Seeing how some can misuse their weapons, even with extensive training, not everyone can be trusted to just carry them around especially reckless young adults. Although it is against the second amendment saying that you have the right to bear arms, Guns should not be permitted on college campuses due to the fact that some individuals are just unable to handle the responsibilities that come with weapons of that caliber, and having guns at school scares people away from an education.
Being able to carry concealed weapons to school may throw safety straight out of the window for some; For both those carrying and those who aren't. Going to a school with hidden weapons all around does not make it a very welcoming place to college kids who aren't 100% sure about being there in the first place. They go to class to discuss topics that aren't always undisputed. By speaking out in class about controversial topics, students may not be able to freely express their opinions and will “hesitate knowing someone may have a gun.” Teachers fear for the future of their student’s educations because, “if [they] can’t have those kinds of conversations without fear, then what is the point?” Having controversial conversations is how change is made in society. Being too afraid to express an opinion because the other individual may shoot you for it, is not a safe place to be. This fear being put into students is going to push them away from higher education not towards it. The world’s next great scientist may be someone who fears formalized education. In West virginia after the law passed for legal concealed carry on college campuses, those opposed to the law, “fear the new law will lead to pistol-packing citizens roaming the streets, looking for any excuse to pull the trigger.” It may be, “only a matter of time.” Having to go to class every day in constant fear …show more content…
The right to bear arms! It is, “necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."However, “all 50 states allow citizens to carry concealed weapons if they meet certain state requirements.”This does not negate the right to bear arms or oppress freedoms, guns are still allowed just not at public schools and they really aren’t needed at schools. In fact if someone needs a gun at school it’s not going be for a good reason anyway. There is a place and time for guns and that is not in a school setting. These laws are not taking away the right to carry concealed weapons they are just limiting where you can take them, for everyone’s safety, especially the college students’. With the proper training and meeting the requirements of the law, anyone can carry a concealed weapon. These new laws are not taking away or violating the second amendment in any way. They are only limiting where you can take weapons, for the safety of students and teachers. To keep the educational environment a safe, and welcoming