As we grow up, our experiences, life lessons, and failures are like puzzle pieces which shape us into who we become. These experiences help us find our passion, which is ingrained in our heart. Mrs. X, a 70- year-old sickle-cell anemic patient who weighs 75 pounds, comes into the Faith Family and Health Clinic for her regular check-up. I hold her hands and help her walk into the examination room. I notice that she is too weak to hop into the examination table by herself, and so I pick her up and set her down in a comfortable position. The moment I help her sit comfortably, a sense of dedication mixed with excitement runs through my body. Her small jokes, as I note her vitals and chief complaint, …show more content…
Every day you meet patients of various backgrounds who create a positive impression that can last for a lifetime. Half of my childhood was spent observing my mother take care of my sick grandmother who was suffering from liver cirrhosis. As I grew up watching my mother nurse my sick grandmother, the value of compassion, love, and respect for the sick has been instilled in me. Many people in America are lacking adequate health-care even with Medicaid and Medicare. Due to lack of government funding, the quality of care is debased while the quantity of patients seen per day is given greater priority. Being from a middle class family, I feel a strong obligation to give back to the society; with the medical knowledge I gain from school, it is my responsibility to take care of Americans who are struggling …show more content…
At that young age, I had the opportunity to become a dental assistant, a state registered Health Care worker. I was able to take a leadership role in the grand opening of Carl Wunsche Sr. High School free dental clinic for underserved and uninsured students. This opportunity had led me to not only interact with patients, minimize their fears of dental treatment, but also opened my eyes to see how much I loved interacting with patients and taking care of them. Since then it has become a hobby of mine and has led to me venture into different jobs from general dentistry to pediatrics. I have also worked and volunteered in many places and gained many experiences which aided me to improve my interpersonal, observational and patients care