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75 Cards in this Set

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Sally Marks

Emphasises weakness of League over Manchuria

Zara Steiner

1929-1933 - connected decade of reconstruction with one of disintegration


Mussolini adopted nazi ideology to unify with Hitler


Wilson's failure at Versailles led to US isolationism due to disillusionment

Boyce and Maiolo

Emphasise role of economic crises

Collapse of Creditansalt

Major Austrian bank

May 1931

Success of KPD

77 seats in Sept 1930 elections (107 for Nazis)

French industrial slowdown

Industrial production slipped 7% from 1929-1932

US economic role in 1920s

$4bn capital left US, $3bn trade

Russian isolation

US refused to recognise

1920 - invasion of Poland



Between the outcasts

Commercial and military ties. Helped Germany get round Versailles. Commercial treaty added in Oct 1925

Agreed to "cooperate in the spirit of goodwill"

Stresemann was trying to restore German legitimacy


Oct 1925

Germans, Belgians, French recognised each other's borders

Stresemann also agreed to arbitration treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia

London Naval Conference


US, GB, France, Japan, Italy. First three signed an agreement

Washington naval conference


GB forced to choose sides

Five Power Treaty - Japan accepted 5-5-3 ratio between US, GB and itself.

Four Power Treaty - broad alliance between US, GB, Japan, France.

Nine Power Treaty - Japan recognised territorial integrity of China and guaranteed open door

Stimson Doctrine

Jan 1932


Emulated by GB

No economic sanctions

Hitler seductive message

Blamed communists, Jews, financiers, politicians for Germany's woes. Took aim at Young Plan also.

London Economic Conference

League called in 1932

Opened in June 1933

Main aim was currency stabilisation

FDR abandoned in July, having initially supported.

Japan urged trade liberalisation

1933 tariff

US National Recovery Act

Montevideo Conference

December 1933

FDR organised 'No Force Declaration'. Germany, France, Italy, GB signed.

MacDonald Plan

March 1933

To reduce European armies by half a million men to save money. French and German equality. Supported by FDR.

Rise of Italian fascism

1922 - liberal parliamentary regime overthrown

Briand 1929 plans

For European federation

GB and French inflation problems after WW1

Pound declined 35% 1918-20

Franc settled at 1/6 pre-warning value

May 1929

US announced plans to raise tariffs

Was world's largest exporter and creditor

Impact on Japan of US tariffs

Japanese agricultural prices fell by 1/3

40% families had replied on Japanese silk production

US market had absorbed 90% Japanese silk exports

Dec 1931 - abandoned gold standard. Yen allowed to depreciate 50% against the dollar.

Japanese military spending

Decreased 37% 1929-31

Respect for liberal government fell.

March 1931 - attempted coup

Manchuria Crisis

18 Sept 1931

Kwantung Army provoked incident on South Manchurian Railway. Seized three Chinese provinces. Wanted Manchurian fertile land and iron ore

June 1937 - Marco Polo Bridge

Italian lira mistake

Dec 1927 - restored lira to the gold standard at dangerously high level.

Italian economic decline

1929-31 - Italian trade dropped 20%

Mussolini crushed trade unions and implemented public works schemes

1927-1934 - Italian national output down 30%

Austria-Germany customs union plan

March 1931

French gave loan to Austria in return for no union.

Abyssinian Crisis

Wal Wal incident 1934

Oct 1935 invasion

Domestic propaganda - would secure jobs, wealth, space

Weakness of Weimar Republic

Hyperinflation of 1923 wiped out domestic savings

50% commercial bank deposits were from abroad by 1928, especially from GB and US

Impacts of GD on Germany

1927 - 540,000 unemployment (post-war low)

3 million by 1929

6 million by 1932

Feb 1929 - Ruhr lock-out

German industrial production fell 30% from 1929 levels.

1930 - US lending resumed

Nazi vote

1932 - Hitler came second in presidential election

810,000/2%/12 seats in 1928 elections

18%/107 seats in sept 1830 elections

37%/230 seats in July 1932

Dropped again

Jan 1933 - Hitler installed as chancellor

Impacts of GD on Germany

Coal, textiles devastated

Aug 1931 - collapse of Labour government; national government took over

1934 - FDR embarrassed GB by declarating in default of war debts

1933 unemployment figures

US - 13 million; 1 million in Italy; 2.5 million in UK; 300,000 in France

1932 Lausanne Conference

Suspended reparations

Germany had only paid what it had been supposed to pay by May 1921

Hit to GB/French empires

GB had no fleet east of Malta

French - no fleet east of Algeria

Difficult to combat Japan

Neutrality laws

3 between Aug 1935 and May 1937

French rearmament spending

Down 32% between 1932-34.

No comprehensive program until 1936

French gold standard

Abandoned in sept 1936

Germany League membership

1926, as member of Council

Stresemann still refused to recognise Germany's eastern borders as final

Occupation of Ruhr


Dawes Plan


Eased London schedule of 1921 (132 billion marks)

International Steel Cartel


Germany, Belgium, France

Quotas for private companies

Churchill mistake

Restored £ to gold standard at pre-war levels. Overvalued - hurt exports. £1-$4.86

Dawes Plan

Led to triangle of payments

US lent to Germans, Germans paid reps, France repaid war loans to us

Wall Street Crash

Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 70%, 1929-32

8% pop owned shares

Harder for businesses to borrow

1930 US tariff


Volume of world trade fell by 25%, value by 40%

Who retained gold standard latest?

By early 1932, France and US wee only two GPs to maintain gold standard

Young plan


Lower per annum payments and France would withdraw from Rhineland by 30 June 1930

Runs on German banks


GB devaluation

By 25% after withdrawal from gold standard

Japan fears

Chiba growing in strength

Chiang kai-shek making significant progress in unifying the country, 1928-31

Japan progress in 1920s

1925 - universal manhood suffrage

Respected member of international society

Japan turn to fascism

Unemployment reached 1 million

Nov 1930 - PM assassination (1 month after naval conference)

1930 - formation of Cherry Blossom Society

Army officers plotted coup

1 March 1933 - Manchukuo gov established

May 1932 - assassination of PM Inukai

German withdrawal from League

Oct 1933

1934 - improved relations with Poland and Russia

1935 - bilateral naval treaty with GB

1935 events

French-Soviet Pact


Remilitarisation of Rhineland - Hitler had targeted this for 1937 but took advantage of Abyssinian upheaval



US 1920s isolationism

Did not respond to League correspondence until 1923

Harding - "Return to Normalcy"

May 1922 - World Court had opened but US never joined

1922 Fordney-Mccumber



2 paragraphs, devoid of commitments or enforcement

Gold pens

"Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy"

Mein Kampf quote

"Only an adequately large space on this earth assures a nation of freedom of existence"

Lytton Report

Feb 1933

Criticised Chinese provocation and Japanese actions

Demanded urgent withdrawal

Japan left League in March 1933

GB unwilling to sanction due to trade balance

GP diplomacy

Resolved crisis between Italy and Corfu in 1923, not League

"Spirit of Locarno"

GB and Italy guaranteed deal between Germany, France, Belgium

Stresemann and Austen Chamberlain shared Nobel Peace Prize

Cause of German hyperinflation

Printing money to pay wages of striking workers. Had to stop in 1923.

Dec 1922 - Reparations committee declared GB in default of reparations payments

Jan 1923 - Belgium and France occupied Ruhr

GB restoration of relations with Russia

1929 labour gov

Germany not living within means

1930 - borrowing 2x what it was paying in reparations. Using to build stadia, improve military.

Political flaw of Weimar

Difficult to get a Reichstag majority. Unstable.

Withdrawal from German banks

1.3bn marks by Dec 1930, in three months

Hoover moratorium

June 1931

1 year

1932 disarmament conference

Germany, Italy and Japan continued to rearm throughout eg Deutschland, 1931

Hopes for disarmament had been high in 1931, before Hitler

57 delegations

Chaired by Arthur Henderson

German stick exchange

Closed for 2 months in 1931

Political strife

Briand lost presidential election in 1931

Hoover lost in 1932

Lab gov collapsed in 1931

GB financial strife

Sept 1931 - withdrew from gold standard

Pound ceases to be key global reserve currency

France and Italy raised tariffs in response to low price GB goods