The two agents of the Department for Unfamiliar and Magical Beings ignore their exhaustion from their earlier calls and walk into the store. The wyvern had escaped a mob boss’s house during an FBI raid when one of the goons released it. The wyvern ran instead of attacking to the criminal’s disappointment. It was clear why it chose to break into this establishment when they spy its dull, coppery scales and skeletal …show more content…
The stereotype is partly due to some unflattering accounts, and the fact that wyverns aren't as social as European dragons. Although it is small and wyverns aren't naturally aggressive creatures, it is still dangerous. Wyverns have sharp claws and fangs doused in a dangerous venom. The highly intelligent beings’ small tribes have advanced cultures. The most interesting facet of their cultures is their value in names. Unlike the fey, they aren't controlled by names, but wyverns are proud and value titles. A wyvern wouldn't respond without a name to its approval. Although it was a unique and interesting tradition, it would sadly make this job much …show more content…
You could either go to one of the wyvern tribes, or you could live at the nearby refuge. Before we go to either, we need to take you to a doctor.” Nessa begins.
The wyvern glances at his back like he had forgotten about the injury. Nessa supposed he might have considering the likelihood that the criminals had drugged him. He shrugs. “I don't have a tribe. What are the shelters like?” The dragon peeks at the now empty wrapper and settles onto his haunches.
“They’re really nice. All intelligent and benevolent creatures stay there of their own will. You would have a large enclosure and would be free to interact with the creatures there and roam the park. Of course, you would have a fence around your area, but that is meant to keep tourists out rather than to keep you in.”
“Tourists?” He sounds hesitant, and Nessa remembers the antisocial habits of the wyverns.
“You wouldn't have to be near them. That is something you get to choose, but most creatures end up liking the attention. In fact, we have another dragon there. Her name is