Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

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Centuries have come and gone since the first form of animal testing was performed by the likes of Aristotle and Eristaratus (Hajar). This was back in the days where there was no technology to test medicines or different types of substances, therefore it is reasonable why the tested on animals. To this day multimillionaire companies keep testing on defenseless animals. Humanity has been able to come far in so many aspects of life, but when it comes to testing new products or drugs we are at a horrifying standstill. Technology is the key to open an infinite amount of opportunities to create better and more accurate systems of researching and testing. How come it has not yet replaced the way cosmetics are tested, when it already has been proven …show more content…
There has been several tests that have gone wrong on humans but they when they tested the drug on the animal it went perfect. Élan Pharmaceuticals created a vaccine to fight Alzheimer, the vaccine worked perfect on mice, the vaccine cured the mice from Alzheimer. They used the same vaccine on humans but the results were different, their central nervous system inflamed (Alzheimer's Vaccine Trials Suspended). It is clear that testing drugs and substances on animals is not safe for humans. Another example to prove that animal testing is not a safe way to test drugs is the process of replacing hormones on women. Replacing hormones gives women a higher risk of suffering heart disease or stroke. When this same procedure was tested on monkeys the results came out as positive. Aidsvax did protect chimpanzees from getting AIDS but it showed the opposite on humans (Archibald) . These are a couple of examples, but there hundreds of other cases, that prove to the world that animal testing is not needed. Besides being unnecessary and a huge waste of money, it is not worth it to put innocent animals in distress for something that after all that pain was fruitless for humanity and science. Animal testing is erratic for humans, the country could invest that saved money on more useful purposes like

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