Why School Should Start Later

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School Should Start later Not ready to wake up for school then schools should start later. Schools in the US should have later start times because children need more sleep to improve academic and behavioral performance. Adult cannot just tell students to go to bed earlier because researchers believe it is biological that students acquire information better later in the day as students do in the morning.
The first reason why schools should start later is because it would improve the students academic and behavioral performance. Doctors and researchers have been recommending that students go to schools at later times to match the students sleep cycles.This change would cause student to be late to class because their bodys would achuail want to wake up at that time and this has been shown to improve the learning capacity at the first few hours of school. This would also decrease tardiness for classes. This is why educational facilities should start and end at later times of the day so that learn more at school and do not miss the beginning or later parts of an early class because their body
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They think that it is biological that students do better later in the day then they do in early mornings. In their research they all reported that earlier start times cause less hours of sleep that would decrease the students cognitive capacity. Schools should match their student’s sleep cycles, so they will go to bed at later hours then wake at later hours so they can wake with time their mental clock would want them to because they have to go to school after that time. So schools should change their start times to match the student's natural sleep cycles because it can be easily changed unlike something

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