He thinks people want more than money. The thought that when people do jobs they love and have bosses that appreciate them, it makes the employees feel better about themselves. Bosses should treat their employees with respect simply as how they want to be treated. Doing a job loved will be better for the company because the job will get done orderly fashioned as Schwartz describe throughout the article. Employees want respect and other things so bad that some are willing to get less pay. Sources were used throughout of Schwartz article, many sources like ethos pathos and logos. Schwartz strongly states ethos throughout the article he used references to inform on how work is not all about money. One of the sources he used to describe his ethos appeal was Adam Smith who wrote “The Wealth of Nation (PARAGRAPH 2) and he also uses the Yale organizational behavior professor Amy (PARAHRAPH 9) Schwartz stating these references totally shows clear point of view that he took time to research on people to make a point in his article. He really improves the article with his choice of ethos …show more content…
In his famous example of the pin factory he extolled the virtues of the division of labor: [O]ne man draws out the wire another straight it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, fit fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head” () this is example of his data he uses in his article.
After her logos appeals to the article he expresses many appeals to pathos. Throughout the article determination is forced through. Schwartz stated “when employees have work that they do not want to do, they are happier and when they are happier their work is better.” (PARAGRAPH 13). Proving this to the boss could be a challenge. He also expresses appeals to pathos by being determined. He states “four our sakes, and for the sakes of those who employ us, things need to change “(PARAGRAPH 5) Good management is what brings happiness. His pathos appeals also lead Schwartz to certain questions. As in if they do not like the job why tolerate it? I feel as if people have their reason even though we may not know why but people do have their reasons. May not be explainable but there is always an answer to a