contains template?


Which CSS selector will match <h1> and <h2> elements no matter where they are located in a page?

h1, h2

Which JavaScript function only converts spaces and other nonprintable characters to encoded codes, but cannot be used in a URL?


Which CSS selector will match <h1> and <h2> elements only when they are immediately adjacent to each other?

h1 + h2

look into CSS rules


Given the statement do{...} while (false);, how many times will the enclosed code execute?


Which CSS pseudo class represents the state of a hyperlink after the link has been opened?


Which JavaScript property determines whether an HTML element is inline or block-level?


Which HTML5 semantic element encloses self-contained information on a specific topic?


Which JavaScript graphical method paints the outline of a closed path on a canvas?


Which CSS property controls text capitalization?


Which quantifier expression matches the previous element at least five times in a regular expression?

{5, }

Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that has the data-type attribute set to a value that ends with late?


Which CSS property specifies the amount of space between content and its margin or border?


Which quantifier character matches the previous element zero or one times in a regular expression?


What is the suggested order of the four link selectors in a stylesheet to ensure that CSS styles are applied correctly to hyperlink states?

1. a:link
2. a:visited
3. a:hover
4. a:active

Which legacy method for event handling is supported by older browsers?


Which method is used to stop a web worker when its work is completed?


When is the default case executed in a switch statement?

When there is no case that matches the expression

Which CSS pseudo class represents the default state of an unvisited hyperlink?


Which property of the ajax method handles the data retrieved by a successful AJAX request?


When using jQuery, which CSS selector will match every other row, starting at the first row, of a standard table with id tbl1?

table#tbl1 tr:even

In HTML5 Web Messaging, which event is used to receive a message?


look into HTML5 Web Messaging


In HTML5 Web Messaging, which method sends a specified message and accepts an optional argument for receive ports or origin URL?


Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that has the data-type attribute set to a value that includes template, surrounded by whitespace?


Which built-in JavaScript object allows instances to share properties and methods for an object type?


look into this

Which object support the asynchronous loading of external XML data in a web worker?


When using an XMLHttpRequest object, which readyState property value indicates an object has been created before the open method is invoked?


Which character class matches any non-word character in a regular expression?


What is the purpose of the JavaScript statement var ns = {...}?

The namespace ns is created using object literal notation.

Which JavaScript method references a constructor associated with the original object in the constructor of a derived object?


Which character group matches any decimal digit in a regular expression?


Which function specifies a top-down gradient based on a linear pattern for the CSS property background-image?


Which JavaScript method is required to retrieve the canvas 2D API object before using graphical methods and properties on a canvas?


Which CSS selector will match every paragraph within an article with the front-page class applied?

article.front-page p

Which JavaScript method will copy a node and/or its children from the DOM?


Which HTML5 semantic element groups a title and associated subtitle(s) for header elements?


Which character matches any single character in a regular expression, except a line return?


In HTML5, which element should be used only for tabular data, not content layout?


Which CSS pseudo class will select an input element that has been selected or checked?


Which input element should you use to retrieve a well-formed email address in a text box?

<input type="email" />

Which CSS selector will match every paragraph that has the lang attribute set to a value that includes the language code for English?


Which HTML5 semantic element displays a visible heading for content within the <details> element?


Which comparison operators attempt to convert operands if they are not of the same type before testing for equality?

equality operators (== and !=)

Which CSS property determines how much additional space is inserted between characters in the element?


Which SVG element is used to create a triangle?


Which CSS property is used to create drop-shadows?


Which attribute specifies a regular expression that must be matched by an input element?


In the GeoLocation API, which JavaScript method listens for updates to the current geographic location and invokes the callback method when these update events occur?


Which HTML5 semantic element is intended for additional information that can be collapsed?


When using normal style declarations, which style declaration will have precedence: author or user?


In the Visual Studio Modify Style dialog box, which category contains size and location settings for an element in conjunction with other elements?


In an event property and handler, what is referenced by the this keyword?

The source element for the event

Which method is used to stop a web worker, possibly prematurely, from a web application?


Which two JavaScript properties control visibility of an HTML element?

style.display and style.visibility

Which Microsoft-proprietary CSS property specifies how inline elements wrap around a block-level element in the layout?


Which character group matches any character that is not a digit or letter in a regular expression?
