Why High School Students Attend College

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Parents and teachers should push high school graduates to attend college, because a higher education would increase investment in higher economic value. When investing money into college, it not only secures a higher paying job for the future but also secures a greater social mobility and a higher chance in having stability for a family. As stated before a college degree is a long term investment and the payoff from it needs to be looked at in a long term. According to the Census Bureau, in an overall adult’s working life, high school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million, associate’s degree holders earn about $1.6 million and bachelor’s degree holders earn about $2.1 million (Day and Newburger, 2002). The differences of total amount earned in a working life support the idea of college being an …show more content…
One might not see this at the current time of going to college and accumulating debt but in the long term the return from this investment vastly pays off. Attending college and getting a college degree will help you attain higher paying careers like being a nurse, a veterinarian, an accountant, a banker or possibly a doctor. Some examples of jobs that do not require a college degree are grocery stock employee, janitor, mall security, mall kiosk and cashier. Less paying jobs can be easier to attain, but the comparison of what you may earn in yearly income does not even being to compare to the amount that you could earn in the professions that require a degree. The difference in money earned with a college degree can be that of 20 to 40 thousand more a year. This amount of income will keep making the difference greater and greater as the

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