Why School Should Start Later

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In recent study at Yucaipa High School, 97.1% of the students who took the survey said they would like to have late start. Students should be able to start school at 9:00pm. Students don’t get enough sleep because they have to wake up early, which affects them throughout the school day. If school would start later, it would decrease teens car accidents percentage because students would drive safer. Because school starts so early in the morning, students are late to their first period class.Students are sleepy, not safe, and late to class; these are three reasons why students should have late start.

Waking up early for school affects students throughout the day. According to Ronald E Dahland “Sleep appears to be particularly important during periods of brain maturation; there are substantial biological and psychosocial changes in sleep and circadian regulation exist across pubertal development.”(Dahland 175-184) Students would be more energetic and healthier if they can sleep at least an extra hour in the morning. If students would of start school later, they wouldn’t fall asleep in their classes and they would pay attention to the lessons, therefore they would improve their GPA. Also, having late start will reduce the average of student’s missing assignments because they can finish up their homework in the morning if it’s necessary.
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According to L.A. Reyner “vehicle accidents are largely dependent on the time of day and account for a considerable proportion of vehicle accidents, especially those on motorways and other monotonous roads.”(Reyner 2) If students start school later, they wouldn’t have to rush to get to school, so they would drive slower. As a result of this, teens accidents will reduced. Students will be safer and not only would they preserve their lives but also someone else who could be injured or killed by

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