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33 Cards in this Set

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Tropical Rain Forest

Found in Central America, South America, SE Asia, West Africa, and other tropical regions; Major Layers include the canopy, emergent layer, and understory; Plants have shallow roots that maximize their absorption of what little nutrients are available in the uppermost soil layers


dense covering that towers 50 - 80 meters above the ground, keeps the rain forest dark and damp

Emergent layer

Rain forest's top layer


Layer that consists of shorter trees and plants, which compete for available light


Plants that grow on other plants instead of in soil (i.e. orchids), take advantage of their host's height to gain access to sunlight

Tropical Dry Forest

Located in India, S. North America, Central America, South America, and SE Asia; Tropical areas that are warm year-round but where rainfall is highly seasonal

Deciduous trees

Trees that lose leaves and stop photosynthesis during part of the year


deep, sleeplike period of dormancy

How do the plants and animals of the tropical dry forest cope with the dry season?

Trees survive by consuming food stored in their tissues, Animals enter estivation or migrate to areas that have plenty of water


Tropical regions with less rain than tropical dry forests, but more rain than deserts

Why is migration so common in the Savanna?

Animals migrate to search for water and gather near widely spaced water holes


Driest biome on Earth, animals and plants here have many adaptations that let them survive the harsh climate, receive well less than 25 cm of precipitation each year


Active only in the cool of night


Desert plants that store water in their tissues

Temperate Rain Forest

Occur in regions (Pacific NW Coast, South America, Asia) with heavy rainfall and year-round moderate temperatures

Evergreen Trees

Do not annually lose leaves

Coniferous trees

Trees that produce seed-bearing cones

Difference between an evergreen tree and deciduous tree

Deciduous trees lose leaves while evergreen trees don't

Temperate Forest

Consist of broad-leafed deciduous trees; cover most of Europe, E. Asia, E. US


Deep, sleeplike state that an animal enters for most of the winter

Reason why animals hibernate

To avoid looking for food in the coldest months

Temperate Grassland

Occur in areas with moderate seasonal precipitation

Why has so much grassland been converted for agriculture?

To take advantage of the rich, fertile soil


Conditions are highly seasonal with mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers; common near oceans and is found around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe and Africa

How does fire help some chaparral plants?

Fire helps seeds germinate, clear away dead vegetation, or help recycle nutrients

Boreal Forests

Stretches in a broad band across much of Canada, Alaska, Russia, and Scandinavia; experience long, cold winters and short, cool summers

Explain how conifers are well adapted to the boreal-forest environment

Conifers' shape sheds snow so it doesn't pile up on tree branches


Occurs at very high latitudes along the northern edges of Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia; Very cold, dark winters and moderately cool, bright summers


underground soil that stays frozen year-round

Why do plants of the tundra tend to be short?

Harsh winds, nutrient-poor soils, and freezing temperatures

Polar Ice

extend from the tundra to the poles

Why do you think mountains are not typically classified as a biome?

Climate changes and it consists of many biomes

Estivation vs Hibernation

The first involves dry conditions, while the other involves the winter