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83 Cards in this Set

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Define consumer behavior
activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and services - "Why people buy"...
3 Primary activites included in consumer behavior definition are?
Obtaining, Consuming and Disposing.
Obtaining (definition of consumer behavior)
activities leading up to and including the purchase or receipt of a product.
Consuming (definition of consumer behavior)
How, where, when and under what circumstances consumers use products.
Disposing (definition of consumer behavior)
How consumers get rid of products and packaging.
Consumption Analysis
why and how people use products in addition to why and how they buy.
Why is consumption analysis different than consumer behavior?
because it includes issues that arise after the purchase process occurs - issues that often affect how people buy and the satisfaction they receive from their purchases.
Marketing Concept
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Today, the most successful organizations are described as _________ - _______.
Customer centric
What is customer centricity?
Focus on customer satisfaction. Involves a total market approach to product development, innovation, research, logistics, and communication.
Marketing is the process of....
transforming or changing an organization to have what people will buy. It works best when the organiztion is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers instead of consumers influenced by the desires of marketers.
Consumer Behavior Determines the Economic Health of a Nation which means that...
consumers are voting on which nations and firms win and they do it with their dollars, euros and yen.
Consumer Behavior Determines the success of Marketing Programs which means that...
"Consumer is king"
"Only ___ ________ Can Fire Us All..."
The Customer
Relationship marketing
How to keep existing customers in the long run by establishing relationships based on mutual cooperation, trust, and commitment to value-added exchanges.
Consumer behavior determines the economic Health of Everyone which means...
how to make more effective consumption decisions while avoiding deceptive practices harmful to consumers.
Consumer Behavior helps formulate public policy which means....
understanding the needs of consumers when formulating policies relating to economics, social welfare, family planning, etc. They also need to know how to predict the behavioral changes that will follow their policies. (When the federal Reserve changes interest rates, what is the effect on demand for homes, cars, investments, etc.)
Consumer Behavior affects personal policy, which means...
A persons economic quality of life is determined by personal policy.
Once you truly understand consumer behavior, you will realize that what you have in life is determined more by how much you save (and how little you spend) than
how much you earn.
What is Motivation Research?
To uncover hidden or unrecognized motivations through guided interviewing.
refers to the process of using rigorous empirical techniques to discover generalizable explanations and laws. AKA - if results can't be proven in the lab, the data is not useful and that only information derived from scientific methods should be used in making decisions.
The goals of positivism are two fold...
1. Understand and predict consumer behavior
2. Discover cause-and-effect relationships that govern persuasion and education. Until recently, most published consumer research embraced the research paradigm of positivism.
Is a complementary approach to positivism, which gained popularity in the 1980's and 1990's.
How is post-modernism different from positivism?
Postmodernism uses qualitative and other research metods to understand consumer behavior.
Methods of studying consumer behavior (3)?
Observation, Interviews and surveys, experimentation.
Observational approach to consumer research consists of
observing consumer behaviors in different situations. Usually observed in a lab.
In-home observation places marketers...
inside peoples homes to examine exactly how products are consumed.
is a method in which a researcher accompanies or "shadows" consumers through the shopping and consumption process.
How is shadowing usually observed?
Through video tape or surveilance.
Physiological observational methods are...
Methods of recording using eye movement, galvanic skin response (GSR) and MRI.
______s are an efficient way of gathering information from a large sample of consumers by asking questions and recording responses.
Focus Groups are one of the most common methods used to delve into a variety of consumer and consumption issues. T/F
Focus Groups usually consist of - to -- people involved in a discussion led by a moderator skilled in persuading consumers to discuss thoroughly a topic of interest to the researcher.
8 to 12
Longitudinal Studies
involve repeated measures of consumer activities over time to determine changes in their opinions, buying and consumption behaviors.
What are common methods of data collection for longitudinal studies?
Membership clubs or customer loyalty programs
Experimentation attempts to understand cause and effect relationships by
carefully manipulating independent variables to determine how these changes affect dependent variables.
Consumption research focuses on how people use their products rather than how they buy them. T/F
"Peter Drucker said it well, "There is one valid definition of business purpose:..."
To create a customer
Market Segments
Marketers must dive deeper in their understanding of consumer behavior to identify groups of people.
Intermarket segmentation
When consumer analysts focus on similarities within groups of consumers, while recognizing the differences between groups.
What is...The process of understanding consumer trends, global consumer markets, models to predict purchase and consumption patterns and communication methods to reach target markets most effectively.
Consumer analysis
A decisive allocation of resources (capital, technology and people) in a particular direction.
The characteristics of a customer-centric organization are:
(CCSS...CustomeS CentricS)
-Shared vision and values
-cross-functional integration
-System-wide simultaneous training
-Customer-based metrics
What is Value?
The difference between what consumers give up (time, money, and other resources) for a product and the benefits they receive.
What is Market Analysis?
The process of analyzing, changing consumer trends, current and potential competitors, company strengths and resources, and the technological legal and economic environments
Subsections in the Market Analysis section:
1. consumer insight and product dev.
2. Consumer environment
1-Consumer insight and product development:
=understanding of consumers expressed and unspoken needs and realities that effect how they make life, brand, and product choices

2-Consumer environment:
=marketers study the CE, they study trends, personal and group influences, consumer's knowledge, attitudes and motivations, the process by which consumers make their purchase and consumption decisions, and changing consumer wants, needs, lifestyles.
Corporate Strengths and Resources
Corporate marketing strategy is a process of balancing market opportunities with corporate resources and strengths.
Current and Potential Competitors
Focuses strategic thinking on staying ahead of the competition, which might include looking at existing competitive products and figuring out how to add a feature that might make a product "just a little bit better" in the mind of consumers.
Market Environment
Look at factors such as state of the economy, government regulations, physical conditions.
what is: the process of identifying groups of people who behave in similar ways to each other, but somewhat differently than other groups.
Market segmentation
What is the opposite of market segmentation?
Market aggregation or Mass marketing.
Market aggregation or mass marketing occurs when
organizations choose to market and sell the same product or service to all consumers.
Identifying segments
correlation of demographics, psychographics, purchase and consumption behaviors, geographical characteristics, and situational factors are the variables used to define segments of potential ustomers with similar behavior.
Mass Customizaton
customizing goods or services for individual customers in high volumes and at relatively low costs.
The ultimate goal of segmentation is increased...
customer satisfaction and profitability.
Criteria for Choosing Segments
1. Measurability
2. Accessibility
3. Sustaniality (refers to the size of the market)
4. Congruity (refers to how similar members within the segment exhibit behaviors or characteristics that correlate with consumption behavior.
Marketing Mix
a product or product line, store, or service with an identifiable set of benefits, wrapped in a recognizable personality is a......
What are the functional elements of a brand?
Emotional elements of a brand are..
image, personality, style and evoked feelings.
Brand promise
describing what consumers can expect in exchange for their money
Brand Equity
the difference in value created by a brand less the cost of creating the brand
Brand personality
the reflection consumers see of themselves or think they will develop by using a brand.
Brand Protection
By promising a certain outcome, brands reduce the risk to consumers that product or service may not deliver as expected.
7 R's of the Marketing Mix
ho hum
Consumer Decision Process (CDP) Model
a roadmap of consumers' minds that marketers and managers can use to help guide product mix, communication, and sales strategies
How Consumers make decisions for goods and services
Need recognition
Search for Information
Pre-purchace evaluation of alternatives
Post-consumption evaluation
Need recognition
occurs when an individual senses a difference between what he or she perceives to be the ideal versus the actual state of affairs.
Information Processing
Factors influencing the Extent of Problem Solving
1. Degree of involvement
2. Degree of differentiation between alternatives and
3. amount of time for deliberation
Why is it important to understand need recognition?

"you NEED to RECOGnize so you can get those sales opportunities!"
It may reveal a market segment with unsatisfied desires thereby providing businesses with new sales opportunities
How does one influence need recognition?
(I.E. change their desired state,etc)
-Offer them something to die for
-Improve products and innovations
-alter consumer's perception about their actual state
What is spyware?
-software that is downloaded onto a computer without the permission of the owner
-collects personal info like the user's online activities, financial records, and passwords
What is the difference between generic and selective need recognition?

Generic Milk
Jonno selectively NEED(s) apple!!
generic= when the need for an entire product category is stimulated
(milk= most milk tastes the exact same it doesn't have to be a specific brand)

selective need=occurs when the need for a specific brand for a product is stimulated
What is a consideration set?

AKA "the evoked set"
-your list of candidates
(wendys, mcdonalds, taco bell... Outback is not being considered)
What is a retrieval set?
It's using a list of restaurants that you've already had experience with to choose from instead of opening a phone book and randomly choosing one, you go to one you are choosing from your MEMORY ("choice of alternatives from memory")
What is a compromise effect and what is an attraction effect?

(Half off tacos for that night only)
-compromise effect: when an added alternative causes a pre-exisiting option to become more attractive because it now represents a compromise choice among the set of alternatives
(narrowed it down to fast food, but taco bell is offering half off their tacos and other places you'll pay full)

Attraction Effect: When the attractiveness of a given alternative and its odds of being chosen are enhanced by adding a clearly inferior alternative to the set of the considered
(think of Alex- he offered you an '89 sentra so it made the malibu look much better but compared to honda it still sucks)
What are "consumer logistics?"
the speed and ease with which the consumer moves through the shopping process
-a new missionary has never gone shopping for himself before and it takes 20 minutes cuz he doesn't know the meat is at the back of the store... experienced shoppers know where to go
**What are "discretionary time" and "nondiscretionary time"?
Discretionary time: time during which consumers are not constrained by economic, legal, moral, or physical compulsion or obligation.

Nondiscretionary time:time that is constrained by physical, social, and moral obligations
-woman shopping at store but has to leave to pick up kids from school
What are "polychromic time" and "monochromic time"?

poly=many chromic= order
-getting LOTS of crap done at the same time
Polychromic time= The simultaneous combining of activities to accomplish several goals at the same time
-Business meeting but discuss sales and team bonding during the meeting to bring team together

Monochromic time=the performance of only one activity at a time for the purpose of accomplishing one goal at a time
How do polychromic time and monochromic time relate to the consumption of products?

-you WANt to have a store that has lots of products and diversity so the consumers are attracted so they'll be more likely to go to that store
- get shoes, groceries, look at glasses at same time instead of just going to ONE store to buy a pair of shoes and a different one etc etc blahhh
What are "time prices?"
-using the saving of TIME as a marketing technique
"two in one shampoo and condtioner" or "two in one paint plus primer"