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42 Cards in this Set

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3 reasons for intravenous access are
-fluid replacement
-medication administration
-blood administration
Considerations for IV site selection are
distal first
non-dominant side
splinted area
soft and straight
good blood flow
Areas to avoid with IV site
areas of infiltration or redness
mastectomy or graft sides
scars or lesions
areas of frequent motion
The ____ vein is one of the best veins available because it is large and the forearm provides a natural splint.
A 22 gauge catheter is ____ than a 14 gauge catheter.
To deliver large amounts of fluid you should select a large vein and use a ____ catheter.
14-16 gauge
To administer medications a ____ gauge catheter in a smaller vein will work.
A ____ catheter is about 8 inches long, threaded into SVC, for short term IV use and can be kept in arm up to 4 weeks.
Redness at site or along vein, warm to touch, pain, edema, sluggish flow, hard, red, cordlike vein are S/Sx of ______.
Tx for phlebitis is
Tx of infiltration is
ice and elevation
Tx of extravasation is
ice and try to aspirate as much drug as possible. Elevate extremity and administer antidote.
Regitine is indicated for the prevention or treatment of dermal necrosis following IV administration and extravasation of _____.
A _____ agent is one that is irritating and causes blistering.
_____ drugs are cytotoxic.
IM injections are ___ degrees.
SQ injections are ____ degrees.
Intradermal injections are ____ degrees.
___ are the primary carrier of oxygen.
____ are substances that stop or prevent bleeding.
____ replaces blood volume and clotting factors.
____ are substances in the blood that help it thicken/clot.
Clotting factors
___ is a concentrate of clotting factors.
____ is the yellow liquid portion of blood.
Packed red cells have most of the ___ and other cells are removed.
A ____ reaction occurs from incompatible blood. S/Sx are backache, hypotension, dyspnea, cyanosis, chills and fever.
Tx for hemolytic reaction is
stop blood immediately, run NS, call MD, keep blood bag for analysis, monitor VS and I and O
____ blood reaction is sensitivity to WBCs, platelets, or plasma proteins. S/sx are fever, chills, muscle aches, h/a, flushing.
Tx for febrile reaction is
D/c infusion and give antipyretics
____ reactions can be mild or severe. Mild is due to sensitivity to plasma proteins. Severe is an antigen-antibody reaction.
S/Sx of circulatory overload are
cough, crackles, hypertension, JVD, tachycardia
Tx of overload is
-stop or slow infusion
-sit patient upright
-evaluate lungs
-oxygen and diuretics as ordered
-monitor VS and I and O
____ occurs when the blood is contaminated. S/Sx are chills, fever, vomiting, hypotension, diarrhea.
Tx for sepsis is
-stop transfusion
-keep blood for lab
-blood cultures
-IV fluid support
Whole blood and PRBCs should hang with ____ using a Y tubing and filter. No more than ___ to infuse and with no other meds or drips.
normal saline solution
4 hours
____ is the universal blood donor.
O negative
____ is the universal blood recipient.
AB positive
Type A blood has ____ antigen.
type B
____ does not require type and crossmatch. It must infuse within 4 hours and cabe given 10 minutes per unit.
____ is used for bleeding and when giving large amts of PRBCs. Must give within 6 hours of getting from blood bank. Straight line- no filter needed.
Fresh Frozen Plasma
____ can be given by straight set or IV push. No type and cross match is required.
Coagulation factors
____ is used to treat shock and hypoproteinemia. Give slowly to prevent circulatory overload and it requires special tubing that comes with the bottle.