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29 Cards in this Set

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Describe the function of the Cremaster muscle
It controls the size of the scrotum by responding to ambient temperature. This is to keep the testes at 3 degree Celsius below abdominal temperature, the best temperature for reproducing sperm!
Cold- cremaster muscle contracts
Warm-cremaster muscle relaxed
Why is the testis on the left lower than the right?
because left spermatic cord is longer.
What structures provide transport of sperm?
Vas Deferens
Ejaculatory Duct
Marked coiled duct system
Main STORAGE for sperm
Vas Deferens
Approximates with other vessels (arteries, veins, lymphatics, nerves) to form spermatic cord
Ejaculatory duct
empties into urethra
Where do the lymphatics of penis and scrotal surface drain?
they drain into the inguinal lymphnodes
Where do the testes drain?
into the abdomen
What is the significance of inguinal canal and femoral canal?
they are potential sites for hernia
What are the benefits of circumcision?
lowers risk STDs esp. syphillis
Chancroid and somewhat reduce risk of genital herpes
Cirscumcised men have lower risk of acquiring genital HPV
Their partners have lower risk of cervical cancer
What are the disadvantages of circumcision?
Small risk of:
Complications such as sepsis, amputation of the distal edge of the glans
Removal of an excessive amount of foreskin
urethrocutaneous fistula
Significant pain
During exam how should your patient be positioned?
Male patient standing position with undershorts down and appropraite draping. Examiner should be sitting.
How would you teach your male patient regarding testicular self examination?
1.Examine testicles once a month in the shower when hands are warm and soapy and the scrotum is warm.
2.Hold the scrotum in the palm of your hand and gently feel each testicle using your thumb and first 2 fingers.
3. Testicle is egg shaped and movable
4. It feels rubbery with smooth surface like boiled egg
If you ever notice firm, painless lump, and hard area, or an overall enlarged testicle, call ur DR for further check.
S: pain of sudden onset in scrotum, somewhat relieved by elevation (positive Phren's sign)

O: Enlarged scrotum, red, tender to palpation. Lab: increased WBC, bacteria in urine

A: tender swelling of epididymis
S: dull pain, dragging or pulling feeling

O: Usually no sign.May show bluish color through light scrotal skin

A: soft mass on spermatic cord
How would you palpate Varicocele of spermatic cord?
when standing, feel soft, irregular mass posterior to and above testis
S: painless, usually found of examination
O: Inspection- does transilluminate higher in the scrotum than a hydrocele and the sperm may fluoresce
Palpation: round, freely movable mass ;lying above and behind testis. If large, feels like a third testis
A; free cystic mass on epididymis
2 kinds of Testicular tumor
Early Tesitcular tumor (painless, firm solitary nodule

Diffuse Tumor: Enlarged testis
Does not transilluminate
Palpation-enlarged, smooth, ovoid, firm
Nontender swelling of testis
What is important to note about diffuse tumor?
It is firm to palpation does NOT cause usual sickening discomfort as with normal testis
S: Painless swelling. Pt complains of bulk or weight in scrotum

O: Enlargedmass does Transilluminate wth pink or red glow
Palpation- nontender mass
A: Nontender swelling of testis
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Sac herniates through internal inguinal ring, can reamin in canal of pass inot scrotum
Congenital or acquired
more commn in infants <1 year and males 16-20 yrs old

Pain with straining, soft swelling
Direct Inguinal Hernia
Directly behind and through external inguinal lring, above inguinal ligament
rarely entres scrotum

Usually painless; swelling close to the pubis in area of internall inguinal ring; easily reduce when supine

Caused by acquired weakness from heavy lifting , obisity , chronic cough, ascites
Femoral Hernia
Through femoral ring and canal, most often on right side

Pain may be SEVERE

Least common

Caused by acquired due to increased abdominal pressure, muscle weakness, or frequent stooping
Symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy in older men
dysuria and oliguria
What is the first physical sign associated with puberty in boys?
testes enlargement
an adhesion of the prepuce to the head of the penis, making it impossible to retract skin.
What is the normal age related change in the scrotum?
penduous scrotum
During transillumination of the scrotum, you note a nontender mass that transillumintes with red glow. This finding is suggestive of...
The congenital displacement of the urethral meatus to the inferior surgace of the penis is...