One reason why college is important to me is you make more money and earn higher status. While student debt is often crippling, with the right college education, you’ll be able to pay it off in the future without a doubt. Things like stress and anxiety are alleviated when you make more money and are happy with your salary. For instance, On the topic of salary, college also helps students plan on how to spend their incomes wisely. Not only is a higher education a ticket to a good income, but also as an entry and social status and confidence to approach the world.
Another reason college is important to me is you learn several life skills whilst attending college. When …show more content…
Numerous memories are made during your college years, likewise with high school. The college experience is full of character defining moments as you learn to make your own decisions that will shape the person you are, who you want to be, and who you become. When graduating from college, it is obliging to know you went through those years of higher education; with the new skills you have learned, the things you have experienced, i believe is the right way to ensure a successful and productive future