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________ fits function in the animal body
is the study of an organism's structure
is the study of the functions of an organism's structure
The hierarchy of animal structure
1) cellular level
2) Tissue level
3) Organ level
4) Organ system level
5) Organism level
is an integrated group of similar cells that preform a specific function
is made up of two or more types of tissue that together preform a specific task
Organ system
consists of multiple organs that together preform a vital body function
contains a number of organ systems
_________ are groups of cells with a common structure and function
Epithelial tissue / epithelium
occurs as sheets of tightly packed cells that cover body surfaces and line internal organs and cavities
Basement membrane
a dense mat of extracellular matrix consisting of fibrous proteins and sticky polysaccharides.
Types of Epithelial tissue
1) simple squamous
2) simple cuboidal
3) simple columnar
4) stratified squamous
5) stratified squamous
Mucous Membrane
secretes a slimy solution called mucous that lubricates the surface and keeps it moist.
______tissue binds and supports other tissues
Connective tissue
consists of a sparse population of cells scattered through an extracellular matrix
Loose connective tissue
its matrix is a loose weave of fibers
Fibrous connective tissue
has a matrix of densely packed parallel bundles of collagen fibers , an arrangement that maximizes its nonelastic strengths.
Adipose tissue
stores fat in large,closely packed adipose cells held in a sparse matrix of fibers
the matrix of connective tissue that forms a strong but flexible skeletal material, consists of an abundance of collagen fivers embedded in a rubbery substance.
a rigid connective tissue has a matrix of collagen fibers embedded in calcium salts.
functions differently from other connective tissue. is a liquid called plasma that consists of water, salt and dissolved proteins
Muscle tissue functions is _______
Muscle tissue
consists of bundles of long cells called muscle fibers and s the most abundant tissue in most animals
Skeletal muscle
is attached to bones by tendons and is responsible for voluntary movements of the body
Cardiac muscle
forms the contractile tissue of the heart
Smooth muscle
is smooth, is found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary bladder, arteries, and other internal organs.
Nervous tissue forms a _________network
nervous tissue
senses stimuli and rapidly transmits information from one part of an animal to another.
or nerve cell, which is uniquely specialized to conduct electrical nerve impulses
Artificial tissues have _______
medical uses
_____ are made up of tissues
The order of the tissues in an organ
1) epithelial
2) Connective
3) smooth muscle
4) connective tissue
5) epithelial
________ systems work together to preform life functions.
Digestive system
ingests and breaks down food into smaller chemical units to be used as fuel for cellular respiration: eliminates undigested material
Circulatory System
delivers nutrients and O2 to the body cells: carries co2 to the lungs and metabolic wastes to the excretory organs, the kidneys.
Immune system
defends the body against infections and cancer
Lymphatic system
returns fluid that leaks from blood vessels to the circulatory system: functions as part of the immune system
Excretory system
removes nitrogen-containing waste products form the blood regulates the chemical make up[ and water balance in the blood
Endocrine system
secretes chemicals, called hormones, that regulate body activities such as digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, heart rate, and water balance
Nervous system
coordinates body activities by detecting stimuli, integrating information,m and directing the body's responses
Integumentary system
protects against mechanical injury, infection, excessive hear or cold, and drying out.
Skeletal system
supports the body: protects certain internal organs such as the brain and lungs; provides the framework for muscles to produce movement
Muscular system
skeletal muscles produce movement, maintain posture, and produce heat
Reproductive systems
produce gametes and sex hormones: Female system provides organs to support and developing embryo and glands for producing milk
Structural _______ enhance exchange between animals and their environment
"a steady state" The animals way of regulating their internal environment, and depends on negative feed back
Negative feed back
in which a change in a variable triggers mechanisms that reverse the change
who loves you
your husband
Different ways of ingesting food for animals
1) Herbivores
2) Carnivores
3) Omnivores
(herba, green crop)
(vorus, devouring)
eat mainly plants and algae
animals that eat plants and algae are cattle, gorillas, snails, and sea urchins
Carnivores (carne, flesh)
eat other animals/ flesh
animals that eat flesh lions, hawks, spiders, and snakes
Omnivores ( omnis, all)
eats both flesh and plants
animals that eat both, crows, cockroaches, raccoons, and human
Suspension feeders
extract food particles suspended in the surrounding water
Substrate feeders
live in or on their food source and eat their way through it
Fluid feeders
obtain food by sucking nutrient-rich fluids from a living host, either a plant or an animal
bulk feeders
they ingest relatively large pieces of food
Food processing in 4 stages
1) ingestion
2) digestion
3) absorption
4) elimination
Digestion occurs in _______ compartments
Gastrovascular cavity
a digestive compartment with a single opening the mouth
cnidarians and flatworms have a gastrovascular cavity
alimentary canal
a digestive tube with two openings, a mouth and an anus
channel food to a crop, gizzard or stomach
a pouch like organ in which food is softened and stored
stomachs & gizzards
store food temporarily, but they are more muscular and they churn and grind the food
chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occur here
undigested materials are expelled through this
The human digestive system consists of an _______&_______
alimentary canal and accessory glands
Once food is swallowed muscles propel it through the alimentary canal by_____, rhythmic waves of contraction of smooth muscles in the walls of the digestive tract.
Digestion begins in the _______
oral cavity
Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the ______
oral cavity
The food and breathing passages both open into the ____-
pharynx / throat
The esophagus squeezes food along to the ______ by peristalsis
The stomach stores food and breaks it sown with _____ and _____
acid and enzymes
Gastric juice
the stomach secretes this which is made up of mucus, enzymes, and strong acids.
Bacterial infections can cause _______
The ________ intestine is the major organ of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption
produces juice, a mixture of digestible enzymes and an alkaline solution rich in baicarbonate.
preforms a wide variety of functions, including the production of bile
contains bile salt that emulsify fats, making them more susceptible to attack by digestive enzymes
store bile until it is needed in the small intestine
is were the acid chyme squirted from the stomach mixes with bile from the gallbladder, pancreatic juices from the pancreas, and digestive enzymes from gland cells in the intestinal wall itself.
The large intestine reclaims water and ________
compacts the feces
Large intestine or colon
main function is to absorb water from the alimentary canal
Adaptations of vertebrate ___________ reflect diet
digestive systems
Ruminant mammals
such as cattle, sheep and deer have a more elaborate system for cellulose digestion.
is an organic nutrient that we must obtain form our diet,
are simple inorganic nutrients, usually required in small amounts
Animal feeding mechanisms
include suspension, substrate, fluid, and bulk feeding
animals may be what kind of eaters
herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores
4 stages of food processing
ingestion, digestion , absorption and elimination
Digestive compartments may be
food vacuoles (sponges), a gastrovascular cavity ( cnidarians and flatworms) in most animals, a alimentary canal running form mouth to anus with specialized regions
The human digestive system consists of
an alimentary canal and accessory glands. The rhythmic muscle contractions of peristalsis squeeze food along the alimentary canal. The pyloric sphincter regulates passage of ofd from the stomach to the small intestine
Oral cavity
the teeth break up food, saliva moistens it, and salivary enzymes begin the hydrolysis of starch. The tongue pushes the bolus of food into the pharynx
Pharynx and esophagus
the swallowing reflex moves food from the pharynx into the esophagus, while keeping it out of the trachea.
The stomach
stores food and mixes it with acidic gastric juice. Pepsin in gastric juice begins the hydrolysis of protein.
The large intestine
or colon, reabsorbs water form undigested material. feces are stored in the rectum
Three phases of gas exchange in an animal with lungs
1) breathing
2) is the transport of gases by the circulatory system
3) body cells take up O2 from the blood and releases CO2 to the blood
Respiratory surface
are made up of living cells, whose plasma membranes must be wet to function properly.
are extension, or out foldings, of the body surface specialized for gas exchange.
Tracheal system
of insects is an extensive system of branching internal tubes
are internal sacs lined with moist epithelium,
Gills are adapted for gas exchange in ________ environments
any mechanism that increases the flow of the surrounding water or air over the respiratory surface.
gills, tracheae or lungs
Countercurrent exchange
is the transfer of something from a fluid moving in one direction to another fluid moving in the opposite direction .
The tracheal system of insects provides direct exchange between the ______ and ______
air and body cells
Terrestrial vertebrates have
our lungs are in the chest cavity , which is bonded at the bottom by a sheet of muscle called a ________
Our breathing control centers are found in the _______
pons and medulla oblongata
Blood transports respiratory_______
Hemoglobin carries o2 and helps transport CO2 and buffers the _____
The human fetus exchanges gases withe the mother's ______
Gas exchange
the interchange of O2 and CO2 between an organism and its environment, provides O2 for cellular respiration and removes its waste product, CO2 gas exchange often involves breathing, transport of gases, and exchange of gases with body cells
Respiratory surfaces
must be thin and moist for diffusion of O2 and CO2 to occur. In most animals, specialized body parts such as gills, tracheal systems, or lungs provide large respiratory surfaces for gas exchange.
are extensions of the body that absorb O2 dissolved in water. In a fish, gas exchange is enhanced by ventilation and the countercurrent flow of water and blood.
Tracheal systems
in insects transport O2 directly to body cells through a network of finely branched tubes
most terrestrial vertebrates have lungs. In mammals, air inhaled through the nostrials passes through the pharynx and larynx into the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles to the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs. Mucus and cilia in the respiratory passes protect the lungs, but smoking can destroy these protections. Smoking causes lung cancer, hart disease, and emphysema
is the alternation of inhalation and exhalation
Breathing control centers
in the brain keep breathing in tune with body needs, sensing and responding and the CO2 level in the blood. A drop in blood Ph triggers an increase in the rate and depth of breathing
The heart pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs, where it picks up O2 and drops off CO2. Then the heart pumps the oxygen rich blood to the body cells, where it crops off O2 and picks up CO2. Gases diffuse down partial pressure gradients in lungs and body tissues
in red blood cells transports oxygen, helps buffer the blood, and carries some CO2. Most CO2 is transported as bicarbonate ions in the plasma. A human fetus exchange gases with maternal blood in the placenta. Fetal hemoglobin enhances oxygen transfer from maternal blood. At birth rising CO2 in fetal blood stimulates the breathing control centers to initiate breathing.
The circulatory system connects with all body ______
Double circulation
blood is pumped in second time after it slows down in the capillary beds of the lungs
Pulmonary circuit
carries blood between the heart and the gas exchange tissues in the lungs.
Systemic circuit
carries blood between the heart and the rest of the body
Open circulatory system
Blood is pumped through open ended vessels and flows out among the cells there is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid
Closes circulatory system
the blood is confined to the vessels which keep it distinct form the interstitial fluid
A Circulatory system
transports O2 and nutrients to cells and takes away CO2 and other wastes. Capillaries, the sites of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid, from intricate networks among tissue cells
Types of internal transport
Gastrovascular cavities function in both digestion and internal transport in cnidarians and flatworms. In the open circulatory systems of arthropods and many molluscs, a heart pumps blood through open ended vessels to bathe tissue cells directly. In closed circulatory systems, a heart pumps blood though arteries to capillaries,, veins return blood to the heart.
Cardiovascular systems of vertebrates
the two chambered heart of a fish pumps blood in a single circuit form gill capillaries to systemic capillaries and back to the heart. Land vertebrates have double circulation with separate pulmonary and systemic circuits. Amphibians and reptiles have three chambered hearts birds and mammals have four chambered hearts
The mammalian heart
has two thin walled atria that pump blood into the ventricles and tow thick walled ventricles that pump blood to all other body organs
Cardiac cycle
during diastole (relaxation) blood flows from the veins into the heart chambers during systole, contractions of the atria push blood into the ventricles and then stronger contractions of the ventricles propel blood into the large artieries. Cardiac output is the amount of blood/minute pumped into the systemic circuit. Heart valves prevent the back flow of blood.
The Pacemaker (SA node)
generates electrical signals that rigger contraction of the atria. The AV mode relays these signals to the ventricles. AN electrocardiogram records the electrical charges in the heart. Heart rate adjusts to body needs. A heart attack is damage to cardiac muscle usually resulting from a blocked coronary artery
Blood pressure
the force blood exerts on vessel walls, depends on cardiac output and the resistance of vessels. Pressure is highest in the arteries and lowest in the veins. blood velocity is slowest in the capillaries. Muscle contractions and one way valves keep blood moving through veins to the heart. Blood pressure is measured as systolic and diastolic pressures. Hypertension is a serous cardiovascular problem
Capillary Exchange
Constriction of arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters controls blood flow through capillary beds. The transfer of materials between blood and interstitial fluid occurs by diffusion and by pressure flow through clefts between epithelial cells. Blood pressure forces fluid out of the capillary at he arterial end, and osmotic pressure draws fluid in at the venous end.
consists of cells in a fluid plasma, which contains various inorganic ions, proteins, nutrients, wastes, gases, and hormones. Red blood cells ( erythrocytes) transport O2 bound to hemoglobin. WHite blood cells ( leukocytes) function both inside and outside the circulatory system to fight infections and cancer. The hormone erythropoietin regulates red blood cell production. Some athletes artificially increase their red blood cell number, a dangerous practice.
Blood clotting
when a blood vessel is damaged, platelets help trigger the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, forming a clot that plugs the leak
Stem Cells
divided in bond marrow to produce all blood cells and may be used to treat some blood disorders.
Innate defenses
against infection include the skin, mucous membranes, phagocytic cells, and antimicrobial proteins. Tissue damage triggers the inflammatory response, which can disinfect tissues and limit further infection. THe lymphatic system is a network of vessels and organs. THe vessels collect fluid from body tissues and return it as lymph to the blood. Lymph organs, such as the spleen and lymph nodes, are packed with white blood cells that fight infections.
The immune system
counters specific invaders by responding to antigens. Infection or vaccination triggers active immunity, which allows the immune system to "remember" an invader. We can also temporarily acquire passive immunity. Tow kinds of lymphocytes carry out the immune response. Millions of kinds of B cells and T cells, each with different membrane receptors, wait in the lymphatic system, where they may respond to invaders. Antigen molecules have specific regions, called antigenic determinants, to which antibodies bind.
Clonal selection
When an antigen enters the body, it activates only a small subset of lymphocytes, those with complementary receptors. THe selected cells multiply into clones of short lived effector cells specialized for defending against the antigen that triggered the response and memory cells, which confer long term immunity. Activated by subsequent exposure to the antigen, memory cells amount a rapid and massive secondary immune response.
Humoral immunity
secreted by plasma ( effector) B cells, an antibody molecule has antigen binding sites specific to the antigenic determinants that elicited its secretion. Antibodies promote antigen elimination through several mechanism. Monoclonal antibodies are useful in research, diagnosis, and treatment of certain cancers
Cell-mediated immunity
Helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells are the main effectors of cell mediated immunity, and helper T cells also stimulate the humoral responses. In cell mediated immunity, and antigen presenting cell displays a foreign antigen ( a non self molecule) and one of he bodies own self proteins to a helper T Cell. The helper T Cells receptors recognize the self non self complexes and the interaction activates the helper T cells and B cells. The aids virus attacks helper T cells, opening the way for opportunistic infections. Cytotoxic T cells bind to infected body cells and destroy them. Cytotoxic T cells may also attack cancer cells, which have abnormal surface molecules. The immune system normally reacts only against non self substances, not against self. Transplanted organs may be rejected because these cells lack the unique "fingerprint' of the recipient's self proteins.
When immunity malfunctions.
in autoimmune diseases, the system turns against the body's own molecules. iN immunodeficiency diseases, immune components are lacking and frequent infections occur. Allergies are abnormal sensitivities to antigens ( allergens) in teh surroundings.
Homoeostasis refers to.....
the body's ability to maintain a relatively constant internal environment.
Negative feedback
the bodies ability to maintain consistency which counteracts change
Positive feedback
responds to enhance change ( example child birth)
What are the 4 types of tissues
1) epithelium
2) connective
3) muscle
4) nervous
The 4 types of tissue go on to form
organs such as lung, heart or stomach
organs go on to form _____
organ system
Epithelial tissue
line the bodies cavities and create membranes which restricts substance moving from inside an organ to the outside as well as the reverse.