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19 Cards in this Set

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Cold (next 7 patterns)
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Release exterior, Regulate lung Qi
More severe headache, bodyache
Itchy throat
No thirst
Clear or white discharge
More chiils than fever
No sweat
No tongue change
Pulse is floating, tense
Exterior Wind Cold
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Release exterior, regulate lung Qi, expel cold
Fever greater than chills
Headaches and bodyaches less
Sore throat
Prefer cold drinks
Yellow discharge and sputum
No tongue body change, yellow coat
Pulse is floating, rapid
Exterior Wind Heat
Heat: Du14, SJ5, LI11
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Clear heat, release exterior, regulate lung Qi
Fever greater than chills
Slight sweat
Runny nose or obstruction that is thick yellow
Increased thirst, no desire to drink
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension
Thicky, greasy coat
Pulse is rapid, slippery
Wind Summer Heat
Heat: Du14, SJ5, LI11
Dampness: Sp9, St35, Lu5
Harmonize Middle Jiao: St36 (without locking in pathogen)
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Clear heat, resolve dampness, release exterior, regulate lung Qi, harmonize middle jiao
Stiff neck, shoulders
Minor chills or fever
Minor scratchy throat
Minor cough
No tongue change
Pulse is floating and moderate
Wind Strike or Invasion
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Release exterior, regulate lung Qi
Chills, fever are the same
Profuse, clear sputum
Facial edema
Sticky tongue coat
Pulse is floating, slippery
Wind Damp
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Damp: Sp9, St35, Lu5
Release exterior, resolve dampness
Qi or Yang deficiency leading to colds:
Headache, Bodyache is stronger
Itchy throat
No thirst
Clear or white discharge
More chills than fever
No sweat
Tongue not effected
Pulse is floating, tense
Wind cold w/Qi or Yang Deficiency
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Qi/yang: Sp3. St36, Ren6
Expel wind, Tonify Qi/Yang
Night sweats
Dry throat
Wind heat as fever greater than chills
Headaches and bodyaches less
Prefer cold drinks
Yellow discharge and sputum
No tongue coat, red body
Pulse is floating, rapid
Wind Heat w/Yin Deficiency
Wind: LI4, Lu7, UB12
Heat: LI11, SJ5, Du14
Yin Deficiency: Sp6, Kid6
Expel wind, clear heat, tonify kidney yin
Cough due to exterior syndromes (next 4 patterns)
Exterior: Lu7, LI4, UB12
Headache/bodyache more severe
Itchy throat
No thirst
Clear or white discharge
More chills than fever
No sweat
No tongue change
Pulse is floating, tense
Cough due to exterior wind cold
Wind: Lu7, LI4, UB12
Regulate lung Qi, stop cough, expel wind, expel cold
More fevers than chills
Expectorate, sputum and congestion
Yellow and strong coat
Pulse is floating and rapid
Cough due to exterior wind heat
Wind: Lu7, LI4, UB12
Heat: SJ5, LI11, Du14
Release exterior, clear heat, stop cough, regulate lung Qi
Dry cough that is non-productive
Raspy voice
Cough due to wind dryness
Wind: Lu7, LI4, UB12
Expel wind, moisten lungs
Strong cough w/lots of expectoration
Hoarseness or sore throat where heat increases severity
Cough due to wind damp heat
Wind: Lu7, LI4, UB12
Damp: Sp9, St35, Lu5
Heat: SJ5, LI11, Du14
Expel wind, release heat, resolve damp
Cough due to interior syndromes (next 5 patterns)
Interior: Lu7, Lu9, UB13
Coughing comes on slowly
Worse in AM
Poor appetite
Nausea, vomiting
Chest oppression
Loose stools, bloating
Fatigue, lethargy
Tongue is thick, greasy
Pulse is slippery, confined
Damp Phlegm in the Lung
Interior: Lu7, Lu9, UB13
Damp: Sp9, St35, Lu5
Phlegm: St40
Transform phlegm, resolve damp, strengthen spleen
Thirst increasing
Coughing comes on slowly
Worse in AM
Poor appetite
Nausea, vomiting
Chest oppression
Loose stools, bloating
Fatigue, lethargy
Tongue is thick, greasy
Pulse is rapid
Phlegm Heat in the Lungs
Damp: Sp9, St35, Lu5
Phlegm: St40
Spleen: Sp3
Heat: SJ5, Du14, LI11
Strengthen spleen, transform phlegm, resolve damp, clear heat
Strong cough
Sudden onset, more intermittent
Scanty, thick yellow phlegm
Plum pit Qi
Red face, eyes
Short temper
Worse w/emotions
Tongue is red, dry yellow
Pulse is wiry, rapid
Cough due to liver fire
Heat: SJ5, LI11, Du14
Interior: Lu7, Lu9, UB13
Liver: Liv2
Stop cough, cool liver fire
Gradual onset, chronic
Worse in PM
Low energy
Tidal fever
Scanty, thick white sputum
Tongue is scanty
Pulse is thin rapid
Lung yin deficiency
Interior: Lu7, Lu9, UB13
Lung: Lu1, Kid6
Regulate lung Qi, nourish lung Qi, moisten lungs, stop cough
Gradual, chronic
Feeble, weak
Difficult to expel
Clear white sputum
Tongue is pale
Pulse is weak
Lung Qi Deficiency
Lung: Lu1, Lu9, UB13
Tonify lung Qi