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67 Cards in this Set

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"Seventy percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in _________."

The home.

Part 1, pg. 1

"About ___________ [of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests] are unwitnessed."


Part 1, pg. 1

"Only about 10% of adult patients with nontraumatic cardiac arrest who are treated by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) survive to _____________."

Hospital discharge

Part 1, pg. 1

Definition of Adults

Adolescents (i.e., after the onset of puberty) and older.

Part 1, pg. 2

Definition of Children

1 year of age to puberty.

Part 1, pg. 2

Definition of Infants

Less than 1 year of age (excluding newly born infants in the delivery room).

Part 1, pg. 2

"Start compressions within _______ seconds of recognition of cardiac arrest."

10 seconds

Part 1, pg. 3

"Compress at a rate of _____________..."

100 to 120/min

Part 1, pg. 3

"Compress...with a depth of __________ for adults."

At least 2 inches (5 cm)

Part 1, pg. 3

"Compress...with a depth of ________ for children."

At least one third the depth of the chest, about 2 inches (5 cm)

Part 1, pg. 3

"Compress...with a depth of ___________ for infants."

At least one third the depth of the chest, about 1 1/2 inches (4 cm)

Part 1, pg. 3

"Allow ______________ after each compression."

Complete chest recoil

Part 1, pg. 3

"...try to limit interruptions to less than ______________."

10 seconds

Part 1, pg. 3

"Give effective breaths that ______________."

Make the chest rise

Part 1, pg. 3

"Avoid ___________ ventilation."


Part 1, pg. 3

"...research suggests that compression depth greater than ______________ in adults may cause injuries."

2.4 inches (6 cm)

Part 1, pg. 3

First link in the Chain of Survival for IHCA

Surveillance, prevention, and treatment of prearrest conditions

Part 1, pg. 5

Second link in the Chain of Survival for IHCA

Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system

Part 1, pg. 5

Third link in the Chain of Survival for IHCA

Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions

Part 1, pg. 5

Fourth link in the Chain of Survival for IHCA

Rapid defibrillation

Part 1, pg. 5

Fifth link in the Chain of Survival for IHCA

Multidisciplinary post-cardiac arrest care

Part 1, pg. 5

First link in the Chain of Survival for OHCA

Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system

Part 1, pg. 6

Second link in the Chain of Survival for OHCA

Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions

Part 1, pg. 6

Third link in the Chain of Survival for OHCA

Rapid defibrillation with an AED

Part 1, pg. 6

Fourth link in the Chain of Survival for OHCA

Effective advanced life support (including rapid stabilization and transport to post-cardiac arrest care)

Part 1, pg. 6

Fifth link in the Chain of Survival for OHCA

Multidisciplinary post-cardiac arrest care

Part 1, pg. 6

"In children, cardiac arrest is often secondary to ___________ and ___________."

-Respiratory failure-Shock

Part 1, pg. 9

"...a _________ link is added in the pediatric Chain of Survival."


Part 1, pg. 9

"____________ occurs when the heart develops an abnormal rhythm and can't pump blood."

Sudden cardiac arrest

Part 1, pg. 9

"A _____________ occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked."

Heart attack

Part 1, pg. 9

"Nearly _______________ out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur annually in the United States."


Part 1, pg. 10

Review 1.1: In which locations do most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur?

a. Healthcare clinics

b. Homes

c. Recreational facilities

d. Shopping centers

b. Homes

Part 1, pg. 11

Review 1.2: Which is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in children?

a. Cardiac problem

b. Congenital or acquired heart defect

c. Respiratory failure or shock

d. Infection and sepsis

c. Respiratory failure or shock

Part 1, pg. 11

Review 1.3: What is the third link in the adult out-of-hospital Chain of Survival?

a. Advanced life support

b. High-quality CPR

c. Prevention

d. Rapid defibrillation

d. Rapid defibrillation

Part 1, pg. 11

Review 1.4: Which statement best describes sudden cardiac arrest?

a. When respiratory distress in adults occurs and the heart rate does not change

b. When the heart rate is 40-60/min and respirations increase

c. When blood flow to the heart is blocked and the heart rate increases

d. When an abnormal rhythm develops and the heart stops beating unexpectedly

d. When an abnormal rhythm develops and the heart stops beating unexpectedly

Part 1, pg. 11

"Signs of puberty include __________________ in males and ______________ in females."

-Chest or underarm hair-Any breast development

Part 2, pg. 13

"CPR consists of these main components: "

-Chest compressions



Part 2, pg. 14

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 1

Verify scene safety

Part 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 2

-Victim is unresponsive

-Shout for nearby help

-Activate emergency response system via mobile device (if appropriate)

-Get AED and emergency equipment (or send someone to do so).

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 3

-Look for no breathing or only gasping and check for pulse (simultaneously)

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiact Arrest Algorithm: Step 3a (normal breathing, has pulse)

Monitor until emergency responders arrive

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 3b (No normal breathing, has pulse)

-Provide rescue breathing: 1 breath every 5-6 seconds

-Activate emergency response system (if not already done) after 2 min

-Continue rescue breathing; check pulse every 2 min. If no pulse, begin CPR.

-If possible opioid overdose, administer naloxone if available per protocol.

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 4 (No breathing or only gasping, no pulse)

-CPR-Begin cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths

-Use AED as soon as it is available

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 5

AED arrives

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 6

Check rhythm.

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 7 (Shockable rhythm after rhythm check)

-Give 1 shock

-Resume CPR immediately for about 2 minutes (until prompted by AED to allow rhythm check).

-Continue until ALS providers take over or victim starts to move.

Pt. 2, pg. 15

BLS Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: Step 8 (Non-shockable rhythm after rhythm check)

-Resume CPR immediately for about 2 minutes (until prompted by AED to allow rhythm check)

-Continue until ALS providers take over or victim starts to move.

Pt. 2, pg. 15

"If you are alone, _______________________________. If someone else is available, send that person to get [the AED/defibrillator and emergency equipment]."

Get the AED/defibrillator and emergency equipment.

Pt. 2, pg. 16

True or False: Agonal gasps constitute normal breathing


Pt. 2, pg. 17

Locating the carotid pulse:

-Locate the trachea on the side closest to you, using 2 or 3 fingers

-Slide those fingers into the groove between the trachea and the neck muscles

-Feel for a pulse for between 5 and 10 seconds

Pt. 2, pg. 18

"Single rescuers should use the compression-to-ventilation ratio of _________________ when giving CPR to victims of any age."

30 compressions to 2 ventilations

Pt. 2, pg. 19

"Do not move the victim while CPR is in progress unless __________________ or ________________________________."

-The victim is in a dangerous environment

-You believe you cannot perform CPR effectively in the victim's present position or location.

Pt. 2, pg. 19

"A ______ surface allows compression of the chest and heart to create blood flow."


Pt. 2, pg. 19

Hand and body position during chest compressions

-Put the heel of one hand in the center of the victim's chest, on the lower half of the sternum

-Put the heel of your other hand on top of the first hand

-Straighten your arms and position your shoulders directly over your hands.

Pt. 2, pg. 20

Two methods for opening the airway are:

-Head tilt-chin lift-Jaw thrust

Pt. 2, pg. 21

"If a head or neck injury is suspected, use the ___________ to reduce neck and spine movement. Switch to a ____________ if the [first method] does not open the airway."

-Jaw-thrust maneuver

-Head tilt-chin lift maneuver

Pt. 2, pg. 21

"Deliver each breath over ______ second(s)."

-1 second

Pt. 2, pg. 24

"When giving compressions, rescuers should switch compressors after every __________________________, or sooner if ________."

-5 cycles of CPR (about every 2 minutes)


Pt. 2, pg. 29

2-rescuer CPR: Rescuer 1's location

At the victim's side

Pt. 2, pg. 30

2-rescuer CPR: Rescuer 2's location

At the victim's head

Pt. 2, pg. 30

2-rescuer CPR: Rescuer 1's duties

-Make sure the victim is faceup on a firm, flat surface

-Perform chest compressions

-Switch compressors when needed.

Pt. 2, pg. 30

2-rescuer CPR: Rescuer 2's duties

-Maintain an open airway by using either a head tilt-chin lift or a jaw thrust.

-Give breaths

-Encourage the first rescuer to give correct compressions

-Switch compressors when needed.

Pt. 2, pg. 30

Review 2.2: The man doesn't respond when you touch his shoulders and shout, "Are you OK?" What is your next best action?

a. Check his pulse

b. Start high-quality CPR

c. Start providing rescue breaths

d. Shout for nearby help

d. Shout for nearby help

Pt. 2, pg. 31

Review 2.3: Several rescuers respond, and you ask them to activate the emergency response and retrieve the AED and emergency equipment. As you check for a pulse and breathing, you notice that the man is gasping for air and making "snorting" sounds. You do not feel a pulse. What is your best next action?

a. Start high-quality CPR, beginning with chest compressions

b. Monitor the victim until additional, more experienced help arrives

c. Provide rescue breathing by delivering 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds

d. Find someone to help by retrieving the AED

a. Start high-quality CPR, beginning with chest compressions

Pt. 2, pg. 31

Review 2.4: What is the ratio of chest compressions to breaths when providing CPR to an adult?

a. 10 compressions to 2 breaths

b. 15 compressions to 2 breaths

c. 30 compressions to 2 breaths

d. 100 compressions to 2 breaths

c. 30 compressions to 2 breaths

Pt. 2, pg. 31

Review 2.5 What are the rate and depth for chest compressions on an adult?

a. 60 to 80 compressions/minute, about 1 inch

b. 80 to 100 compressions/minute, about 1 1/2 inches.

c. 120 to 140 compressions/minute, about 2 1/2 inches

d. 100 to 120 compressions/minute, at least 2 inches

d. 100 to 120 compressions/minute, at least 2 inches

Pt. 2, pg. 31

Review 2.7: If you suspect that an unresponsive victim has head or neck trauma, what is the preferred method for opening the airway?

a. Head tilt-chin lift

b. Jaw thrust

c. Head tilt-neck left

d. Avoid opening the airway

b. Jaw thrust

Pt. 2, pg. 31