English Honors
Huckleberry Finn Essay
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn starts off with a young boy named Huck who is getting adjusted for his life as a well mannered church boy. We see Huck get drawn in to Tom Sawyer and his " robber' gang. But Tom Sawyer and his gang were the last of Hucks trouble because Paps Hucks druken no good father come back into this life. The first time we meet Pap he demands Huck for money and claims to have changed his ways. At first we see Huck still as respect for his no good father because that's all he's ever known. As the book goes we see Huck finally understand the meaning of respect and admiration. He learns through his adventures what it means to be respectful and have morals which after first meant nothing to him.
The first person we see Huck truly respect and admire is the monopolizing Tom Sawyer, Tom who has been raised comfortably in the middle class. We see Tom Sawyer …show more content…
As Huck is writing this letter he thinks back on the friendship with Jim and how he as been more of a family to him then his ever known. When Huck tears up the letter he says "" All right then, I'll go to hell". (33.10) This shows us that even though his thoughts from society and his old way of life were telling him to turn Jim in.
In this moment we see huck finally escape his past views and decides to help Jim become a free man. Huck starts to realize even though Jim is a slave he has look out for Huck more than his own father did. Pap greeted huck after of year of seeing him by saying ": "You think you're a good deal of a big-bug, don't you" [5.4]" But when Jim has lost Huck for one night on the river and he finally got reunited with him he gets up dancing and says "It's too good for true, honey, it's too good for true," he says: "Lemme look at you chile, lemme feel o' you" (15.19). Which why Huck gained respect and love for