Egyptian Women In America Research Paper

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Helen Keller once said, “I think the degree of a nation’s civilization may be measured by the degree of enlightenment of its women.(“All”).” Women in different societies want and need different things. They also need and want some of the same things. The western society views the Egyptian role of women oppressing because of the Egyptian modest dress and view women are pressured into wearing. For some women this fashion is empowering and being a housewife is a desired occupation. This idea to many modern liberal western women would not be a desired. In the United States, women are given a significant amount of right compared to Egypt. Many women including myself see the way that women are treated in Egypt unfair and prejudice because of the way that they are treated. For some Egyptian women, they have no problem with their lifestyle, and they are happy with the way they live like the Tasoni. Even though Tasoni’s mother had a firm belief against the veil she still disagreed with her own mother’s belief. Now there is nothing wrong with Tasoni’s decision because she did not see the veil as something she was forced to wear but something she wanted to. The way a women dresses should be up to her and only her. Though society influences the decision any individual decides to take does not mean that the individual has a problem with societies expectations. When many women do feel that society is oppressing them living in a place like Egypt it may be harder to voice a women 's opinions and fight for what they believe. In a place like America, it is easier to fight society’s expectations, but it is even harder to escape them. In places like the Untied States, many women feel pressured to look certain ways. Whitney O. Wilson, a twenty-six-year-old woman wrote a letter entailing her experience with societies pressures. She writes, “I cannot believe that my worth lies in the cleanliness of my home or in the appearance of my body. I am not defined by the size of my pants or my bra and my purpose is much greater than fitting nicely into the shadows of the men around me (Wilson).” Young women in the united States are at a higher risk for …show more content…
Women in America and Egypt have been able to break many of the barriers between the sexes. In the Unites States women that live here have a better chance to succeed in area’s such as school, and finding jobs where they are treated as an equal to their opposite sex. The only wat women that live in Egypt can rise in their class system is if they conform. Women and men are said to be equals, but they are not given equal rights in America. In a place like Egypt, women are blatantly treated inferior to men. Today, in the united states there is a pay gap between men and women. Women especially of color the pay gap is even worse. According to the American Association of University Women, “The pay gap affects women from all backgrounds, at all ages, and of all levels of educational achievement, although earnings and the gap vary depending on a woman’s individual situation(“The”).” Men in the Unites States and Egypt have the upper hand. Being a man in both societies is easier than being a

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