Virus is an infection that causes diverse of effects in the immune system and other segments of the body. The virus also can duplicate in the living cells of hosts. An infection molecule is only a piece of DNA in a defensive coat. The infection interacts with a cell, connects itself to the cell divider and infuses its DNA (and maybe a couple of compounds) into the cell. The DNA utilizes the apparatus inside the living cell to duplicate new infection particles. In the end the captured cell bites the dust and blasts, liberating the new infection particles; or the viral particles may bud off of the cell so it stays alive. In either case, the cell is an industrial facility for the infection (Marshall Brian, 1998-2016). There are diverse of pathogens which are HIV, Hepatitis B, Flu, Common Cold, and much more. If the virus is left untreated, it can cause serious life-threating issues. Such as liver failure, heart attack, congestive heart failure, brain damage and several more. In order to survive, microbes must exit the human body and go on infect others. Infectious microbes have evolved many ways of dispersing among human populations, all part of …show more content…
The monkey built up a fever, and analysts disconnected from its serum a transmissible specialists that was initially depicted as Zika infection in 1952 (Zika Virus Net, 2016). Zika virus is a disease that comes from a mosquito (Aedes mosquito) which causes a maculo-papular rash. This specie is a typical mosquito that stays around standing water which is flower pots, puddles, buckets and much more. But there is one difference in this mosquito then the rest. This specie carries Dengue and Chikungunya which is an infection that causes joint issues, fever, and even death. However, these diseases are only in the tropics and