First one is through my literature review. I will be looking at all previous research done on youth gang members and inner city youth programs. With this information I can compare and contrast reasonings as to why inner city kids are more acceptable to joining a gang. Comparing family structures is another way I will be doing my research. Looking at how the family interacts, if there are siblings, and if the parents are involved. Along with family structure I will be looking at the community in which they live in. Inner city compared to suburban towns, resources such as youth after school programs, youth sport programs, and the difference in …show more content…
To these people they can't see the apparent reality and danger that it may cause. They are focused on self gratification in the moment and not in the long term. It is a shame that we all witness and see the devastation caused by gangs. A major reason that you join gangs is to appear to their peers. Gangs have a distinct appearance and when worn you know who they are are. As a teenage member of society especially ones with little to no friends this could be a positive social interaction for them.
Youth who grow up with little to no family are at great risk for joining a gang. Gang leaders are very manipulative and attempt and succeed at giving you a sense of family. With the sense of family comes the sense of protection. Protection can vary from many things including protection from starvation and financial support. Gangs give people basic essentials like food, shelter, and the ability to sell things for money. It is apparent that kids who live in the inner city are at great risk for joining