To be successful, to be intelligent, to be a change. Those are the three main reasons I want to attend college. In this day and age, many jobs require a higher level of education to be able to work. Those jobs that don’t require a degree, depend upon more manual labor, backbreaking work and lower wages. I would rather remain in school longer, expand my knowledge, and get a career on everything I have learned, than go straight to the work field to earn less and do more.…
Deciding To Go To College The moment I decided to go to college. It is pretty much the same for everyone, but to better myself. I have three main reasons for going to college. The most important to me is, to better myself.…
I have decided to attend college to further my education, to own my own business, and to be successful. Having a good Education is very important. By having good education it gives me a better chance at having better job opportunities, more money and more respect. When employers look for job candidates they look for the best employees first, and to be the best I must have an education. Without some type of education finding a good paying job will be difficult.…
Is college really worth it Every parent wants their child to have a better future than they had, its more or less the American dream for ones child to go to college to brighten their future. The only challenge holding parents back from sending their kids to college is the cost. While college debt can seem like overwhelming from time to time, college is well worth the money because it can help with one's social skills, it can create more opportunities, and by going to college one could potentially get a higher paying job after graduation. College is well worth the money because it can help with ones social skills.…
With that being said, let’s jump right into the mix of things and talk about one of the main reasons why I believe going to college serves as an advantageous opportunity. College helps us prepare for any envisioned careers we seek. We need the preparation to be success in any line of work. In an article I found “Live and Learn: Why We Have College” by author Louis Menand. He gives his audience three different theories to choose from on why we “have college”.…
Unit 1 Written Assignment Why do you want to go to college? I want to go to college because, I believe as a graduate, it will benefit my career. As a major, in a Bachelor of Science in business it will also provide me with the skills and knowledge for a wide range of business applications. In turn this could provide me with an infinite number of opportunities in many business applications. Having a degree in Business will also make me attractive for employers in my intended direction of a career in international business.…
Why are you in College? “You must go to college to succeed in life.” This quote is something my parents would regularly say to me as a kid growing up. I grew up thinking every other person in the room with me at school would also graduate with me because I didn’t think there was another route. When I got to high school and realized some people actually did not intend on going to high school it blew my mind.…
You may be asking yourself why people decide to go to college? The answer might be because they want to be successful. People who want to be successful are financially stable, have great knowledge, and have great accomplishments. With all wonderful benefits that come along with a college degree it is no surprise that people want to go to college to be successful. One of the purposes to having a college degree is being financially stable.…
As my parents and their parents have grown up and experienced life they pass down the strong suggestion of attending college. Even though teachers, family, and friends have influenced me this decision to enroll in college is my own desire. I feel it is my duty as an American to broaden my learning and bring my knowledge to the field of study in which I will pursue a career. Having a diploma also ensures a safety net. Not everyone, even with having a higher education will achieve employment right away.…
Why do I want to be in college? That is a very good question to ask. Some people may say something along the lines of, "Its needed to be successful in life", or "because my parents are making me". Even though these are some of the possible responses I would have to say that my reasoning is completely different. I am going to college because I want to make a difference.…
The future is what motivated me the most to get a college degree. I sat back one day and thought about where I’d be in 10 years and I saw great things. In my mind, the only way to achieve those great things is to ensure I have given myself access to all the knowledge possible. I need this knowledge so that I can pass it on to the newer generations, our children. Purpose: -…
Motivation : What motivates me to pursue a college degree is my desire to do something that I love. Purpose: The purpose of pursuing my college degree is being qualified to do the job I want. Values: By seeking a college degree I am showing that I value my goals and education.…
“What college are you attending this fall?” “Do you have an idea what you’re majoring in?” Questions that almost every senior in high school came across; by teachers, other students, and even their family members. As graduation gets closer that’s when it starts to all become real, I applied for COD and realized that this is when I need to find the path that will lead me to a career I will want to do for the rest of my life.…
I came to college both to further my education and my career goals. While furthering my education I will be gaining knowledge that is pertinent to my interests and my future career. In today’s society it is hard to get ahead with out any further education beyond high school, almost every field requires a degree now days. With out a degree a person would not have the needed skills or experience for most chosen careers. In order to be a competitive candidate in todays job market one needs marketable skills, which include a higher education.…
Final Reflection Paper I chose to attend college so I could get an education that will prepare me for a career I will love. I am still undecided on my major but going to college is something that I have always wanted for myself. I chose to attend Penn State Berks because it is a high-quality education that is close to home. As a first-year student, I thought that having family and friends nearby would help to ease the stress of transitioning into college. One of my greatest achievements was being accepted into college.…