In order to lean more and enhance employment opportunities, then college is a must. Also, College will help students build knowledge, build self-confidence, improve communication skills, gain independence, explore more options, and learn more about themselves. My mother is the reason why I attend college. My mother did not go to college. She does not have many options about jobs, so she does nails, and having to do something that she does not like makes her life awful. She has been through a lot of difficulty of finding a new job because she does not have a college degree. She always told me that if time could go back she would continue her education, and I should study and go to college. As time past, that idea stuck in my head. Knowledge is the key to success. There are a lot of people deciding to take a break after high school. I am not really thrilled with that idea. College will be harder as we grow older because of family and other obligations. The reason why my mother cannot go back to college right now is because she has bills to pay. I went straight to college after I graduated from Triad high school. The reasons why I picked Southern University of Edwardsville are because my mother is not ready to let me go, and the school is close to Troy where I live. Also, a dorm is very expensive. If I am commuting then I will save a lot of money in the long run. Attending college will allow me to learn new things, strengthen my skills, be independent, and have a better life. Learning is a never-ending journey, we all are learning new things everyday no mater what. At the present time, I know that I am very different now then when I was in high school. I have learned a lot of things through my freshmen year. I took a speech class, and I learned how to open more to others. Unlike before, now I know how to be social. I talk more to other people and that allow me to learn more about myself because we each have different point of view. Also, my grammar and writing have improved a lot because I took a grammar class and an English 101 class. Up to the present time, college has helped me become more mature and allowed me to step closer to become independent. Now, I usually do things on my own. I do not need …show more content…
It will help me have a better life by open more job opportunities. I have heard many stories about people who had a hard time finding a job without a college degree or they could not make enough money. For an example, one of my best friends named Skylar. Her mother did not have a college degree. She worked a CVS for a couple years, but she quitted because of some dramas. Then it was so hard for her to find a job. Fortunately, one of the gas station in Troy hired her but not as a full time employee. Skylar’s family also struggled with money since her mom could not find a fulltime well paying job. Almost every job required a degree nowadays. One of my distant cousins named John. He graduated at Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville two years ago. John major was information technology. He got hired right away and had moved up to a higher