Why Is Boo Radley In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill a Mockingbird Boo Radley is represented as mockingbird due to his destruction of innocence and the fact he has never tried to do anything but help people. The town of maycomb has discriminated him for so long he has stayed inside his house but when scout and jem start poking around he tries to protect them through the events of the novel. Boo Radley represents a mockingbird because he always tries to help and protect jem and scout, he never attempted to harm anyone, and due to his destruction of innocence. Though everyone is frightened by Boo, he does small favors for scout and jem throughout the novel even probably knowing about “games” the play involving him. CD For example Boo would leave gifts for Scout and Jem in the tree This shows that Boo is wanting to give them something. This also shows that Boo is not attempting to harm them. In addition Boo also …show more content…
For example “Jem was merely going to put the note on the end of a fishing pole and stick it through the shutter.” (lee 25) This shows that everyone including jem and scout were either scared or curious about Boo Radley. This also shows that Jem was trying to harm Boo when Boo hadn't done anything to Jem. In addition towards the end of the novel Boo asked scout to walk him home in a voice of someone who was scared of the dark. This shows that after being discriminated for so long he was scared of the townspeople even though he didn't do anything to them. This also show that he would help the children out but when it came to the big picture he was scared people would discriminate against him. Overall even after being discriminated he would still go out of his way to help Jem and Scout. In conclusion Boo Radley not only represents a mockingbird but he himself is a mockingbird. Boo radley has always attempted to help his friends. He has never attempted to hurt

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