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37 Cards in this Set

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Define tessellation

a gorup of regular or irregular portions of space which together fit all of that space.

no gaps

every point in space assigned to only one cell/pixel

also called meshes / tilings

Classifications of tessellations

Regular - square raster

Irregular - TIN, voronoi

Hierarchical regular - region quadtree

Hierarchical irregular - point quadtree

Cell centre - Voronoi

Node centred - TIN

Definition of Geometry 'Shape'


number of edges at vertex

number of vertiecs

Definiton of Geomery ' Adjacency'


via edges, vertices, or both

-eg Hexagon = edges only

Adjacency distacne = between centroids

Tessellation decomposability?

the ability to deconstruct a shape into other shapes. eg hexagon = six equilateral trinagles

Packing property of a tessellatino?

The 'stability' of tessellation

Hexagon econonomical at packing space

Heirarchical tessellations

can approximate to the shape of a spatial entity. (using diff tessellation sizes)

Can be an efficient spatical reference method

Suited to a square. because good decomposability, - triangles could also be sued.

Qualities of hierarchies

Aperture - tessellation parameter. Ratio of parent to area of child.

Aligned - centre of parent is the centre of child

Congruent - edges parent are the edges of child

Self similar - parent and child have same shape

Central Place Theory

Central place theory is a geographicaltheory that seeks to explain the number, size and location of human settlements in an urban system

What is the best shape for spherical tesselation


Hexagon or Rhombus quadtree


Uses the uniform adjacency of hexagons

the divisibility of rhombi

uniform orientation at all levels in the hierarchy

Adaptive Recursive Tessellations ART

ART allows midifiable cell size (enabled by variable decopmosition ratio) and shape.

Based on a number of levels - level 0 = smallest cell size. Each level has uniformly oriented cells.


Basic Tessellation Unit.

Uniform and rectangular at each level.

Defined by the lengths of their x and y

Parent BTU must decompose into a discrete number of child BTU's

tessellation parameter = number of child BTUs that can fit into Parent BTU.

lower left pixel linked to coord system

Whats the approach of a quadtree?

Area of interest identified first,

rigid decomposition into 4 equal parts until some atomic level is reached

algorithm led

What is the approach of ART.

Adaptive Recursive Tessellation.

Number of levels and sizes of cell specified.

checked for size compatibility between levels.

Application -led

Example is remote sensing data fom diff sources - this structure can integrate different resolutions as is without sampling.

Triangulation Types


Low variance in edge length

Triangles closest to equilateral

Fewer long thin triangles

The dual of Voronoi

Constrained Delaunay:

Includes predefined lines

Greedy Trinagulation

Shortest edges possible

Criteria for aesthetically pleasing triangulations

Adjacency (conforming):

-each edge shared by no more than two triangles.

-Guarnatees a continuous surface


-children are comletely bounded by the parent

-simpler data storage, ease of navigation


-too many traingulations at a given vertiex.


-delauany tries to avoid this by definition

-equilateral triangles are good

Preconditions for spatial indexes

Traditional indexing not used for spatial data - relies on total order of a key (attribute)

Need to base index on object proximity in geometric plane.

- implies preservation of locality.

-closeness in space means closeness on dis.


-no loss of performance with higher amounts of data

Database indexing: Fixed Grid structure?

Fixed grid - divide a planar region into cells of fixed size

Featuers in the same cell (bucket) are stored together in a disk block. (this covers proximity)

Number of cells dependent on number of features.

-capacity of disk block

-average range magnitude of query.

Disadvantages of fixed grid database indexing?

Feautre population within a bucket (cell) varies - especially with nonuniform distribution.

Some buckets have no features.

Susceptible to overflow.

Database indexing: Point quadtree

similar to region quadtree...

partition into quadrants centred on coordinate.s

2D tree ( KD-tree)

Similar to point quadtree

Lessens dangling nodes - to two

Lessens exponential growth of descendents with increasing dimensions - makes a deeper tree structure

One dimension at alternate depths (x at even depths, y at odd depths)

Two descen...

Similar to point quadtree

Lessens dangling nodes - to two

Lessens exponential growth of descendents with increasing dimensions - makes a deeper tree structure

One dimension at alternate depths (x at even depths, y at odd depths)

Two descendents (binary treE) left and right.


Each leaf node contains one vertex.

A vertex leaf node cannot contain edges not incident with that vertex

For a nonvertex leaf node, can only contain one edge part

Original R tree

Multidimensional extension of the Btree

-indexing rectangles in 2D space

-Balanced tree, avoids overflow or underflow of disk block

Each node in the tree represents a rectangle

-leaf nodes contain unit rectangles

-internal nodes contain smallest rectangle enclosing its descendants. (saves searching time)

Overlap of rectangles along a tier likely.

R + tree

Doesnt not permit overlapping in non leaf rectangles. - partitions rectangles and stores each in different part of tree.

Complex insertion and deletion

Loss of tree balance

More nodes and duplicate entries

Doesnt not permit overlapping in non leaf rectangles. - partitions rectangles and stores each in different part of tree.

Complex insertion and deletion

Loss of tree balance

More nodes and duplicate entries

What is linear referencing?

Linear referencing is the method of storing gepgraphic locations by using relative positions along a measured linear feature

What is a fractal

a never ending pattern.

three applications of Linear referencing systems?




three example modes of operation of Linear referencing systems

Distance to discrete point

distance to where a continuous attribute changes in value

Start and end distances of a segment

What is dynamic segmentation

The process of computing the map locations of linearly referenced data (for example, attributes stored in a table) at run time so they can be displayed on a map, queried, and analyzed using a GIS

Interpolation. define.

the procedure that estimates the values of properties at unsampled locations covered by existing observations.

Most data is sampled. Need to fill the gaps..

Spatial Interpolation: Point Interpolation: Global : Trend Surfaces

Trend Surfaces:

Uses a polynomial regression to fit leastsquares surface to data points.

Local interpolation methods

eg Inverse Distance Weighting

Assume space is correlated.

Values nearby are independent, used to predict nearby values.

Common problems of point interpolation methods

Input data uncertainty:

-too few data points

-limited or clustered spatial coverage

-uncertainty about location/value

Edge effects:

-need data points outside study area

-improve interpolation and avoid distortion at boundaries.

toblers approach to area interpolation

Method assumes the existence of a smooth density funciton which takes into account the effect of adjacent source zones.

IDW asumptions

Inverse Distance Weighting:

Assumes space is correlated, so values of nearby points can be predicted.

IDW basic pseudocode

-compute distance between sample points and other points.

- define weighting as (1/distance)^p

-sum weighted balue of each observation

- normalise the result by the sum of the weights.

IDW effects of p

the higher p is, the quicker the weighting diminishes with distance.

value of 0, same weighting for all distance ==~~ mean basically.