“Since its very first performance and for more than a century, A Doll’s House has for its critics, scholars and beholders raised the inevitable question: ‘Where did Nora go?’” (Langås 148). Several critics believe that Nora is a true heroine, however, others believe that it was cruel of her to leave her children behind, even though what she did was emotionally audacious. Nora was not only a character in a play, but a symbol of the social revolution happening during that time period for women. Overall, “Nora's struggle for recognition as a human being is rightly considered an exemplary case of women's struggle for political and social rights” (Moi 257). She appeared in the beginning of the play as a character that was childish and money hungry, but as the play ends, she comes out knowing what she wants and strong willed. Ibsen demonstrates how women are equally relevant in society, as well as a women’s strong
“Since its very first performance and for more than a century, A Doll’s House has for its critics, scholars and beholders raised the inevitable question: ‘Where did Nora go?’” (Langås 148). Several critics believe that Nora is a true heroine, however, others believe that it was cruel of her to leave her children behind, even though what she did was emotionally audacious. Nora was not only a character in a play, but a symbol of the social revolution happening during that time period for women. Overall, “Nora's struggle for recognition as a human being is rightly considered an exemplary case of women's struggle for political and social rights” (Moi 257). She appeared in the beginning of the play as a character that was childish and money hungry, but as the play ends, she comes out knowing what she wants and strong willed. Ibsen demonstrates how women are equally relevant in society, as well as a women’s strong