Microaggressions are dangerous in that if not properly addressed can negatively impact the person who was offended and allow room for anger and retribution. Disclaimer: Other racial groups are also subject to microaggressions including white people,this however is to a lesser degree. The best solution to addressing microaggressions is to stay calm! Know who you are and try to understand why the offender may have stated such an ignorant statement. Secondly, education is key! Most caucasians live under the bubble of white privilege and may truly not comprehend why their action may have been hurtful. …show more content…
Now that we are able to recognize privilege comments it is equally imperative to know what it means. White privilege are benefits that are unearned and freely given to caucasians that are not accessible to other races. Most Caucasians are unaware of this and by default are innocent of most of the microaggressions; remember to politely educate. Communication is basis of all