Leo Buscaglia stated “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all
Of which have the potential to turn a life around.” This quote seems significant to my store because this is exactly how a woman would think, this quote seems to be specifically for women. There was this “crone” old but yet very wise. The crone agreed to tell the knight the answer to his question. She told him “I dare to guarantee your life is safe, I shall make good my claim. The woman was very wise with her words. The way everything turned out was absolutely great and carefully thought out. He decided to take her word and the day he showed his face into the court room. The crone appeared also and answered his question. She suggested that he marry her, which he did, and he figured it was a terrible idea. They were getting ready to consummate which he didn’t want to do. So she asked “hey what’s wrong, how could you find me attractive”, and he told her and she turned exactly into what he