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72 Cards in this Set

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power and influence used to direct

Observable artifacts

Culture that is easiest to see


Everything from work clothes to branding

Physical Structures

The workplace itself


words used in the organization


Myths passed down


routines that occur


Formal events

Espoused values

beliefs the company states, mission statement

Basic underlying assumptions

unstated beliefs

fragmented culture

disconnected employees

mercenary cultures

Employees think alike but are not effective

networked culture

friendly but free thinking

communal cultures

friendly and think alike

culture strength

employees agree with what is supposed to happen


sub culture, show a need for change

ASA framework

Attrition selection attrition, pick a company that fits your personality

Transformational Leadership

inspires followers


learn social knowledge to adapt to organization culture

anticipatory stage

before work starts, what do you associate with the company?

encounter stage

the day work starts, compare anticipatory and what is actually happening

reality shock

expectations do not match reality

understanding and adaptation

internalize behavior and norms

Person-organization fit

personality and value fit with organization

realistic job previews

give good representation of what company is like


younger employee follows veteran


2 or more who work interdependently

Work teams

permanent, responsible for quality control and developing improvements

Management teams

coordinating for long term goals

Parallel Teams

provide recommendations to managers

Action teams

limited time, visible to audience or hard work

Virtual teams

through internet


understanding boundaries


mad about the ideas that are rejected


members realize they should work together


makes progress towards goal


members disengage from the team

punctuated equilibrium

Groups come in with a behavior set and half way through change this behavior

Task interdependence

how much members rely on each other

pooled interdependence

lowest form of coordination, work independently

sequential interdependence

members specialize in tasks done in order

reciprocal interdependence

specialized members, interact with others to complete work

comprehensive interdependence

highest level of interaction and coordination

goal interdependence

shared vision and members align their work and vision accordingly

outcome interdependence

members share in the team benefit

team composition

the mix of people within the team


pattern of behavior

leader-staff teams

leader and member roles are distinctly set

Team task roles

task oriented

team building roles

social climate

individualistic roles

benefit individual but not the team

Disjunctive tasks

member with highest ability has highest influence

conjunctive tasks

ability of weakest link determines success

additive tasks

contributions of members add up

Team Viability

likelihood team could work effectively in the future

Process Gain

Synergy working together think of Crew boat

Production blocking

have to wait on each other

nominal group technique

write down individual thoughts and then share

staff validity

good suggestions

Hieracrchial sensitivy

weighing others opinions

Ambassador activities

join the team

action processes

monitor progress

interpersonal processes

manage relationships

task conflict

disagree on task

network structure

normal communication


strive towards conformity


belief in effectiveness

transportable teamwork compentences

knowledge and skills

cross training

share ideas

personal clarification

learn other roles

Positional modeling

focus on how others do tasks

boundary spanning

who knows