For starters, Boo, Finch’s neighbor who is believed to be a horrible person, would metaphorically be considered a mockingbird for he is innocent and harmless. “Our biggest prize appeared four days later. It was a pocket watch that wouldn’t run, on a chain with an aluminum knife.” (81) Boo would leave Jem and Scout little gifts in a tree hole as a gesture of friendship. That was his only connection to the outside world until his father, Nathan Radley, closed the hole. Another mockingbird would be Tom Robinson. Tom was always helpful and never did harm to anyone. “Looked like she didn’t have nobody to help her, like I says--” “Well, I says it looked like they never help her none--” “Tried to help her, I says.” (263) This shows that Tom only wanted to help Miss Mayella because no one else would. That’s all he would do too, until it became a normal thing. He never did any harm to anyone so that’s why he’s considered a mockingbird. A lot of nice people are often taken advantage of and really they should be appreciated more and not so much …show more content…
Some might argue that when Lula, a woman from black church, said “I wants to know why you bringin’ white chillun to nigger church.” (158) This proves that there are some bad words in this book so parents wouldn’t want their kids reading it in 2016. However, the N word was commonly said during the time of the book settings. The N word also gives a better understanding to the characters in the way they say it. An example is “Do you defend niggers, Atticus?” Asks Scout. Atticus replies with “Of course I do. Don’t say nigger, Scout. That’s common.” (99) What he means by common is that usually people use it in an ignorant or uneducated way. It shows more of Atticus and what he wants from his kids. He’s trying to teach Scout respect. Atticus is respected by the black community and he wants Scout to be respected too.
In conclusion, TKaM should still be taught today in 2016 for the many great reasons that were listed. The book is perfect for someone to look up to, get great advice, and getting a better perception of things. By the time you're finished reading this book you should be reevaluating your actions. This book has some entertaining parts in it too if you’re not all about seriousness. We could apply these lessons to us today because most everything in the book is still relevant. Take some time to learn a few life