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66 Cards in this Set

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the immittance battery of tests

1. is sensitive in detecting middle ear disorder

2. can be helpful as a cross-check to pure-tone audiometry

3. can be useful in differentiating cochlear from retrocochlear disorder

impedance vs. admittance vs. immittance

immittance is the accepted clinical term that encompases both


total opposition to the flow of energy through a vibrating system and total energy flow through a vibrating system

immittance test battery

1. tympanometry

2. static immittance

3. acoustic thresholds

3 parts of probe tip

1. air pump (changes pressure in space between probe tip and ear drum)

2. speaker (transmits sound into ear canal space)

3. microphone (picks up sound generated)

when probe tip pump is set at atmospheric pressure

eardrum behaves normally, most flexible, most sound absorbed

when probe tip set at high pressure

forces ear drum inwards, increases rigidity, more sound reflected back to probe tip

when probe tip set at low pressure

forces ear drum outwards, increases rigidity, more sound reflected back to probe tip

tympanogram horizontal axis

pressure changes- from -300 through 0 (atmospheric) to +200, in decaPascals (daPa)

tympanogram vertical avis

amount of sound absorbed (admitted) by the eardrum; mhos


opposite of ohm, quantified admittance to the flow of energy

Type A- normal ear, no air-bone gap expected

Type B- eardrum inflexible, fluid in middle ear; generally otitis media with effusion

Type C- negative pressure point, consistant with eustachian tube malfunction; may signal oncoming or healing ear infection

Type AS- normal middle ear pressure but inflexible; otosclerosis or cholesteatoma

Type AD- no pressure point, signals ossicular disarticulation

acoustic reflex

when a sound is of sufficient intensity, it will elicit a reflex of the middle-ear musculature; primarily of the stapedius muscle

-activated in both ears even if only stimulated in one

-tests CONDUCTIVE component, will be normal if only sensorineural damage

normal range of acoustic reflex


functions of acoustic reflex

may be inner ear protection- we don't really know

acoustic reflex arc

stimulus noise->cochlea->8th nerve->brain stem->7th nerve->back to BOTH ears and stapedius muscles

nomenclature for acoustic reflexes

right/left ipsilateral (uncrossed)

right/left contralateral (crossed)

the acoustic reflex is defined by

the stimulated ear

acoustic reflex if sensorineural hearing loss

will still be normal

fluid in ear- effect on acoustic reflex


acoustic reflex if conductive component in one ear (ex. right ear)

-right ear ipsilateral and right and left ear contralateral acoustic reflex will be absent

-left ear ipsilateral acoustic reflex will be normal

acoustic component if conductive problems in both ears


if normal tympanogram but absent acoustic reflex

check which pathways are involved- may be facial nerve weakness on one side

if normal tympanogram but absent contralateral acoustic reflexes

consistent with brainstem lesion

acoustic reflex decay

normal for reflex to maintain strength for 10 seconds; if decays before, may be 8th nerve lesions

optimal listening intensity

1000 and 2000 Hz (?)

four major applications of auditory evoked potential measurement

1. infant hearing screening (most important)

2. prediction of hearing sensitivity

3. diagnostic assessment of central auditory nervous system function

4. monitoring auditory nervous system function during surgery

equiptment for auditory evoked potentials

1. differential amplifier

2. bandpass filter

3. signal averaging (summing) computer

auditory evoked potential

small electrical voltage potentials evoked by sound

differential amplifier

rejects electrical activity recorded at two different electrodes when the electrical impulses are identical (leaving the AEP)- called common mode rejection

bandpass filter

auditory evoked potential frequencies are restricted to a vary narrow band; bandpass filtering cuts out extreme high and low frequencies not ordinarily expected to fall in the range of the AEP

signal averaging (summing) computer

extracts the time-locked auditory evoked potential from the random EEG noise; several thousand stimuli (clicks) presented, electrical activity summed towards zero so eventually AEP is left

auditory brainstem response (ABR)

most commonly used evoked potential, occurs within the first 10 msec following signal onset ("time-locked")


putting probe (surgically) near cochlea, monitor 8th nerve during surgery, records 3 electrical potentials

3 electrical potentials recorded by electrocochleography

1. summating potential (builds and sparks AP)

2. cochlear microphonic

3. action potential (wave I of ABR)

source of cochlear microphonic believed to be

hair cells

source of ABR waves

uncertain but come from brainstem

why ABR is useful

-can be recorded from surface electrodes

-waves robust

-patient can be asleep etc.


ABR- wave latencies vs. wave amplitudes

wave latencies (delays between waves) stable across patients, amplitudes far less stable

wave V of ABR

most robust wave in ABR; latency increases as auditory stimulus decreases; amplitude decreases as stimulus intensity decreases

-used to estimate hearing threshold for difficult-to-test adult

-may be low for infants (only test high/low), become robust for everyone ~18 months

why ABR is tested binaurally

faster, speeds up infant screening

cortical radiations and auditory cortex radiations

less clinical utility due to variability of AEPs across subjects, more for research than clinical

presumed anatomical source of AEPs

late latency response- auditory cortex

middle latency response- medial geniculate body (?)

auditory brainstem response (ABR)- brainstem

late latency responses are

less reliable; ABR more reliable

auditory steady-state response (ASSR)

the auditory evoked potential, elicited with modulated tones that can be used to predict hearing sensitivity in patients of all ages

-elicited by a tone; ASSR follows modulation rate of the stimulus

otoacoustic emissions

-backwards emitted wave

-cochlear echoes

-related to tinnitus

-outer hair cells presumed source- noise changes shape, shape changing causes vibrations on basilar membrane, vibrations emanate backwards through system- so need healthy ear to get them

2 classes of OAEs

-spontaneous OAEs- when not stimulated, in 50% of people with hearing WNL, absent when not normal; not linked to tinnitus

-evoked OAEs- need stimulus- Transient Evoked OAEs and Distortion Product OAEs

Transient Evoked OAEs


Distortion Product OAEs

two-tone stimulus, cochlea generates another tone "of its own", called distortion product

clinical applications for OAEs

1. infant screening

2. pediatric assessment

3. cochlear function monitoring

4. certain diagnostic cases

-doesn't measure degree of hearing loss accurately, but whether there is loss or not; helps determine diagnosis

electronystagmography (ENG)

vestibular assessment

-nystagmus (eye movements), etc.

using audiologic knowledge- what to ask/tell patient

don't tell them how they hear, ask how it affects them (communication etc.)

elements of a report

-case history

-otoscopic inspection


-the audiogram: type of hearing loss, degree of hearing loss, configuration of hearing loss, symmetry of hearing loss

-speech audiometry

-recommendations (follow-up etc.)

identify need for intervention

-degree/type of hearing loss, audiogram morphology, degree of handicap, patient motivation

process of getting hearing aid

-assessment (audiological and medical)

-earmold impressions

-hearing aid assessment


questions to be anwered by the audiological assessment for a hearing aid

-auditory needs- hearing loss

-treatment needs- why seeking hearing aid, motivation, patient's physical and psychological status, etc.

determining treatment needs

-self-assessment scales

-loudness discomfort data

factors affecting negative prognosis

-patient doesn't perceive a problem

-not enough or too much hearing loss

-"difficult" hearing loss

-very poor speech recognition

-disease in middle ear

amplification strategies/options

-type of amplification system (hearing aid, implant, etc.)

-which ear (monaural vs. binaural, better or worse)

-device style

binaural advantage of hearing aids

-loudness enhancement

-improved spatial hearing (localization)

-balanced hearing

hearing aid fitting approaches

-estimating amplification targets (soft, moderate, and loud sounds)

-ensure that soft sounds audible, loudness discomfort level not exceeded

-get patient input

when hearing aid arrives

check to make sure it's working