Why Is Animal Farm Not Perfect

Improved Essays
A perfect world sounds great, but once one realizes that humans and animals are not perfect, the hope for that world goes out the window. Animal Farm is a satirical piece of literature written by George Orwell that pokes fun at the idea of Stalinism and communism. In the story, animals based on real-life historical figures decide to create an utopia that will be their “perfect world”. It is too bad that this world becomes way more unequal than the followers thought. The world in Animal Farm’s downfall was the result of the simple fact that animals, just like humans, are not perfect.
First of all, the constant changing of rules shows that the animals in charge are sliding the “equality” in their favor. On page 118, this reaches the ultimate
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This reveals that the animals are not allowed to seek help or advocate against Napoleon’s injustice against them. As soon as they confess that they have done something that Napoleon would see as wrong, their lives are quickly ended. The animals are also sneaking out to plot with Snowball, showing that they are not perfect. The killing of animals is certainly not perfect at all, and it is part of why the farm went down in quality as it went along. Both of these factors of a tyrannical and cruel leader and a easily persuaded public are a recipe for disaster and pain. When one kills to keep ideas from spreading, nothing is done. Ideas cannot be stopped, and when attempts are made to stop them, especially when the ideas are thought of in an effort to keep some sense of equality, the people spreading the ideas become more and more resilient against their captors. After Napoleon decides to kill everyone that has shown their doubt in his ruling, a song about the pig springs up. With verses like “Friend of fatherless! Fountain of happiness! Lord of the swill-bucket!” (Orwell 83), it can be seen that the animals either have absolutely no faith in Napoleon at all, or have an insane amount of love for him. With …show more content…
After the harvest of apples and the gathering of milk, the pigs and dogs are the only ones allowed to take part in the luxury that is eating them. This is explained by Squealer by him saying, “‘Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health,””(Orwell 31).The greed of the pigs does not lead to any society being perfect. Under rulers who are full of greed, a society is sure to fail. If anyone in the farm was to see the injustice in this, which they did, they would be sure to rebel in quiet ways. The pigs also get to have special privileges such as living in the farmhouse and drinking beer. The commandments clearly said that no animal may drink, but the pigs bent the rules to fit their interests. The most sad portion of this was the fact that it was revealed that they had Boxer killed to get their fill of the alcoholic beverage, as “No one stirred in the farmhouse before noon on the following day, and the word went round that from someone or other the pigs acquired the money to buy themselves another case of whisky.” (Orwell 111). This reveals that the pigs have more ability over the other animals in their comfort and leisure. The other animals get barely any food by the end of the book for all the work they do. The pigs even went as far to actually have one of their hardest workers slaughtered in the name of getting more for themselves. It displays a disturbing

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