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28 Cards in this Set

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What are the causes of an S3?
1. Physiological
2. Dilated cardiomyopathy
3. AR
4. MR
What are the causes of an S4?
1. AS
3. Systemic hypertension
What are ways of differentiating between a JVP and carotid pulse?
- non pulsatile
- double flicker
- moves with respiration (falls with inspiration)
- moves with position
- accentuates with hepatojugular reflex
- fills from above
What are the signs of graves disease?
Signs of hyperthyroidism:
- increased sweating, warm skin
- tremor
- thyroid acropachy, softening of nails, onycholysis
- anemia
- vitiligo
- tachycardia
- hypertension
- high output cardiomyopathy
- proximal myopathy
- crush fractures
- alopecia
- Neuropsychiatric: insomnia, psychosis, emotional lability,
- lid lag, lid retraction, thyroid stare
- goitre +/- compressive Sx
- low BMI
- hyper-reflexia
- high serum oestradiol (oligomenorrhoea, infertility, erectile dysfunction, gynaecomastia, reduced libido

Signs specific for Graves:
- diffusely enlarged vascular goitre with bruits and thrills
- thyroid eye disease: proptosis, exopthalmos, chemosis, periorbital oedema, conjunctival injection, complex orbitopathy, corneal/conjunctival ulcerations, reduced visual acuity with optic neuropathy
- myxoedema: infiltrative dermatopathy - raised, hyperpigmented, violaceous, orange-peel textured papules most commonly overlying the shins
What are the signs of thyroid eye disease?
- hyperthryoidism: lid lag, lid retraction
- Grave's related: exopthalmus, proptosis, periorbital oedema, chemosis, complex orbitopathy, diplopia, corneal/conjunctival ulceration, optic neuropathy
What are the clinical findings of COPD?
1. Inspection:
- cachexia
- increased work of breathing
- accessory muscle use
- hoover's sign (subcostal tug)
- tracheal tug
- CO2 narcosis: metabolic flap, bounding pulse, encephalopathic
- nicotine staining
- cyanosis
- polycythemia (palmar erythema)
- barrel chested (increased AP diameter)

3. hyper-resonant percussion
4. auscultation: prolonged expiratory phase, expiratory wheeze, quiet breath sounds
5. cor pulmonale
What are the causes of peripheral neuropathy?

- toxins: heavy metals
- drugs: chemotherapy (bortezomib, thalidomide, taxanes, vinca alkaloids), amioarone, HAART, antibiotics (isoniazid, metronidazole), colchicine
- B1, 6, 12 deficiency
- diabetic
- alcoholic
- inherited
- paraneoplastic
What are the features and causes of horners syndrome?
Clinical findings:
1. anhydrosis
2. partial ptosis
3. meiosis

1. central: brainstem infarct/haemorrhage, lateral medullary syndrome, syringobulbia, tumour
2. cervical myelopathy, syringomyelia
3. pancoast tumour
4. carotid aneurysm, dissection
5. cavernous sinus infilatration/compression
What are the clinical findings of COPD?
1. Inspection:
- cachexia
- increased work of breathing
- accessory muscle use
- hoover's sign (subcostal tug)
- tracheal tug
- CO2 narcosis: metabolic flap, bounding pulse, encephalopathic
- nicotine staining
- cyanosis
- polycythemia (palmar erythema)
- barrel chested (increased AP diameter)

3. hyper-resonant percussion
4. auscultation: prolonged expiratory phase, expiratory wheeze, quiet breath sounds
5. cor pulmonale
What are the causes of peripheral neuropathy?

- toxins: heavy metals
- drugs: chemotherapy (bortezomib, thalidomide, taxanes, vinca alkaloids), amioarone, HAART, antibiotics (isoniazid, metronidazole), colchicine
- B1, 6, 12 deficiency
- diabetic
- alcoholic
- inherited
- paraneoplastic
What are the features and causes of horners syndrome?
Clinical findings:
1. anhydrosis
2. partial ptosis
3. meiosis

1. central: brainstem infarct/haemorrhage, lateral medullary syndrome, syringobulbia, tumour
2. cervical myelopathy, syringomyelia
3. pancoast tumour
4. carotid aneurysm, dissection
5. cavernous sinus infilatration/compression
What are the findings in Cushing's Syndrome?
- Thin skin, easy bruising
- hypertension
- proximal myopathy
- alopecia
- moon facies
- altered mental state, psychosis
- cataracts
- hirsutism
- acne
- oral thrush
- dorsocervical fat patds
- vertebral crush fractures
- central obesity
- abdominal striae
- hypogonadism (small testicular size)
- urinalysis: glycosuria

Look for causes:
- visual fields
- respiratory exam
- abdominal adrenal masses
What are the causes of clubbing?
1. cardiac: cyanotic congenital heart disease, subacute infective endocarditis, atrial myxoma
2. Resp: suppurative lung disease (abscess, bronchiectasis), ILD, NSCLC
3. GIT: celiacs, CLD, IBD
4. Others: pregnancy, idiopathic, thyroid acropachy
What are the signs of aortic stenosis?
- slow rising, plateau, small volume pulse
- small pulse pressure difference
- pressure loaded non displaced apex beat
- aortic thrill
- soft S2
- S4
- signs of LVF
What are the clinical signs of severity for aortic stenosis?
1. small volume pulse
2. aortic thrill
3. S4
4. late peaking ESM
5. paradoxical splitting S2
6. LVF
What are the causes of hepato-splenomegaly?
1. CLD
2. Hematological disease: myeloproliferative, lymphoma, leukemia, pernicious anemia
3. Infiltration: amyloid, sarcoid
4. Infections
5. CTD - SLE
6. Acromegaly
7. Thyrotoxicosis
What are the features of Chronic Liver Disease?
alcoholic liver disease?
- palmar erythema
- dupetreyns contracture (alcohol)
- clubbing
- metabolic flap
- anemia
- bruising
- cachexia
- proximal myopathy
- encephalopathy
- jaundice, icteric
- hepatic fetor
- spider nevi
- gynaecomastia
- spider nevi
- caput medusa
- splenomegaly
- ascites
- peripheral oedema

- parotidomegaly
- palmar erythema
- dupetryen's contracture
What are the causes of pulmonary fibrosis?
- Idiopathic
- Non organic dusts: silicosis, coal miner's lung, asbestosis
- Organic dusts (hypersensitivity pneumonitis): bird fancier's lung, mushroom workers lung, farmer's lung, chemical worker's lung
- CTD: RA, scleroderma, Ank spond
- Sarcoid
- Iatrogenic: Drugs (amiodarone, methotrexate, bleomycin, nitrofurantoin), Radiation pneumonitis

Upper lobs: SCART
- Silicosis, Sarcoid
- Coal miners
- Ank Spond, ABPA
- Radiation
- TB

Lower Zones: RASIO
- RA
- Asbestosis
- Scleroderma
- Idiopathic
- Other drugs
What are the clinical features of acromegaly?
- thick greasy skin
- sweating
- spade like hands, enlarged feet
- carpal tunnel, compressive neuropathy
- proximal myopathy
- hypertension
- skin tags in axilla
- acanthosis nigricans
- frontal bossing
- hirsutism, acne
- macroglossia
- gum hypertrophy with splaying of the teeth
- prognathia
- hoarse, deep voice
- goitre
- cardiomyopathy
- organomegaly in abdomen
- osteoarthritis, pseudogout
- foot drop (compressive neuropathy)
- heel pad thickening
- urinalysis - glycosuria
- PR - colonic polyps, evidence of fe def anemia
- fundi for complications of diabetes or hypertension, or optic neuropathy

Also look for signs of a pituitary adenoma
- bitemporal hemianopia
- hypogonadism
- hypothyroidism
- hypoadrenalism

Signs of activity/untreated:
- skin tag number
- excessive sweating
- presence of glycosuria,
- increasing visual field loss, cranial nerve palsies 3, 4, 6, 7
- enlarging goitre
- hypertension
- symptoms: headache, increasing size of shoes, rings, dentures

- diabetes
- hypertension
- atherosclerosis
- thyroid
- colonic malignancy, bleed
- peripheral mononeuropathies
Causes of myopathy?
- Hereditary muscular dystrophy
- Congenital myopathies - rare
- Acquired: PACE, PODS
----polymyositis, dermatomyositis
---Endocrine (hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, Cushings, Acromegaly, hypopituitarism)
---Periodic paralysis
---Drugs (chloroquine, steroids, statins, fibrates)
---Myasthenia Gravis
Causes of renal masses/enlargement?
- benign cysts, APCKD
- malignant - RCC, mets
- infiltrates - sarcoid, myeloma
- infection - pyelonephritis, abscess
- hydronephrosis
- diabetic
What are the features of idiopathic parkinsons disease
Idiopathic parkinsons disease:
- asymmetrical onset
- tremor
- bradykinesia
- abnormal gait: hesistancy, freezing, stooped, festinating, shuffling, reduced arm swing, wide arc turns
- rigidity
- postural intability, retropulsion, propulsion
- mask like facies
- siallorhoea
- soft monotous voice
- anosmia
- micrographia
- dementia
- frontal release signs: Palmar grasp, palmomental reflex, rooting reflex, sucking reflex, snout reflex, glabellar reflex
What are the signs of aortic regurgitation?
­- Pulse: Collapsing pulse / waterhammer pulse
 Wide pulse pressure
­- Palpation:
 Displaced apex beat, hyperkinetic
 Diastolic thrill on expiration and sitting forward
­- Auscultation:
 Soft A2
 High pitched decrescendo diastolic murmur immediately after 2nd HS (AV closure)
 Loudest at 3rd / 4th intercostal space
 Austin flint murmur: mid-diastolic rumble at apex due to shudder of anterior MV leaflet from regurgitant jet
 ESM often also present (AS without the signs – due to torrential flow across normal diameter valve as ventricular volume large)
What are the clinical signs of severity for aortic regurgitation?
­- Collapsing pulse
­- Wide pulse pressure
­- Long decrescendo murmur
­- S3
­- Soft A2 (AV closure)
­- Austin flint
­- Signs of LVF
What are the signs of Mitral Stenosis?
­- General: Tachypnoea, mitral facies, peripheral cyanosis
­- Pulse:
 Normal or reduced volume
 AF may be present
­- JVP:
 Normal or prominent A wave
 Loss of a wave with AF
­- Palpation:
 Tapping apex beat
 Right parasternal heave
 Palpable P2 if PHT
 Diastolic thrill (rare) in left lateral position
­- Auscultation:
 Low pitched, rumbling diastolic murmur
Best with bell with patient in left lateral position
 Loud S1 (cusps widely apart at onset of systole)
 Loud P2 if PHT
 Opening snap
What are the clinical signs of severity for Mitral Stenosis?
- Small pulse pressure
-­ Soft S1
­- Early opening snap (increased pressure)
­- Long diastolic murmur
­- Diastolic thrill
­- Signs of pulmonary HT: prominent a wave, RV heave, loud P2, pulm regurg, TR
What are the signs of Mitral Regurgitation?
­- Pulse:
 Normal or sharp upstroke
 AF common
 May be a compensatory tachycardia (decrease time for regurgitation)
­- JVP:
 Normal unless RVF
 A wave lost in AF
­- Palpation:
 Apex beat displaced,
 Diffuse, hyperdynamic pansystolic thrill at apex
 Right parasternal heave
­- Auscultation:
 Soft/absent S1
 Apical pansystolic murmur radiating to the axilla
 S3
What are the clinical signs of severity for Mitral Regurgitation?
-­ Small pulse pressure
­- Soft S1
­- Early opening snap (increased pressure)
­- Long diastolic murmur
­- Diastolic thrill
­- Signs of pulmonary HT: prominent a wave, RV heave, loud P2, pulm regurg, TR