Why Do Undocumented Immigrants Pay Taxes?

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Many United States citizens argue that undocumented immigrants do not pay taxes. That these immigrants are utilizing the resource that citizens pay for, but are not paying taxes to use them. There have been props that have backed this argument up including prop 187 which was an an obstacle against illegal immigrants from using public services for example allowing them to attend public schools or having health care because of the fact that many citizens mentioned that if undocumented individuals did not pay for it then why should they use it? Well, the problem there could be that the country would have a less educated community and education is an extremely valuable tool if advancements in life are desired. Another problem is that healthcare should be a right and everyone should have access to it no matter what. Imagine if a woman is pregnant and her child, a soon to be born United States U.S. citizen, receives health care due to his or her legal status and the child is born sick. Since the mother did not have legal access to a doctor, then the child, as an American citizen, will cost taxes payers more money due to his or her illness. Another example is that if an illegal immigrant is ill with a contagious disease and he or she does not have access to treatment or cure, then it could spread around to legal American citizens and end up being more expensive and cost more taxpayers tax dollars because now there are more individuals with this disease than at first, to begin with. It is simply the morals of our country: we take care of one another, and we do not let people out to die especially as being the United States of America, one of the strongest countries in the world. Many people who opposed prop 187 stated that it was discriminatory against illegal immigrants mainly of Hispanic or Asian origin and people who did support the prop were concerned that this action could affect them and that the illegal immigrants that took jobs away would hurt the economy tremendously although most of them worked in the agricultural field or factories. This prop was put on the ballot because citizens had concerns that the state of California could not afford to implement social services for so many illegal immigrants. The argument is that many immigrants do pay taxes, in fact, they might even pay more taxes than a regular citizen. According to Univision, immigrants pay more taxes than citizens because at the end of the year they cannot obtain taxes returns due to their illegal status in the country. Ramos said that although some immigrants get paid cash and do not pay taxes, many citizens do the same get paid cash for doing side jobs and aren’t taxed as well. Immigrants pay all other forms of taxes including sales taxes and the right to use the sources that everyone else has access to like the public bathroom, a public school or to call 911 when it is needed. Trump was questioned excessively when it came to taxes because, according to the New York Times, he has not paid taxes since 1995, yet he wants to lower taxes for the rich considering that most …show more content…
Theses undocumented immigrants must meet special and certain requirements for the DACA program. The child must have to be here, in the United States, before their 16th birthday and must be in good standing with the law. DACA is like a work permit that has to be renewed every two years and DAPA is the same, but for the parents of children who already maintain citizenship or permanent residence in the United States. The Dream Act, passed by governor Jerry Brown, helps students go to college and pursue a higher education if they meet the requirements. Those requirements sustain that the person must have proof of entrance into the United States before the age of 16 and must have continuously lived in the country for at least 5 years, must have graduated from a United States high school or obtained a GED, has been a person who demonstrates good moral character, must pass criminal background checks and reviews/came legally. These acts

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