Film Analysis: The Yacoubian Building

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The “Yacoubian Building” revolves around the lives of tenants who face misfortune after misfortune. The film examines the worst of Egypt. The decline of Egypt mirrors that of the tenants, ending up in a storm of hate, drunkenness and subjugation. The tenants’ problems seem to revolve around the misuse of religion. The film warns Egyptians, how religion is more than just a nametag and how misguided and corruptible people are without it. A major issue in Egyptian society is the representation and lack of respect for women. The “Yacoubian Building” reflects on the stories of women, both poor and rich, and how they have subjugated to disrespect and sexual harassment. Workers are forced to acknowledge that harassment is inevitable and another part …show more content…
Apart from Lebanon & Israel, most Middle Eastern nations are predominantly Muslim. Hence, homosexuality is regarded as taboo and hardly ever discussed. Homosexuality isn’t an accepted form of sexual expression or sexual identity rather homosexuality is addressed as a crime against humanity. Hatem Rasheed, a well-respected journalist, entices a patrol officer, Abd Rabou, with gifts for him and his family. However, these gifts come with a price. Abd Rabou initially storms away from Hatem, ensuring himself that he will not commit a sin. However, Abd Rabou is corrupted by the gifts he has received from Hatem and pays the price. Abd Rabou can’t fathom what he has done and loses all sense of religious integrity. The film attempts to portray that humans are corruptible and would do just about anything for money. The acceptance of homosexuality is a major issue in the Middle East, however the film doesn’t show the full story. The film simply assumes that people are ignorant of Rasheed’s reputation. However, through Taha- El Shazly’s narrative, we get a different picture. The film hints at Rasheed’s popularity and status as a journalist but it does not address public response to claims of homosexuality. It is highly improbable that Rasheed himself or his paper would not be denigrated rather quickly after such claims. The film shows that Egyptian police know about Rasheed’s homosexuality but makes …show more content…
Taha’s journey takes a sharp twist from being a police hopeful to a self-proclaimed Jihadist. Taha starts out helping his dad as a janitor. After he is rejected to join the police academy, Taha decides to go on to university. While at the university he meets a new friend. The man claims that Taha should join him in Friday prayer at a mosque far away from home. The man asserts that the long journey to the mosque will enhance the power of Taha’s prayers. Taha is later inspired by the radical Imam of the mosque and preaches his message of a future, Islamic Egypt. The film’s portrayal of the fundamentalist movement is solid but there are some misconceptions. The film nails the concept of the fundamentalist movement that it is more of a political than a religious movement. This is highlighted by the Imam’s declaration that he doesn’t want a democratic Egypt but an Islamic one. Furthermore, the film shows the target of the fundamentalist movement, poor youth. Poor youth are disillusioned, want change and feel hopeless. Organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood address these fears and worries by promising reform, and a new more equitable and more Islamic state. Lastly, fundamentalists exercise a perversion of Islam. The man who invites Taha to the mosque uses a rather idiotic rationale, the further away the mosque the more powerful the prayer. However, the film has a major flaw. Taha is arrested and later

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