Joseph Pilates is the father of Pilates. He developed the system in the early 20th century in Germany. Joseph Pilates first called his exercise "Contrology" which means that the mind can control the body. When Joseph Pilates moved to New York the dance community embraced this new form of exercise. Core muscle development is its primary focus. Pilates …show more content…
Movements begin at the powerhouse and flows to the limbs.
Flow or efficiency of movement
Once mastered, the movements in Pilates should flow smoothly from one position or extension.
Correct movements. Precise movements and alignment.
Full inhalation and forced exhalation. Proper breathing is a central part of Pilates.
The word yoga means unity or yoke (to bind). The objective of yoga is to unite the mind, body and spirit through a practice of breathing (Pranayama) and poses (asanas).
Pilates has 34 basic exercises while yoga has hundreds of asanas (postures).
Pilates has six principles and yoga has eight. They are referred to as limbs or paths. The first five principles guide the student away from an outward focus to an inner focus. The eight limbs of yoga are:
Yama-abstaining from possessiveness, coveting,lying,violence and sensuality.
Niyama-contentment,purity,surrender to God,austerity
Asana- 84 postures that strengthen the body and facilitates meditation
Pranayama-controlled breathing
Pratyahara-withdrawl of sensory stimulation and redirected focus internally.