As quoted in ExtremeTech, “[t]he theoretical max speed of 802.11ac is eight 160 MHz 256-QAM channels, each of which are capable of 866.7 Mbps, for a total of 6,933 Mbps” in order to provide a higher transfer rate. In today’s real world environment, the true throughput capacity is limited from the client device and not the access points. Current high end products with 80 MHz, 3x3 spatial stream, and 256QAM have max data rate of 1300 Mbps and a throughput of 910 Mbps. This suggests that clients are not receiving the advertised speed by manufactures. 2.1 Compatibility Although 802.11ac has been around for three years, there are still many routers and client devices that require the use of legacy protocols, such as the 802.11b/g/n protocols. One important feature is that 802.11ac offers backward compatibility to devices that use legacy protocols. This allows the support of devices that consumers have been using for many years. 2.2 Technology While 802.11ac had a major improvement in speed performance, the Wi-Fi range did not show a substantial increase (Forbes). One breakthrough of this standard is the implementation of “beamforming”. Beamforming is a feature that converts omnidirectional signals into smart unidirectional signals that increases signal strength specifically in the direction of the client. With this feature the performance of 802.11ac is maintained better at longer ranges than previous standards. 3. Rate versus Range To prove that there is a direct correlation between the rate and range within 802.11ac, we must further understand and evaluate the impact of throughput based on the signal strength. For this test, we used Megabits Per Second (Mbps) as the measurement of rate to demonstrate the speed at which data is transferred between devices. Using this uniformed measurement provides an easier way to visualize the performance of the signal. The RSSI, or the “Received Signal Strength Indicator”, is the common logical measurement to determine the range of the signal level from the access point. While the physical distance of the client from the access point can play a role in determining the signal strength, in reality, the RSSI provides an accurate measurement of the signal strength. 3.1 Assumptions Based on the research conducted, our logical hypothesis is that the 802.11ac RSSI signal strength will directly affect the rate performance. Another assumption is that the signal strength will maintain higher throughput rate at lower signal strength with a sudden drop near the maximum received signal; due to the implementation of “Beamforming”, this feature can change the focus of the power to the direction of the client. The chart in appendix A shows that our assumption
As quoted in ExtremeTech, “[t]he theoretical max speed of 802.11ac is eight 160 MHz 256-QAM channels, each of which are capable of 866.7 Mbps, for a total of 6,933 Mbps” in order to provide a higher transfer rate. In today’s real world environment, the true throughput capacity is limited from the client device and not the access points. Current high end products with 80 MHz, 3x3 spatial stream, and 256QAM have max data rate of 1300 Mbps and a throughput of 910 Mbps. This suggests that clients are not receiving the advertised speed by manufactures. 2.1 Compatibility Although 802.11ac has been around for three years, there are still many routers and client devices that require the use of legacy protocols, such as the 802.11b/g/n protocols. One important feature is that 802.11ac offers backward compatibility to devices that use legacy protocols. This allows the support of devices that consumers have been using for many years. 2.2 Technology While 802.11ac had a major improvement in speed performance, the Wi-Fi range did not show a substantial increase (Forbes). One breakthrough of this standard is the implementation of “beamforming”. Beamforming is a feature that converts omnidirectional signals into smart unidirectional signals that increases signal strength specifically in the direction of the client. With this feature the performance of 802.11ac is maintained better at longer ranges than previous standards. 3. Rate versus Range To prove that there is a direct correlation between the rate and range within 802.11ac, we must further understand and evaluate the impact of throughput based on the signal strength. For this test, we used Megabits Per Second (Mbps) as the measurement of rate to demonstrate the speed at which data is transferred between devices. Using this uniformed measurement provides an easier way to visualize the performance of the signal. The RSSI, or the “Received Signal Strength Indicator”, is the common logical measurement to determine the range of the signal level from the access point. While the physical distance of the client from the access point can play a role in determining the signal strength, in reality, the RSSI provides an accurate measurement of the signal strength. 3.1 Assumptions Based on the research conducted, our logical hypothesis is that the 802.11ac RSSI signal strength will directly affect the rate performance. Another assumption is that the signal strength will maintain higher throughput rate at lower signal strength with a sudden drop near the maximum received signal; due to the implementation of “Beamforming”, this feature can change the focus of the power to the direction of the client. The chart in appendix A shows that our assumption