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61 Cards in this Set

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Who invented the cotton gin
Eli Whitney
What was a valuable crop in the South
What are people called who spend much time trying to outlaw slavery
Who was a freed black woman from New York
Sojourner Truth
Who was an author from Connecticut and wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
What percentage of Southerners owned slaves
fewer than five percent
What was the secret network of escape routes for blacks called
Underground Railroad
Who was a famous leaders of the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
What is a compromise
a decision that tries to satisfy both sides of an argument
free states
states not allowing people to own slaves
slave states
states that allowed people to own states
decision that made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state
Missouri Compromise
What are tariffs
Who was born in 1809 in the hills of Kentucky
Why was Lincoln called Honest Abe
He worked hard and paid off all of his debts
In 1846 Lincoln was elected to the
United States House of Representatives
In 1860 Lincoln became the what for the US
16th President
List the Confederate States
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas
Confederate States elected whom to be President
Jefferson Davis
What was the war that began the Civil War
at Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC
What were the Yankee soldiers called
Union soldiers
What were the Southern soldiers called
Confederate Army
Union Soldiers wore
blue uniforms and marched under the Stars and Stripes
Confederate Army wore
grey and had their own flag - "Stars and Bars"
Confederates used what old ship to crash into the Union's ships
Union army built an iron clad ship called
What announcement made all slaves free in any state fighting against the North
Emancipation Proclamation
what amendment gave all slaves in the US freedom
the 13th amendment
Who was the leader of the Union troops
Ulysses S. Grant
Who was the head of the Confederate army
Robert E. Lee
Who was General Lee's most valuable assistant
General Stonewall Jackson
Stonewall Jackson became known as
Unconditional Surrender Grant
Jackson's most famous victory was at
Battle of Vicksburg
Where did Stonewall Jackson get his nick name
Battle of Bull Run
How did Jackson die
riding into camp and one of his own men mistook him for an enemy and shot him
What was the turning point of the war
Battle of Gettysburg
In what battle did the Union army gain Vicksburg and the Mississippi River
Battle of Vicksburg
in 1864 General William T. Sherman captured what city
Atlanta, Georgia and then Savannah, Georgia
what was the capital of the Confederate States
Lee and Grant met where to write surrender terms
Appomattox Court House, Virginia
Terms of Grant's surrender
North would not take prisoners
Confederate soldiers could keep horses
Officers could keep guns and Lee could Keep his sword
Results of the War
1. no state could leave the Union
2. no more slavery in US
Where was President Lincoln shot
Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Who shot Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
Who took over for Lincoln
VP Andrew Johnson
What motto showed up during the Civil War
"In God we trust"
New songs that became popular after the war
Battle Hymn of Republic
Yellow Rose of Texas
When Johnny comes marching home
Who was a battle field nurse
called Angel of the Battlefield
Clara Barton
What did Clara Barton found
American National Red Cross
How was mail delivered in 1860
Pony Express
Where did the Union Pacific Company start work
Omaha, Nebraska
where did the Central Pacific Company start work
Sacramento, California
what was the Union Pacific Company and the Central Pacific Company trying to build
transcontinental railroad
When did the train companies meet
at Promontory Point, Utah
Who was a black man that loved to learn
Booker T. Washington
What did Booker T. Washington start
Tuskegee Institute
Booker T. Washington wrote what book
Up from Slavery
Who made many things from sweet potatoes and peanuts
George Washinton Carver
How many products did Carver make from peanuts
over 285
What was Carver's laboratory called
God's little workshop
What did George Washington Carver encourage farmers to do
diversify their crops