Originating in Brazil, the virus survives year-round in over half of the country while remaining seasonal throughout the rest of South America (Document A). International travel from South America to other countries has spread the virus to every continent with confirmed cases in 43 other countries (Document A, Document C). With the US alone taking in over 2 million travelers from Brazil over a year, Zika has been spreading like wildfire (Document A). On February 1st of 2016, the World Health Organization declared the Zika virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern because of the threat that microcephaly…
For the CDC cases like Dr. Nagami’s are the reason that they exist. If the cases are not reported there is a possibility of the disease spreading into the population at large. The U.S. still has a population of Anopheles mosquitos there is a possibility of the disease being reintroduced to North America. The CDC is our best line of defense in preventing this and outbreaks of other disease. The CDC is required to be notified in cases that are dangerous.…
U.S. territories where Zika is present include American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. U.S. cases will increase due to vacations and airport travel to and from infected areas. “Eighty percent will not be diagnosed.” These cases could result in the growth of the disease throughout the Americas (“Zika…
If all of you do not already know, the Zika virus is a viral disease spread from mosquito bites. You might be thinking, “What importance does this issue hold?” Well, the Zika virus is on the rise, and with it, the once rare circumstance of Microcephaly. For example, 1.5 million cases of Zika have taken root in Brazil alone. The virus is spreading, and over 13 countries solely in the Americas have reported outbreaks.…
Recently discovered Zika has swept the world off its feet. This dangerous disease is spread mostly through the bite of an infected species of mosquito. Primarily targeting pregnant women, it can be passed down from mom to fetus and in turn cause certain malicious birth defects. Before last year, the virus was a miniscule, controlled, barely noted annoyance. Scientists are now beginning to consider environmental chances that encouraged Zika's explosion into a global crisis.…
Visitors to areas with a Zika outbreak should wear insect repellent as well as cover their skin as much as possible with large clothes to limit exposed skin that could be bit by a mosquito. The final suggestion is pregnant women should avoid mosquito bites. Brazil Brazil has had experience combatting mosquitos. In 1947, there was a yellow fever outbreak. After 11 years of mosquito killing operations, the entire species was eradicated from Brazil.…
In the article “More Zika vaccines Progress Toward Human Trials” by Amanda B. Keener, a deadly virus continues to draw close and travel from central America to well common populated areas of the continental United States. As this occurs, more worries and concerns begin to form. The Zika virus is transmitted by mosquitos. Scientists are working around the clock to create vaccines and find a way to stop the outbreak or form a mode of protection. Researchers tested multiple vaccines on different animals.…
1. Urbanization definitely impacts the spread of Zika virus. Like it said in the article about travel, Zika prefers large groups of people, especially in poorer areas. Air travel also impacts Zika, in that it makes it all the easier for people to bring it to places where it might not have ended up normally, such as people travelling to an infested area, then bringing it back to their home town. Antimicrobial resistance impacts Zika as well, because, as was stated in the CDC Zika overview, there is no medicine or vaccine that can treat Zika.…
Isn’t everyone entitled to medical care if they fall ill? Lyme disease patients in Australia are denied the treatment that they rightfully deserve because the Australian Government refuses to accept and acknowledge the fact that the disease exists in our country. Lyme disease is the fastest growing tick-borne illness in the world and is transferred through a tick bite from a tick infected with the disease, characteristically creating a bullseye shaped rash but can also be transferred from mother to child in the womb. If left untreated, which is common in Australia as its victims are refused treatment, this disease becomes chronic and causes debilitating symptoms including memory loss, chronic fatigue, excruciating muscle aches and pains, seizures,…
There are multiple health issues facing citizens of Hispanic countries, ranging from underfunded public health sectors to tropical diseases to women’s reproductive health. Health issues in Hispanic countries seem to be caused by multiple factors, such as lack of funds due to economic crisis, an unstable government, and the strong church influence. By dedicating more time and funding to improve the quality of the health care for their citizens, in addition to altering laws involving the church and medical procedures, the overall health of citizens in Hispanic countries can thrive. One major issue that seems to impact the Hispanic world involves women and their reproductive health. Given the strong influence of the Catholic church in these…
Open Actions: 1. Develop systematic tracking and status reporting for contract, IAA, and grant procurement actions at the CIO level. This will assist program with obtaining readily available procurement status information and developing future fiscal year planning requirements. 2. Reduce the number of delays caused by EIN actions.…
Your employer holds a meeting one day and informs all the employees that they will be required to receive a flu shot each year, per company policy, from here on out. Is this fair? What is the benefit to the patients? What is the benefit to you? Is this even legal?…
I bet aAlmost everyone in here has gotten vaccinated before which is great! Unfortunately, 3 million people die from a vaccine-preventable disease each year. That huge amount of 3 million people believe that vaccinations do nothing but bad to you or have no access to vaccine clinics and doctors. The importance of getting vaccinated protects those who are unable to get vaccinated and isn’t just some fluid that is injected into your skin. Let’s break down how a vaccination actually works.…
The Great Pandemic or better known as Influenza originated in 1918 in the united states more specifically Kansas. Influenza is a viral infection in the respiratory system (nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs) that is highly contagious. Tens of millions of people across the world died from influenza in America 500,000 americans lost their life due to influenza. Why do people remember the fatalities of the titanic but not influenza?…
"If you knew I was HIV positive would you still treat me as an equal, would you still be my friend, would you still touch me, would you still love me?” These are some of the thoughts that go through the minds of the millions of people worldwide who are currently living with HIV/AIDS. Despite the mass impact of the disease, many still remain ignorant to its definition, history, and effects, leading to the negative associations of those affected. I’m here to give you a brief enlightenment of HIV/AIDS in an effort to to lessen the misconceptions and stigma of HIV/ AIDS. First, we need to understand the basics.…