There are many reasons to attend college, career and salary, because of family expectations, and for enlightenment. Having a degree from a college or a university would help a person get a good job. Going to college to get an education, having money, can make their life better. People attend college to keep in mind that they are doing this to get a better job and to walk down that aisle. Having passion and setting their minds to what they want to get out of going to college will push them even more.
One reason some people may attend college is because they want to have a better career than what they already have. Some people would go back to school for better pay than what they are making at their current job. For example, people may have family that they must take care of, and going back to school is an option for more …show more content…
Families have traditions for their kids to attend school, and get a degree. For instance, if a father went to school to be a lawyer, he also wants his son to follow in his footsteps to pursue the same dream he had. Another example, is a mother who has pursued her career in being a registered nurse, she may also want her daughter to follow in her footsteps. There are so many different expected reasons why a mother or a father wants their child to pursue the same dream they had.
Another reason people may attend college is college may have an enlightenment on them. A student having the understanding that going to college will benefit them in the long run. Having a degree in something you want to do in life, will give them that enlightenment that they did what they had to do to get where they needed to be. A brother may have enlightened their little sister to go to college and get a degree in what she wants to do in life. They could have also looked up to a person, that encouraged them to push themselves to attend